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Subscription Information

The DOE Office of Inspector General's (OIG) Early Alert system is a distribution list used to inform subscribers (Congress, media, Government offices/personnel, academic institutions, taxpayers, etc.) of significant OIG reports, press releases, publications, etc. the moment they are posted on the DOE OIG web site. Subscription is free and available to anyone with an e-mail address that has an interest in DOE OIG work.

To subscribe/unsubscribe to the DOE OIG Early Alert distribution list, please follow the instructions below:

To Subscribe:

To subscribe to the DOE OIG Early Alert distribution list, please send an email message with the following information:

To:      judy.garland-smith@hq.doe.gov
From:      [your e-mail address]
Subject:      DOE Early Alert List
Text Area:      Please add me to the DOE Early Alert list.

To Unsubscribe:

To unsubscribe to the DOE OIG Early Alert distribution list, please send an email message with the following information:

To:      judy.garland-smith@hq.doe.gov
From:      [your e-mail address]
Subject:      DOE Early Alert List
Text Area:      Please remove me from the DOE Early Alert list.

You will receive an e-mail to confirm your success subscription (or removal).

If you have any questions, or need additional information, please e-mail Judy Garland-Smith, Reports Manager, Office of Information Resources, at judy.garland-smith@hq.doe.gov


Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: Privacy Program Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: FOIA Program
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