California Department of Transportation

Your Local Office

Local Assistance
Obtain the latest policies, manuals, and reports affecting local agencies with projects involving State or Federal Funds.

To view the web page for the Caltrans district office in your area, select from the list below

You can also select your county from a state map to jump to the Caltrans web site for your area. A list of district office street addresses will help you write to us by US Post.

If you know what district you're looking for, select from the list below:

District 1 | District 2 | District 3 | District 4
District 5 | District 6 | District 7 | District 8
District 9 | District 10 | District 11 | District 12

Caltrans Local Offices by County

district 7 district 11 district 12 district 8 district 6 district 5 district 9 district10 district 4 district 3 District 2 District 1