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U.S. Forces Providing Medical Assistance at Camp Ashraf
Spokesman Kelly (July 30):
"The Government of Iraq did agree to allow U.S. forces to provide medical assistance to those who were injured in Camp Ashraf. And there is, right now, a U.S. medical team there performing this assistance. We’re providing medical care and treatment, medical supplies, and assessing any kind of follow-on treatment or support that these residents might require." -Full Text

Secretary Clinton Meets With Iraqi Prime Minister 
Secretary Clinton (July 24): "
Today’s meeting was the second of the Strategic Framework Agreement Higher Coordinating Committee. This agreement establishes the terms of our relationship beyond security cooperation. We are working to promote economic growth and human development and diplomatic efforts so that Iraq can play a very constructive role not only at home, but throughout the region." -Full Text

Secretary Clinton Meets With Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari
Secretary Clinton (July 16): "Well, today, I am welcoming Minister Zebari, foreign minister of Iraq, someone whom I have gotten to know, who I had a very excellent exchange of ideas with when I was in Iraq, and I’m looking forward to continuing that today. We are working closely together to support a stable, sovereign, and self-reliant Iraq. And we see so much progress occurring. We also want to work with Iraq to expand its relationships in the region, to ensure that its neighbors are once again working with and supporting Iraq’s journey that is so important for the Iraqi people to the destination of a better future." -Full Text

Designation of Kata'ib Hizballah as a Foreign Terrorist Organization
On June 24, Deputy Secretary Steinberg designated Kata’ib Hizballah (KH) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (INA). Deputy Secretary Steinberg also designated KH under section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended. -More