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Freedom of Information Act

Department Components

The Department of Justice has a decentralized system for handling FOIA requests. All FOIA requests should be addressed directly to the component that maintains the records you are seeking. A description of the functions of the Department's components can be found at:

If you are not certain which component has the records you are seeking, you should send your request to the Mail Referral Unit of the Justice Management Division, which will then forward your request to the component(s) it believes are most likely to maintain the records you seek. That address is:

FOIA/PA Mail Referral Unit
Department of Justice
Room 115
LOC Building
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(301) 583-7354
(301) 341-0772 fax

All other requests should be sent directly to the Department's components at the addresses set out below.

Office of the Attorney General -- Requests for Attorney General records should specify that Attorney General records are being sought and should be addressed to:

Carmen L. Mallon
Chief of Staff
Office of Information Policy
Department of Justice
Suite 11050
1425 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-FOIA

Office of the Deputy Attorney General -- Requests for Deputy Attorney General records should specify that Deputy Attorney General records are being sought and should be addressed to:

Carmen L. Mallon
Chief of Staff
Office of Information Policy
Department of Justice
Suite 11050
1425 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-FOIA

Office of the Associate Attorney General -- Requests for Associate Attorney General records should specify that Associate Attorney General records are being sought and should be addressed to:

Carmen L. Mallon
Chief of Staff
Office of Information Policy
Department of Justice
Suite 11050
1425 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-FOIA

Antitrust Division -- Requests for Antitrust Division records should be addressed to:

Sue Ann Slates
Chief, FOIA/PA Unit
Antitrust Division
Department of Justice
Liberty Square Building
Suite 1000, 450 5th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-2692

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives -- Requests for Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives records should be addressed to:

Averill P. Graham
Chief, Disclosure Division
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
Department of Justice
Suite 1E360
99 New York Avenue, N.E.
Washington, DC 20226
(202) 648-8740

Civil Division -- Requests for Civil Division records should be addressed to:

James M. Kovakas
Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Officer
Civil Division
Department of Justice
Room 7304, 20 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-3319

Civil Rights Division -- Requests for Civil Rights Division records should be addressed to:

Nelson D. Hermilla, Chief
FOIA/PA Branch
Civil Rights Division
Department of Justice
Room 311, NALC Building
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 514-4209

Community Relations Service -- Requests for Community Relations Service records should be addressed to:

George Henderson
FOIA/PA Coordinator
Community Relations Service
Department of Justice
Suite 6000, 600 E Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 305-2935

Criminal Division -- Requests for Criminal Division records should be addressed to:

Rena Y. Kim
Chief, FOIA/PA Unit
Criminal Division
Department of Justice
Suite 1127, Keeney Building
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 616-0307

Drug Enforcement Administration -- Requests for Drug Enforcement Administration records should be addressed to:

Katherine L. Myrick, Chief
Freedom of Information Operations Unit
FOI/Records Management Section
Drug Enforcement Administration
Department of Justice
West Building, 6th Floor
700 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
(202) 307-7596

Environment and Natural Resources Division -- Requests for Environment and Natural Resources Division records should be addressed to:

Katherine Duncan
FOIA Coordinator
Law and Policy Section
Environment and Natural Resources Division
P.O. Box 4390, Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044-4390
(202) 514-0424

Executive Office for Immigration Review -- Requests for Executive Office for Immigration Review records should be addressed to:

Gustavo Villageliu
Senior Associate General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Department of Justice
Suite 2600, 5107 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22041
(703) 605-1297

Executive Office for United States Attorneys -- Requests for Executive Office of United States Attorneys records should be addressed to:

William G. Stewart, II, Assistant Director
FOIA/Privacy Unit
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
Department of Justice
Room 7300, 600 E Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 616-6757

Executive Office for United States Trustees -- Requests for United States Trustees records should be addressed to:

Larry Wahlquist
FOIA/PA Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
Department of Justice
Executive Office for United States Trustees
Suite 8000, 20 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 307-1399

Federal Bureau of Investigation -- Requests for Federal Bureau of Investigation records should be addressed to:

David M. Hardy, Chief
Record/Information Dissemination Section
Records Management Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of Justice
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843
(540) 868-4591

Federal Bureau of Prisons -- Requests for Federal Bureau of Prisons records should be addressed to:

Wanda M. Hunt, Chief, FOIA/PA Section
FOIA/Privacy Act Requests
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Department of Justice
Room 841, HOLC Building
320 First Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20534
(202) 514-6655

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission -- Requests for Foreign Claims Settlement Commission records should be addressed to:

Jeremy R. LaFrancois, Attorney Advisor - International
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
Department of Justice
Room 6002, 600 E Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20579-0001
(202) 616-6975

Immigration and Naturalization Service
(INS was transferred to the Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.)

INTERPOL-United States National Central Bureau -- Requests for INTERPOL-United States National Central Bureau records should be addressed to:

Dorothy S. Beaty
FOIA/PA Specialist
Office of General Counsel
INTERPOL-United States National Central Bureau
Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 616-9000

Justice Management Division -- Requests for Justice Management Division records should be addressed to:

Joan Lapara
FOIA Contact
Justice Management Division
Department of Justice
Room 1111 RFK, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-3101

National Drug Intelligence Center -- Requests for National Drug Intelligence Center records should be addressed to:

FOIA Coordinator
National Drug Intelligence Center
Department of Justice
319 Washington Street
Johnstown, PA 15901-1622
(814) 532-4601

National Security Division -- Requests for National Security Division records should be addressed to:

Arnetta James
FOIA Initiatives Coordinator
National Security Division
Department of Justice
Room 6150, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 307-3525

Office of Community Oriented Policing Services -- Requests for the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services records should be addressed to:

Gary L. Baude, FOIA Officer
Legal Division
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Department of Justice
12th Floor, 1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 353-9864

Office of Dispute Resolution -- Requests for Office of Dispute Resolution records should be addressed to:

Krista A. van der Horst, FOIA Officer
Office of Dispute Resolution
Department of Justice
Room 5736, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 616-9471

Office of the Federal Detention Trustee -- Requests for Office of the Federal Detention Trustee records should be addressed to:

Katherine Day, General Counsel
Office of the Federal Detention Trustee
Department of Justice
Suite 910
4601 N. Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203
(202) 353-4601

Office of Information Policy -- Requests for Office of Information Policy records should be addressed to:

Carmen L. Mallon
Chief of Staff
Office of Information Policy
Department of Justice
Suite 11050
1425 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-FOIA

Office of the Inspector General -- Requests for Office of the Inspector General records should be addressed to:

Deborah Waller, Paralegal Specialist
Office of the Inspector General
Department of Justice
Room 4726
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 616-0646

Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison -- Requests for Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison records should specify that Intergovernmental and Public Liaison records are being sought and should be addressed to:

Carmen L. Mallon
Chief of Staff
Office of Information Policy
Department of Justice
Suite 11050
1425 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-FOIA

Office of Justice Programs -- Requests for Office of Justice Programs records should be addressed to:

Dorothy Lee, Paralegal Specialist
Office of Justice Programs
Department of Justice
Room 5400, 810 7th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20531
(202) 616-3267

Office of Legal Counsel -- Requests for Office of Legal Counsel records should be addressed to:

Bette Farris, Supervisory Paralegal
Office of Legal Counsel
Department of Justice
Room 5515, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-2038

Office of Legal Policy -- Requests for Office of Legal Policy records should specify that Office of Legal Policy records are being sought and should be addressed to:

Carmen L. Mallon
Chief of Staff
Office of Information Policy
Department of Justice
Suite 11050
1425 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-FOIA

Office of Legislative Affairs -- Requests for Office of Legislative Affairs records should specify that Office of Legislative Affairs records are being sought and should be addressed to:

Carmen L. Mallon
Chief of Staff
Office of Information Policy
Department of Justice
Suite 11050
1425 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-FOIA

Office of the Pardon Attorney -- Requests for Office of the Pardon Attorney records should be addressed to:

Brenda McElroy, FOIA Officer
Office of the Pardon Attorney
Department of Justice
Suite 11000
1425 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 616-6070

Office of Professional Responsibility -- Requests for Office of Professional Responsibility records should be addressed to:

Marlene M. Wahowiak
Special Counsel for Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts
Office of Professional Responsibility
Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 3529
Washington, D.C. 20530
(202) 514-3365

Office of Public Affairs -- Requests for Office of Public Affairs records should specify that Office of Public Affairs records are being sought and should be addressed to:

Carmen L. Mallon
Chief of Staff
Office of Information Policy
Department of Justice
Suite 11050
1425 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-FOIA

Office of the Solicitor General -- Requests for Office of the Solicitor General records should be addressed to:

Kaletus L. McCain
Office of the Solicitor General
Department of Justice
Room 6640, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-2203

Office on Violence Against Women -- Requests for Office on Violence Against Women records should be addressed to:

Marnie Shiels
Office on Violence Against Women
Department of Justice
Suite 920, 800 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530
(202) 307-6026

Professional Responsibility Advisory Office -- Requests for Professional Responsibility Advisory Office records should be addressed to:

Michael Kingsley
Information Management Specialist
Professional Responsibility Advisory Office
Department of Justice
Suite 12000, 1425 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530
(202) 514-0458

Tax Division -- Requests for Tax Division records should be addressed to:

Carmen M. Banerjee
Division Counsel for FOIA and PA Matters
Tax Division
Department of Justice
Post Office Box 227
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044
(202) 307-6320

United States Marshals Service -- Requests for United States Marshals Service records should be addressed to:

William E. Bordley, Associate General Counsel
Office of General Counsel
United States Marshals Service
Department of Justice
CS-3, 12th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20530-1000
(202) 307-9054

United States Parole Commission -- Requests for United States Parole Commission records should be addressed to:

Anissa Hunter, FOIA/PA Specialist
United States Parole Commission
Department of Justice
Suite 420, 5550 Friendship Boulevard
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
(301) 492-5959 (ext 237)

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