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Last Updated: July 26, 2006

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Research & Reports

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FTA engages in research to provide the transit industry and policy makers with the information and skills to make good business decisions about transit technology, operational, and capital investments; to share research results that identify best practices and, to show a range of outcomes that help chart the course of future investments. The following is research that FTA supports and in which FTA has an interest.  FTA posts reseach funding opportunities at www.grants.gov under CFDA Number 20.514.

A shot of a LYNX LYMMO Bus in Downtown Orlando, Florida. Visit LYNX on the web at: http://www.golynx.com/?pid=1155575 A shot of a LYNX LYMMO Bus in Downtown Orlando, Florida. Visit LYNX on the web at: http://www.golynx.com/?pid=1155575

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