The Illinois Military Family Relief Fund

Donations are accepted through Illinois epay at

“ It is the duty of all those on the homefront to support the families of those who bear the battle. When the brave men and women of Illinois answer the call to duty, they should not have to worry that their families are suffering financially at home. All of us in the Land of Lincoln can help our military families by donating to the Illinois Military Family Relief Fund”
Governor Pat Quinn

The Illinois Military Family Relief Fund (IMFRF) provides monetary grants to families of Illinois National Guard members and Illinois residents serving in the U.S. Armed Forces Reserve components who were called to active duty as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

IMFRF grants are intended to help service members and their families defray the costs of food, housing, utilities, medical services, and other expenses that become difficult to afford when a wage-earner has temporarily left civilian employment to be placed on active military duty.

Beginning in 2004, donations can be made through a voluntary check off on Illinois individual income tax forms.

Status Based Grant: $500
Based solely on member’s military status

You are eligible for a Status Based Grant if:

Need-Based Grant:  $2,000 (maximum)
Based on family’s financial need

You are eligible for a Need Based Grant if:

Casualty-Based Grant: $2,000
Based on injury

You are eligible for a Casualty Based Grant if:

To apply for a Grant:

Illinois Department of Military Affairs
Attn: IMFRF Coordinator
1301 N. MacArthur Blvd.
Springfield, IL 62707-2399

Questions? Contact the IMRF Program Coordinator:
Toll-Free:  Within IL: (866) 524-ILNG(4564) or 217-761-3452
Donations are accepted through Illinois epay at