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State Capitol
Remarks by Governor Kulongoski
June 18, 2008
Oregon Youth Challenge Graduation
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Good morning – and thank you for that kind introduction.
Today is a celebration – a celebration of you. 
You stepped up.  You took on the Oregon Youth Challenge.  And you succeeded.  So to each of you say:  Great job and congratulations!
* * *
Just yesterday, I quoted President Kennedy to a group of business leaders.  He said, “We don’t do things because they are easy.  We do them because they are hard.”
But that’s a lesson you’ve already learned.  You know nothing worthwhile is ever easy.
For most of you, this program was a second chance – and for some a last chance – to embrace another path and to discover the pride you are experiencing right now: . . .
. . . the pride that comes with success.
From the time you showed up here, you have been challenged in ways you never imagined.  But you beat the odds – and maybe even your own doubts – and won! 
And because you did – you leave here today with the skills you need to live positive, productive lives – as individuals and as members of your community.
By choosing a new path – and facing up to difficult challenges for your minds, bodies, and spirits to overcome – you have found new self-respect and a solid foundation for a new life.
For that you have my thanks and deep appreciation.  I am truly proud of all that you have accomplished.  
* * *
Making decisions to do what is best for you and for others is a powerful statement about who you are – and what you want.
So I encourage you to give yourself credit for taking on a challenge that has changed your life, strengthened your family, and brought new hope to your friends and communities.
And just as important – I say:  hold onto the good feelings you have today.  They will carry you through a lifetime of success. 
In the meantime, remember that today is the beginning of a journey.  Not the end.
Remember the trust that has been placed in you – and join your fellow citizens in making Oregon a healthier, stronger, and better place to live.
Remember to continue to make smart choices – the kind of choices that led you to accept the Oregon Youth Challenge, and to succeed. 
And remember that the only limits on your future are the ones you place on yourself.  If you can imagine it – you can do it.  
You’ve proven that already by the work you’ve done.  The distance you’ve traveled.  The commitments you made.  And the example you’ve set for other young people.
So again thank you and congratulations.  This is not only a great day for you – it is a great day for Oregon.  I look forward to watching you become the citizens – and the leaders – that will move our state forward.

Page updated: February 13, 2009

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