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Public and Indian Housing
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Indian Housing - HUD's Office of Native American Programs (ONAP)

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 Information by State
 Print version
Tribes and TDHEs
[Graphic: Icon of the US map]View our national directory of Native American housing entities covering the Alaska, Northwest, Southwest, Northern Plains, Southern Plains, and Eastern/Woodlands regions.

ONAP Resources

Headquarters and Area Offices
 -   Headquarters (Washington and Denver)
 -   Northwest
 -   Southern Plains
 -   Northern Plains
 -   Southwest
 -   Eastern/Woodlands
 -   Alaska

 -   Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Program (NHHBG)
 -   Native Hawaiian Housing Loan Guarantee Program (Section 184A)
 -   Indian Community Development Block Grant Program (ICDBG)
 -   Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program (Section 184)
 -   Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Program
 -   Title VI Tribal Housing Activities Loan Guarantee Program

Interagency Initiatives
 -   CodeTalk

Related Information
 -   PIH's Hurricane resources page
 -   On site and remote grant reviews
 -   2008 HUD Regional Summits

[Office of Native American Programs Logo]
The Department of Housing and Urban Development's policy to promote the general welfare by meeting the national goal of providing decent, safe and affordable housing for lower-income Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian families is administered by the Office of Native American Progams (ONAP).

ONAP ensures that safe, decent and affordable housing is available to Native American families, creates economic opportunities for Tribes and Indian housing residents, assists Tribes in the formulation of plans and strategies for community development, and assures fiscal integrity in the operation of the programs.

The Department is committed to vesting in Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) the maximum amount of responsibility for administering their housing programs. To accomplish this objective, the Department consults with American Indian and Alaska native governments, TDHEs and national Indian and Native Hawaiian organizations when developing legislation, regulationis and policies that affect tribes.

The Department also encourages the development of mutually beneficial partnerships designed to assist Native Americans by expanding homeownership and affordable housing opportunities; empowering residents of Indian housing through the creation of jobs and economic development opportunities; enforcing fair housing opportunities; making Indian housing development drug-free; and helping to end overcrowding and homelessness. More ONAP information...


 -   Recovery Act
 -   Community Development
 -   Homeownership
 -   Grants
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 -   Policy and Regulations
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 -   Office of Native American Programs Home Page
Content current as of 29 June 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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