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Your search for "Energy" found 117 matches

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F Energy
F02 Nonrenewable energy resources
F02.2 Fossil fuels
F02.24 Coal
F02.24.5 Bituminous coal
F02.24.7 Coal gas
F02.24.B Lignite
F02.24.D Peat
F02.26 Charcoal
F02.28 Petroleum
F02.28.3 Shale oil
F02.28.7 Gasoline
F02.28.72 Gasohol
F02.28.9 Kerosene
F02.28.B Liquified petroleum gases
F02.28.B2 Butane
F02.28.B4 Propane
F02.28.D Natural gas
F02.4 Nuclear energy
F02.42 Nuclear fuels
F02.42.2 Uranium
F02.42.5 Plutonium
F04 Renewable energy resources
F04.2 Biomass
F04.22 Agricultural wastes
F04.22.2 Crop wastes
F04.22.22 Bagasse
F04.22.24 Rice husks
F04.24 Animal fats and oils
F04.26 Charcoal
F04.28 Ethanol
F04.2C Firewood
F04.2E Methanol
F04.2G Vegetable oils
F04.4 Geothermal energy
F04.7 Hydropower
F04.72 Tidal energy
F04.74 Ocean thermal energy
F04.76 Hydroelectric power
F04.9 Solar energy
F04.92 Solar thermal energy
F04.94 Photochemical energy
F04.96 Photovoltaic energy
F04.B Wind energy
F06 Electric power
F08 Animal traction
F11 Fuels
F11.2 Solid fuels
F11.4 Liquid fuels
F11.6 Gaseous fuels
F11.8 Biomass
F11.B Nuclear fuels
F11.D Fossil fuels
F11.F Synthetic fuels
F11.F2 Synthetic oil
F11.H Cooking fuels
F13 Conventional energy resources
F15 Alternative energy resources
F17 Energy technology
F17.2 Conventional energy technology
F17.22 Coal mining
F17.24 Oil drilling
F17.24.2 Oil wells
F17.24.4 Oil fields
F17.26 Fuel refinement
F17.26.2 Coal refineries
F17.26.4 Petroleum refineries
F17.28 Waterwheels
F17.2C Windmills
F19.2 Alternative energy technology
F19.24 Small scale energy systems
F19.26 Synthetic fuel production
F19.26.2 Synthetic oil extraction
F19.26.4 Gasification
F19.26.42 Coal gasification
F19.26.6 Liquefaction
F19.26.62 Coal liquefaction
F19.28 Energy conversion
F19.28.2 Biomass conversion
F19.28.24 Biomass fermentation
F19.28.26 Biomass digestion
F19.28.28 Biogas
F19.2B Energy farming
F19.2D Cogeneration
F19.4 Energy storage devices
F19.42 Electric batteries
F19.44 Fuel cells
F19.48 Solar collectors
F19.6 Electric power generation
F19.62 Solar power generation
F19.62.2 Photovoltaic cells
F19.64 Electric power plants
F19.64.2 Nuclear power plants
F19.64.4 Hydroelectric power plants
F19.66 Electric power generation equipment
F19.66.2 Turbines
F19.66.4 Nuclear reactors
F19.66.8 Windmills
F19.8 Electric power distribution
F19.82 Electric power lines
F19.84 Electric transformers
F19.86 Electric power substations
F20 Energy policy
F21 Energy planning
F22 Energy resource development
F24 Energy conservation
F24.2 Energy audits
F26 Energy economics
F26.2 Energy costs
F26.4 Oil prices
F28 Energy consumption
F30 Energy supply
F30.2 Electrification
F30.4 Energy crisis
F32 Energy needs
F34 Energy research
F34.2 Energy surveys
M06.JF.2H Agricultural wastes
M06.JF.2H.6 Crop wastes
T03.GF.6 Energy surveys
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