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National Center for Education Research

What's New for July 2009

NCER announces new FY 2009 Awards for Education Research and Development Center Program (July 15, 2009)
NCER recently awarded two new research grants from the FY2009 Education Research and Development Center Program (84.305C). The awardees are:

The National Center for Research on Rural Education
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Susan M. Sheridan

National Center on Teacher Effectiveness: Validating Measures of Effective Math Teaching
Harvard Graduate School of Education, Thomas Kane and Heather Hill

NCER announces new FY 2009 Awards (July 1, 2009)
NCER recently awarded a total of 52 awards to applications considered under the three FY 2009 competitions: Education Research Grants Program (CFDA 84.305A); Predoctoral Training Grants Program (CFDA 84.305B); and Evaluation of State and Local Education Programs and Policies (84.305E).

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