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Last Updated: October 07, 2008

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FTA Budgets

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FTA manages approximately $9 billion per year in financial assistance to support public transportation across the country.  FTA’s administrative budget is less than 1 percent of that amount.  Each February, the President submits to Congress a budget request covering all federal agencies, including FTA.  FTA’s budget request is guided by the programs and amounts made available in its 5-year authorization legislation, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).  Congress enacts an annual appropriations bill, usually passed in the fall, setting funding levels for the next fiscal year, which starts October 1.  Below you will find links to important FTA budget documents for recent years, including FTA’s budget requests, Congressional appropriations levels for FTA, and FTA’s apportionments of funds to States and local communities for their public transportation systems.


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