Governor Signs One Handgun A Month Law

Governor Jon S. Corzine today signed aggressive firearm legislation limiting the sale and purchase of handguns in New Jersey. The bill sets a “one-gun-a-month” limitation on the purchase of handguns. New Jersey now joins California, Maryland and Virginia, as the only states that currently limit the number of handguns that may be purchased.

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Gov Hails Dramatic Decline as Murder in NJ Drops 24%

Governor Jon S. Corzine and Attorney General Anne Milgram hailed a dramatic decline in homicides in New Jersey as they announced the results of the second phase of a statewide initiative launched last summer to target street gangs and violent crime.

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Governor Hails $26.8 Million Cops Funding for NJ Towns

On Tuesday July 27, Governor Corzine welcomed the announcement by Vice President Joe Biden and U.S.Attorney General Eric Holder that 18 NJ towns will be receiving American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding to hire 123 police officers.

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Governor Signs New Economic Recovery Legislation

On Monday July 27, Governor Corzine signed economic recovery legislation to further reinvigorate the Garden State economy through a series of enhanced economic development measures.

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Governor's Remarks on FBI Corruption Arrests

Governor Jon Corzine and Attorney General Anne Milgram hold a press conference to comment on the federal corruption probe at the State Attorney General's office in Newark.

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Governor Corzine Issues Freeze on State Approvals for Projects in Municipalities with Mayors Facing Corruption Charges

Governor Jon S. Corzine signed an Executive Order on August 3 requiring the immediate suspension of any pending applications for State approval of development projects in a municipality where the sitting mayor is charged with public corruption. "We will not tolerate any impropriety, or even the appearance of impropriety, regarding the conduct of elected officials in New Jersey," Governor Corzine said.

One Million Applications for Restored Property Tax Rebates in the Mail

Watch your mailbox. Governor Corzine announced this week that one million middle-income New Jersey homeowners will soon receive applications for Homestead Rebates, the direct property tax relief program recently restored in the 2010 budget.


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