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Manual Now Online!
Various pictures from around Oregon
The Agency is pleased to announce that the contents of the Oregon Real Estate Manual, also known as the "blue book," are now available online. This change comes as the Agency finds ways to distribute information in a timely manner to the licensed real estate community. The online version of the Manual will be easier to update and easier to search.

As part of this transition, the Agency will stop accepting orders for subscriptions to the Manual Update Subscription Service after May 15, 2009. Additionally, hard copies of the Oregon Real Estate Manual will no longer be available for purchase after May 15, 2009.

Current subscribers will receive the last update to the printed Manual in July 2009.

The Agency has made this decision for two reasons: to provide the most current information to licensees in the most efficient manner; and to eliminate the expenses associated with the printing of the Manual.
Fingerprint Card Fraud Alert
The Agency is receiving calls from licensees asking if their fingerprint cards have expired. The licensees explain that someone stating to be from the Agency has called them and informed them that their fingerprints are going to expire. The caller is asking for credit card and social security numbers.

Fingerprint cards and criminal background checks do not expire with the Agency. Also the Agency does not accept any personal or confidential information over the phone. If you receive one of these calls, do not give your information out.
What Online Services Do You Want?
The Agency is in the process of selecting a new licensing system and is looking for your opinions. Below is a link to a survey regarding online services that might be provided by a new licensing system. Please take a few minutes to respond to the survey and let the Agency know what you think. Survey results will be used to write requirements and to prioritize and implement agency services available online. The Agency greatly appreciates your time.
HB 5046 Raises Background Check Fee To $47
The 2009 Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 5046, increasing the criminal background check fee to $47 effective July 1, 2009. Per ORS 181.533(9)(b) and OAR 863-005-0090, the Agency is allowed to charge background check fees in amounts not to exceed the actual costs of acquiring and furnishing criminal offender information. The Oregon State Police currently charges the Agency $47.25 per background check. The law change brings the fees closer together. If you have any questions, please contact the Licensing Division at (503) 378-4170, selection 2.
The Oregon Real Estate Agency Offers E-mail Subscription Services
The Oregon Real Estate Agency is pleased to announce two free e-mail subscription services. The Commissioner's Bulletin is published once a month, and contains up-to-date information from the Agency. The Administrative Rule Update service informs subscribers of pending changes to Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 863.
Topics of Interest
Foreclosure Resources
Homeowners have many resources when faced with a possible foreclosure.
Brokers and Principal Brokers Can Conduct Property Management
The definition of professional real estate activity includes the management of rental real estate. This means that principal brokers, sole practitioner brokers and brokers (under their principal brokers' supervision) are able to manage property without obtaining a property manager license.
Oregon's Sesquicentennial Celebration
Oregon's 150th birthday will be on February 14th, 2009. You can join in on the festivities by submitting your "Oregon Story," share your hopes for Oregon's future with the "Oregon Dreams Blog," or participate in the great events scheduled across the state.
The Condominium Form of Ownership in Oregon
A "condominium" is a special form of property ownership which is created and governed in Oregon by statute (ORS 100.005 to 100.910 and 100.990), known as the "Oregon Condominium Act."
Educational Requirements for New Licensees
If you are a new Oregon broker, you must take the 30-hour Advanced Real Estate Practices (AP) course before your first active license renewal.

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