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Information for Educators
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As an educator, you play a critical role in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). If you have participated in a NAEP assessment in the past, we thank you for your support. It is through your participation and interest that NAEP can be an accurate gauge of the progress of the nation's students.


Educators' Frequently Asked Questions
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What Questions Does NAEP Ask?
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  • If your school has been selected to participate in NAEP, you may be interested to know that NAEP staff are assigned to each school to ensure that the assessment will run smoothly and take up as little school time as possible. To learn more about NAEP in your school, see Information for Selected Schools.

Explore the NAEP Assessments

Last updated 22 May 2009 (NB)
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Washington, DC 20006, USA
Phone: (202) 502-7300 (map)