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The list of publications found on this page has been compiled to help provide quick access to valuable references. Here you will find links to publications that provide insight into the planning and decision process common to building a intermodal transportation system that focuses on accessibility and safety.

On this page:

Legislation and Funding

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Facility Planning

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Facility Design

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Facility Operations

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Education and Training

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  • Pedestrian Safety - Report to Congress
    A comprehensive report on pedestrian safety that builds on the current level of knowledge of pedestrian safety countermeasures by identifying the most effective advanced technology and intelligent transportation systems.

  • A Resident's Guide for Creating Walkable Communities
    This guide is designed to be used by anyone looking for ways to improve the walkability of their neighborhood, whether they are just beginning to learn about pedestrian safety or are already part of an established community safety group.

  • Informational Report on Lighting Design for Midblock Crosswalks
    This report provides information on lighting parameters and design criteria that should be considered when installing fixed roadway lighting for midblock crosswalks.

  • How To Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
    The document will help state and local officials know where to begin to address pedestrian safety issues.

  • Pedestrian Safety Campaign
    A ready-made toolkit of safety related outreach materials that States and communities can customize and use locally.

  • Good Practices Guide for Bicycle Safety Education
    A guide to developing your own bicycle education program or selecting the most effective program for your needs.

  • Bicycle Safer Journey
    A virtual journey designed to increase our awareness of bicycle safety. Its use is intended for the general public, road user, safety advocates, and safety.

  • Safer Journey CD
    An interactive CD that takes the user through various pedestrian safety scenarios encountered every day by pedestrians.

  • Pedestrian Forum newsletter
    A quarterly newsletter focusing on topics on how to improve conditions for bicycling and walking and to make them safer ways to travel.

Research Reports

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Tools

  • Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists
    This document provides transportation agencies and teams conducting Road Safety Audits with a better understanding of the needs of pedestrians of all abilities.

  • Pedestrian Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT Version 2.1)
    Software product intended to assist state and local pedestrian and bicycle coordinators, planners, and engineers in addressing pedestrian and bicyclist crash problems.

    The Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System (PEDSAFE) is intended to provide practitioners with the latest information available for improving the safety and mobility of those who walk.

    The Bicycle Countermeasure Selection System (BIKESAFE) is intended to provide practitioners with the latest information available for improving the safety and mobility of those who bicycle.

Hispanic Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety

A series of reports that scope the size and nature of the Hispanic ped/bike safety problem in the U.S. is available through the Office of Safety. Materials to address these safety problems are also available.

International Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

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Additional Publications

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