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State Capitol
Speech by Governor Kulongoski
June 8, 2005
Remarks by Governor Ted Kulongoski to a Joint Session of the Legislature in Honor of Senator Mark Hatfield
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Salem, Oregon
Thank you, Representative Avakian.
I also want to acknowledge the many dignitaries who are here today to help honor a living legend in Oregon – Senator Mark Hatfield. So thank you Representative Roger Martin, Congresswoman Elizabeth Furse, Governor Vic Atiyeh, Chief Justice Wallace P. Carson Jr., Senate President Peter Courtney, House Speaker Karen Minnis – and all of the members of Legislative Assembly.
* * *
Our nation’s first Republican President once said, "I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day, as each day came."
Now I ask you: Who does that sound like? There’s one obvious answer: The Senator. Mark O. Hatfield.
I truly believe that Senator Hatfield – supported throughout his political career by the strong and gracious Antoinette Hatfield – embodies the same, modesty, strength of character, and determination to do what’s right that we find in President Lincoln’s brand of leadership.
All of us can talk at length about the accomplishments and integrity of Senator Hatfield – not to mention the wonderful experiences we had working with him. But in the end, the Senator was, and still is, a man who did his best each day, as each day came.
And because he believed in fundamental fairness and always stayed true to his principles, our state – and country – are healthier, safer, and more just places to live.
Senator Hatfield is quite simply one of Oregon’s greatest gifts to our fellow citizens. He led by example. He put state and country above party – and principle above the passion of the moment. And he handed our children and grandchildren a more tolerant and prosperous nation than was handed to him.
No one could ask more of a public servant – and no one did more than Mark Hatfield. That is why it is truly an honor and privilege to join so many of Senator Hatfield’s friends and colleagues in paying tribute to this extraordinary leader – and son of Oregon.
* * *
Oregon has often been described as a tapestry, interwoven with various strands of differing geographic, political and philosophical beliefs and features. But for the past 50 years however, there has been a common thread of principle, influence and moral courage that has connected this tapestry. That common thread is: The Senator.
I call him that knowing full well that there are hundreds of state senators across the country – and 100 more in Congress. But no man or woman with the word "Senator" in front of their name has built a history of positive achievements that can match our own Mark Hatfield. Just look at the record.
Through skilled and strategic work on the Senate Appropriations Committee, Mark Hatfield blessed Oregon with new highways, world class research facilities, stronger universities and community colleges, and a lifelong commitment to increased levels of critical funding for health care and children.
He was unwavering in his support for civil rights, and made lasting contributions to protecting Oregon’s unique and beautiful wilderness areas and scenic rivers. And he was critical to restoring federal recognition to our tribal brothers and sisters. But of all of Senator Hatfield’s contributions to our state and nation, the one that history is certain to never forget is his lifelong commitment to peace.
Senator Hatfield’s early and courageous opposition to the Vietnam War, and his 25 year quest to pass the nuclear test ban treaty, are just two examples of the Senator’s principled pursuit of peace.
One of the things I’ve always greatly admired about Senator Hatfield was that there wasn’t a single square foot of this state that he didn’t feel responsible for. Whether you lived in rural or urban Oregon, in the Valley or along the Snake River, in traditionally Republican areas or traditionally Democratic areas – Senator Hatfield was your trusted and reliable voice in our nation’s capital.
* * *
It has been said before but it bears repeating: Senator Hatfield is a man of faith, family and service. His deep religious convictions. His commitment to his family – with Antoinette and their four children, Elizabeth, Therese, Mark O. Jr., and Visko at his side providing counsel and support. And his lifetime of service to our State have forever changed the lives of Oregonians for the better.
Senator Hatfield – I am proud and honored to join with Democrats and Republicans, House and Senate members, conservatives and liberals, and citizens across this state in thanking you for all that you have done for Oregon.
You have left an extraordinary legacy – as a state legislator, Secretary of State, Governor, and United States Senator. For half a century, you set the standard for leadership, grace, and devotion to the needs of Oregonians – and to protecting Oregon’s way of life.
You’ve also been a mentor and role model for a generation of Oregon leaders who achieved success by following in your footsteps, . . .
. . . and doing their best to answer to their own conscience – as you always answered to yours.
Thank you, Mark O. Hatfield. You are – and always will be – Oregon’s Senator.

Page updated: March 04, 2009

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