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Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative

The Judicial Oversight Demonstration (JOD) Initiative, which was jointly funded and managed by the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) and the Office of Justice Programs' National Institute of Justice (NIJ), tested the idea that a coordinated community response to domestic violence that ensures a focused judicial response and a systematic criminal justice response can improve victim safety and service provision, as well as increase offender accountability.

During fiscal year 1999, OVW selected three demonstration sites to participate in this five-year demonstration initiative: City of Boston/Dorchester Municipal Court, Massachusetts; Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Each site worked to implement a coordinated multi-agency initiative by forming both governmental and non-governmental partnerships with multiple entities working to address domestic violence. Project partnerships included victim advocacy organizations, local law enforcement agencies, prosecution offices, courts, probation and parole offices, representatives from the private and public defense bar, batterer intervention services, and other governmental and non-governmental social service providers.

The priorities of the JOD initiative included victim safety and well-being, strong judicial commitment to ensuring victim safety and offender accountability, and improved availability of victim services in coordination with all segments of the criminal justice system and the community. Central to the development and implementation of the JOD initiative were court efforts that leveraged the coercive power of the criminal justice system and challenged judges to play an active and expanded role in enhancing victim safety by providing intense probation supervision, mandating batterer intervention programs, and exercising the judge's power to use graduated sanctions and awards.

Each demonstration site worked to implement a strong research component to evaluate whether enhanced judicial oversight of domestic violence offenders, together with extensive graduated sanctions for offenders and comprehensive services for victims, reduced repeat offenses and increase accountability of both offenders and the system. The Vera Institute of Justice, with funding from OVW, provided each demonstration site with extensive technical assistance.

For more information, please view the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative Fact Sheet.

Sites of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative

Promising Practices from the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative

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