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Travel Diary: U.S. Efforts To Influence Zimbabwe’s Leadership
Posted by DipNote Bloggers on Aug 07, 2009 - 11:40 AM

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Follwing a meeting with South African Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane today in Pretoria, South Africa, Secretary Clinton made comments on Zimbabwe and Somalia. Secretary Clinton said:

"We...are attempting to target the leadership of Zimbabwe with sanctions that we think might influence their behaviour, without hurting the people of Zimbabwe and, during the recent visit to the United States of Prime Minister Tsvangirai, we talked with the president, with President Obama, and we made a commitment to try to provide more help on education and health, the kinds of things that the people of Zimbabwe deserve. So, we're going to be closely consulting as to how best to deal with what is a very difficult situation for South Africa and for the United States, but mostly for the people of Zimbabwe."

Read more from Secretary Clinton's trip to Africa.

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