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Last Updated: October 01, 2007

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Legislation, Regulations & Guidance

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This virtual legal library provides easy access to the laws and rules that govern FTA programs.

The SAFETEA-LU link takes you to the reauthorization page, which contains the text of the bill, explanatory material, and information on implementation.

Under Appropriating Legislation, you can get the latest information on the budget and status of appropriations, and link to the congressional committees of jurisdiction over transportation. You will also find information on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and instructions on how to submit a FOIA request.

From this page, you can also access regulations, circulars, significant guidance and information on how to submit comments, a date-ordered table of federal register notices, and a link to the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS).  [NOTE:  As of September 28, 2007, the DOT's DMS is no longer active.  Visitors wishing to view docket submissions or to submit electronic comments will now be directed to Regulations.gov, the Federal government's multi-agency online docket management system].

Several Park City Transit buses moving through the Transit Center. Learn more about: http://www.parkcity.org/citydepartments
Several Park City Transit buses moving through the Transit Center. Learn more about: http://www.parkcity.org/citydepartments

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