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The United States has made a long-term commitment to help Afghanistan rebuild itself after years of war.  The U.S., along with others in the international community, currently provides resources and expertise to Afghanistan in a variety of areas, including humanitarian relief and assistance, capacity-building, security needs, counter-narcotic programs, and infrastructure projects.  The U.S. also supports the Afghan Government in its efforts to establish a framework for a vibrant civil society, one that emphasizes democratic principles through a rule of law and creates accountable and transparent forms of government.

The United States and its international partners remain committed to helping Afghans realize their vision for a country that is stable, democratic, and economically successful, and to an Afghan government committed to the protection of women's rights, human rights, and religious tolerance. 

Date: 05/21/2009 Description: Afghanistan State Dept Photo

Date: 05/21/2009 Description: Afghanistan State Dept Photo

In Afghanistan, a Time to Debate and Decide
-Op-Ed by U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl W. Eikenberry (Aug. 3)

Military Operations
General McChrystal has made adjustments to minimize civilian impact of military operations
-Daily Press Briefing, Aug. 3

Security in Afghanistan
Special Representative Holbrooke (July 29): "It’s absolutely essential that over time Afghanistan assume responsibility for its own security and combat troops draw down. Of course, economic assistance, training, advisory work will continue for quite a while. The current force levels of police and army are clearly going to have to be increased." -Full Text  -Video

General McChrystal has made adjustments minimize civilian impact of military operations (Daily Press Brieifing Aug. 3)