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U.S. Department of State

  Office of Allowances
  Per Diem Rates
  Allowance Rates
  Standardized Regulations (DSSR)
  General Information
  Quarterly Report Indexes
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(Full Versions of DSSR)

Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR)
--  229 Post Allowance Payment Tables
--  240 Foreign Transfer Allowance
--  250 Home Service Transfer Allowance
--  260 Separate Maintenance Allowance
--  270 Education Allowance
--  280 Educational Travel

300 Representation Allowances
--  310 General
--  320 Allowable Items of Expenditure
--  330 Prohibitions
--  340 Payment

400 Official Residence Expenses (ORE)
-- 410 ORE Description< u>

500 Post Differential
--  510 General
--  520 Hardship Differential Grants
--  530 Hardship Differential Applicable to Post
- - 540 Hardship Differential on Detail from the U.S. or Other Posts
--  550 Payments
--  560 Exclusion of Differential for Step Pay Increases

600 Payments During Evacuation/Authorized Departure
--  600 General
--  615 Advance Payments
--  620 Continuation of Salary and Allowance Payments
--  630 Special Allowances
--  640 Approval of Agency Regulations

650 Danger Pay Allowance
--  650 Danger Pay Allowance

700 Defense Department Teachers
--  710 General

800 Compensatory Time Off at Certain Posts in Foreign Areas
--  810 General
--  820 Circumstances Where Applicable

850 Advances of Pay
--  850 Advances of Pay

900 Post Classification and Payment Tables
--  910 Explanation and Instructions for Use
--  920 List of Countries/Posts Classified for Allowances & Differentials

960 Worksheets/Exhibits
--  DSSR 120: Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance Worksheet [ 50 Kb]
--  DSSR 130: Living Quarters Allowances Annual/Interim Expenditures Worksheet
--  DSSR 138: Extraordinary Quarters Allowance Worksheet [ 36 Kb]
--  DSSR 240: Foreign Transfer Allowance Worksheet [ 35 Kb]
--  DSSR 250: Home Service Transfer Allowance Worksheet
--  DSSR 270: Education Allowance Worksheet [ 13 Kb]
--  DSSR 600 - EPW - Evacuation Payment Worksheet [ 73 Kb]
--  Omnibus Exhibit

1000 Difficult to Staff Incentive Differential
--  1000 General

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