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Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 11:05:11

Eric in New Mexico writes:

Dear Mr. Carson

This post was in slightly different context, but I'm curious whether you think my observation on democratic evolution…

From the entry 'Travel Diary: Coming Back to Kenya'.

Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 9:25:02

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Trevor in SA, Don't believe everything you think.

"Food soveregnity" doesn't matter to those without enough to eat, and only a global…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

Posted on Thu, August 06, 2009 - 8:14:19

Trevor W. in South Africa writes:

I refer to my previous postings.

I know that the looney right who believe a nuclear war is winnable are putting pressure on the…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

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A New Moment of Promise
Alabama's Africatown and Citizen Diplomacy
Community Partnership Launches Solar Energy Campsite
Conflict in Eastern Congo: U.S. Tools for Reconstruction and Stabilization
Counter-Piracy Contact Group Meets in New York
Dealing with Somali Piracy at the Multilateral Level
Deployment Stories: Assessing Conflict in Eastern Congo
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International Response to Piracy Expanded, Unified
Kenyans Celebrate U.S. Presidential Inauguration
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President Obama in Ghana
Safeguarding the Seaways From Piracy
Secretary Clinton Announces Counter-Piracy Initiatives
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Sudan: Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Sudanese Government Must Be Held Accountable for Crisis
Supporting Refugees in Rwanda
Taft Fund Supports Hospital Renovation, Refugee Return in the Congo
U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa Launches Recycling Program
Zimbabwe: A Status Report

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"Greening Diplomacy"
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A New Era of Engagement
A Whole of Government Approach to Stability
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United We Serve
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East Asia and the Pacific
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A Glimpse of Secretary Clinton's Tokyo Visit
A Visit to the New Forbidden City
Advancing the Cause of Women Advances Everyone
All Smiles in Thailand at Secretary Clinton’s "Townterview"
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Europe & Eurasia
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Briefing the President in Ankara
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Un Moment Historique
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Welcome to Brussels, Madame Secretary!
With President Obama at the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul
Young Europeans React to Secretary Clinton's Visit

Question of the Week
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How Best Can the International Community Support Security in Pakistan?
How Best Can Women's Rights Be Expanded Internationally?
How Can the U.S. Effectively Support Democratic Efforts in the World Today?
How Might the U.S. Utilize Innovative Technologies To Discuss U.S. Foreign Policy?
How Ought the International Community Engage National Regimes To Transform From Pariahs to Partners?
How Should the International Community Respond to North Korea's Recent Actions?
How Should the International Community Respond to Piracy at Sea?
How Should Western Hemisphere Nations Leverage Combined Resources To Address Shared Challenges?
What Actions Should the International Community Take To Resolve the Situation in Darfur?
What Actions Will Promote Better Understanding Between the U.S. and Asia?
What Actions Will Promote Better Understanding Between the U.S. and Muslims of the World?
What Can the International Community Do To Help Secure Aung San Suu Kyi's Freedom?
What Foreign Policy Objectives Should the Obama Administration Establish as its Top Priorities?
What Has the H1N1 Flu Outbreak Taught Us About International Collaboration?
What International Crisis Would Benefit From Greater Public-Private Collaboration?
What Is the Best Path Forward for Gaza?
What is the Best Path Forward for U.S. Foreign Policy Regarding Afghanistan and Pakistan?
What Is the Most Effective Way To Promote Democracy Within Repressive Regimes?
What Is the Most Important Aspect of the U.S.-Mexico Relationship?
What Issues Should be Addressed During the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue?
What Opportunities Will Full Diplomatic Representation Between the U.S. and Venezuela Present?
What Role Will Innovative Technologies Play in Streamlining U.S. Aid to Africans in Need?
What Should NATO's Future Hold?
What Should the International Community's Next Steps Be To Support Afghanistan?
What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?
What Will Be the Greatest Challenges and Opportunities of Utilizing Smart Power?
What's the Best Way To Tilt the Balance From Multi-Polar to Multi-Partner Foreign Policy?

South and Central Asia
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A Stitch in Time
Afghan Youth in Herat Learn About July Fourth
Afghanistan and NATO
Afghanistan Establishes First National Park
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Secretary Clinton Meets With Afghan Women Leaders
Secretary Clinton Op-Ed Appears in Times of India
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Secretary Clinton Visits Indian Council for Agricultural Research
Secretary Clinton: Text Your Disaster Relief Donation for Pakistan
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U.S. Embassy Kabul Celebrates National Park Opening
U.S. Embassy Kabul Hosts Popular Web Chat
U.S. Embassy Kabul Salutes Friendship, Solidarity
U.S. Holds Trilateral Meeting With Afghanistan and Pakistan
Wazhma Frogh: Opening the Doors for Women in Afghanistan

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Near East and Asia
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A Perspective From the Press Filing Center in Egypt
American Corner Opens in Akko, Israel
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Listening To Learn the Language
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Secretary Clinton Travels to Iraq, Kuwait
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Secretary Clinton, President Abbas Meet in Ramallah
Sound Merchants Share Jazz With Iraqis
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The Colors of Warka
U.S. Ambassador Supports Environmental Efforts in Jordan
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U.S. Leads Multinational Evacuation From Gaza
U.S.-Iraq Relationship Extends Beyond Security Cooperation
Watch Live Webcast of President Obama's Speech in Cairo
Working With Iraqi Farmers Reminds Me Why I Serve
Yad Vashem Testifies to Resilience of Human Spirit

Behind the Scenes
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A Note From the Spokesman
A Tribute to the Strength and Resourcefulness of the World’s Refugees
Clinton Confirmed, Sworn-In as U.S. Secretary of State
Continuing the Conversation: Ask the Secretary
Cutting-Edge Green Diplomacy in Geneva
Democracy Video Challenge Winners Announced
Democracy Video Challenge: Cast Your Vote Now
DipNote Looks Forward To Continuing the Conversation
DipNote Passes 5,000,000 Page Views
Every Day Is Earth Day
ExchangesConnect Reaches 10,000 Members
First Week Launches New 'Smart Power'
Fulbright-mtvU Fellows Promote “Power of Music”
Global Gathering Seeks Water Security for All
Global Hip-Hop Hits Kennedy Center
Global Video Contest Winners Inspire Cross-Cultural Understanding
Here's a Look at Secretary Clinton's Day
Hometown Diplomat Program Strengthens Community Ties
International Organizations: The Collective Power of Multilateral Affairs
International Students Learn About Marine Conservation
Mentoring Partnership Prepares Next Generation of Women Leaders
Misjudging Your Risk Overseas
Model United Nations Session Examines Children's Rights
My First Day at the Podium
Nations Work in Partnership To Prevent Nuclear Terrorism
President Obama Meets With Secretary Clinton
Sean McCormack Signs Off
Secretary Clinton Appears on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Secretary Clinton Arrives at State Department
Secretary Clinton Departs for India, Thailand
Secretary Clinton Departs for Middle East, Europe
Secretary Clinton Encourages University Graduates Not To Sit on the Sidelines
Secretary Clinton Holds Town Hall Meeting
Secretary Clinton Launches Virtual Student Foreign Service Initiative
Secretary Clinton Recaps Her Travel to India, Thailand
Secretary Clinton Responds to Your Text Messages
Secretary Clinton's First 100 Days
Secretary's 2009 International Women of Courage Awards
Sharing Experiences at Home Motivates Service Abroad
Sojourner Truth's Example, Legacy Echo Through History
Stronger Together: The United States and International Organizations
The Journey After "One Giant Leap for Mankind"
U.S. Department of State Becomes "Global Classroom" for Model UN Students
United We Serve: Answering the Call
Watch Secretary Clinton Discuss Careers Representing America
Website Challenge Opens Doors to Diplomacy
Welcome Back to DipNote
World Water Forum Calls Participants to Action

Travel Diary
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Travel Diary: African Presidents Welcome U.S. Call for Partnership
Travel Diary: Behind the Scenes at the AGOA Forum
Travel Diary: Behind the Scenes With Secretary Clinton in Kenya
Travel Diary: Coming Back to Kenya
Travel Diary: Nairobi Abuzz as AGOA Forum Begins
Travel Diary: Nairobi Ceremony Commemorates Victims of Embassy Bombing
Travel Diary: Partnership for Peace -- Working With African Nations To Strengthen Peacekeeping
Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Departs for Africa
Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton's Day in Kenya
Travel Diary: U.S. Committed to Africa's Future
Travel Diary: U.S. Efforts To Influence Zimbabwe's Leadership
Travel Diary: U.S. Support for Somalia and Its People

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Western Hemisphere
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American Harmonies in Chihuahua
Behind the Scenes at the 39th General Assembly of the Organization of American States
Behind the Scenes: Bienvenido to Mexico City
Behind the Scenes: Secretary Clinton's Digital Town Hall at TecMilenio University
Behind the Scenes: Secretary Clinton's Press Conference in Mexico City
Building a Science Network of the Americas
Deployment Stories: Supporting Stabilization Efforts in Haiti
Diplomacy 2.0 at Work: Secretary Clinton's Digital Town Hall in Santo Domingo
Faces of Port-au-Prince
Follow Fifth Summit of the Americas on Facebook
Haiti Stabilization Initiative Creates Momentum for Change in Cité Soleil
How Are We Connected in the Americas?
How Can I Participate in the Summit of the Americas?
How Do I Benefit From the Summit of the Americas?
Information on Flu Outbreak in Mexico
Join the Conversation: Participate in Secretary Clinton's Digital Town Hall of the Americas
Mexico Travel Alert: H1N1 Flu Update
Norma Cruz: Seeking Justice and Dignity for Guatemalan Women
North America: Foreign Policy Goes Local
Operation Jaque: One Year Later
Reaching Out to the Cuban People
Reclaiming Ungoverned Spaces: Darien Province
Secretary Clinton Departs for Mexico
Secretary Clinton Meets With Indigenous Students in Mexico City
Secretary Clinton Responds to Questions About Caribbean Region
Secretary Clinton Responds to Text Messages About Mexico Trip
Secretary Clinton To Conduct Digital Town Hall of the Americas
Secretary Clinton Travels to El Salvador, Honduras
Secretary Clinton Underscores U.S. Commitment to Haiti
Secretary Clinton Visits Federal Police Command Center in Iztapalapa
Secretary Clinton's Digital Town Hall in Santo Domingo
Secretary Clinton, Carribbean Counterparts Discuss Security Cooperation, Trade and Development
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally in St. Louis
To Learn From History, Not Be Trapped by It
Transnational Crime Through a Domestic Lens
U.S. Calls for Global Cooperation and Collaboration on Haiti
U.S., Canada Celebrate Boundary Waters Treaty Centennial
U.S., Mexico Collaborate on Renewable Energy
U.S., Mexico Share Continent, Future
U.S.-Mexico 10K Race Goes Green
Watch Live Webcast of Secretary Clinton's Town Hall in Monterrey, Mexico
What Is the Summit of the Americas?

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