Welcome to the Department of Administrative Services
The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) is the central administrative agency of Oregon state government.

DAS works to effectively implement the policy and financial decisions made by the Governor and the Oregon Legislature. The department also sets and monitors high standards of accountability to ensure that state government uses tax dollars productively. To fulfill its mission, DAS supports state agencies by providing a strong and stable management infrastructure. As part of this effort, DAS works with private enterprise, citizens, and other government entities to develop an efficient service delivery system.
About DAS
The mission of the Department of Administrative Services is to lead the pursuit of excellence in state government.

Diversity Council
diversity image
The Department of Administrative Services sponsors a Diversity Council to promote the value of mutual respect in the workplace. The council recently launched a new Web site that includes an archive of articles on various topics and a calendar of diversity events around the state.
Strategic and Business Plans
The Department of Administrative Services' Strategic Plan describes the agency's high-level goals and strategies. DAS' divisions, boards and offices have developed business plans that outline the actions they will take to achieve DAS' goals and strategies.
Sustainability Program
Logo of the DAS Sustainability Program
The DAS Sustainability Program strives to infuse a culture of sustainability at DAS and throughout state government. Visit the Web site linked below to learn how the program supports Governor Kulongoski's goals for sustainability.
News and Announcements
What's Up at DAS
The Department of Administrative Services has developed online resources to support the state's workforce during the current budget and layoff challenges.
"The Oregon Way"--Economic Stimulus
The Oregon Way Logo
Visit Oregon's economic recovery Web site to learn how the state will use federal and state stimulus dollars.
Oregon to Celebrate its 150th Birthday
Oregon's 150th Birthday Celebration Logo
Learn how you can get involved in Oregon's birthday celebration during 2009.