Responses to Questions and Requests for Clarifications Submitted to the Department of Transportation

Regarding the TIGER Discretionary Grants Program (the �Program�)


July 2, 2009


(All of the capitalized terms used, but not otherwise defined in this response, have the meanings provided in the Notice of Funding Availability for Supplemental Discretionary Grants for Capital Investments in Surface Transportation Infrastructure Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (the �Notice�) published in the Federal Register on Wednesday, June 17, 2009, Vol. 74, No. 115, pp. 28755-28767.Some of the responses or clarifications provided below were also included in the Notice.)



Question or Request for Clarification

Department of Transportation Response


Where can potential applicants find more information about the program?

The best sources of information for the Program are the Notice ( and the Program�s website (


Is there an application form or an application package for the Program?

Specific application forms will not be required or provided for the Program.  Rather, the Notice provides guidance about the information that applicants should include in applications, application requirements, and the deadline for submitting applications, which is September 15, 2009.


The notice indicates that Eligible Projects include, but are not limited to, highways, transit, rail and port infrastructure � what other types of surface transportation projects are eligible?  

Consistent with the TIGER Discretionary Grant provisions in the Recovery Act, the Department will apply the following principles in determining whether a project is eligible as a capital investments in surface transportation: (1) surface transportation facilities generally include roads, highways and bridges, ports, freight and passenger railroads, transit systems, and projects that connect transportation facilities to other modes of transportation; and (2) surface transportation facilities also include any highway or bridge project eligible under title 23, U.S.C., or public transportation project eligible under chapter 53 of title 49, U.S.C.Please note that the Department may use a TIGER Discretionary Grant to pay for the surface transportation components of a broader project that has non-surface transportation components, and applicants are encouraged to apply for TIGER Discretionary Grants to pay for the surface transportation components of these projects.


Are waterway projects Eligible Projects?

Yes, TIGER Discretionary Grants may be used for waterway projects to the extent they constitute capital investments in surface transportation.


Are aviation projects Eligible Projects?

The Recovery Act limits eligibility to capital investments in surface transportation, so aviation projects are not eligible.However, to the extent airports are seeking funding for surface transportation projects (for example, road or rail projects that provide connections to or at airports), these projects may be eligible for TIGER Discretionary Grants.


Are only Federal-Aid roadway projects eligible for TIGER Discretionary Grants, or are local municipal thoroughfares and other non-Federal-Aid roadways eligible?

Eligible Projects are not limited to projects that receive Federal assistance.Local projects that do not receive Federal assistance are eligible to apply for funding under this Program.


Can a TIGER Discretionary Grant be used to pay for engineering or design work, research and development, pilot projects, or technology development?

TIGER Discretionary Grants can be used for engineering or design work, research and development, pilot projects, or technology development, but only to the extent that Grant Funds are also being used for the construction of a project. Generally, the Department does not expect that expenditures for these types of activities will align well with either the Job Creation & Economic Stimulus criterion or the Long-Term Outcomes criterion unless these expenditures are part of a construction project.


Can a TIGER Discretionary Grant be used to purchase an existing infrastructure facility, or right-of-way?

TIGER Discretionary Grants can be used for purchasing an existing infrastructure facility or right-of-way, but only to the extent that such a purchase is necessary for the construction of a project.Generally, the Department does not expect that purchases of existing infrastructure or right-of-way will align well with either the Job Creation & Economic Stimulus criterion or the Long-Term Outcomes criterion unless these purchases are part of a construction project.


Can a TIGER Discretionary Grant be used for the construction of new buses, trains, maritime vessels, or other vehicles?

TIGER Discretionary Grants may be used for the construction of surface transportation vehicles, including new buses, trains, and maritime vessels to the extent these purchases align well with the selection criteria set forth in the Notice.


Will reductions in noise, light, particulate matter, at-grade crossings, or other external costs associated with transportation facilities or systems be considered in evaluating a project�s alignment with the Livability criterion?

Will agglomeration and infrastructure efficiency be considered in evaluating a project�s alignment with the Economic Competitiveness criterion?

The Department may consider these or other relevant factors in assessing a project�s alignment with any of the relevant selection criteria.As indicated in the Notice, applicants are encouraged to demonstrate the responsiveness of a project to any and all of the selection criteria with the most relevant information that applicants can provide, regardless of whether such information has been specifically requested, or identified, in the Notice.


Section II(B)(1)(b)(iii) of the Notice asks applicants for evidence of broad support from State and local officials, including relevant governors and mayors, in order to demonstrate a project�s readiness to proceed quickly.If a State is conducting a pre-screening process to determine which projects the governor will endorse for TIGER Discretionary Grants, will the Department look less favorably on a municipal application that is submitted outside of the State�s pre-screening process, and without the endorsement of the governor?

No.The Department expects applicants to demonstrate broad support from State and local officials.Inclusion on a list of pre-screened projects endorsed by the State or governor is a good way to demonstrate State support, but absence from any such a list would not in itself preclude a municipality from being eligible for a TIGER Discretionary Grant.  While being on such a list could help demonstrate State support and will be viewed positively by the Department in assessing a project�s readiness to proceed quickly, an application for a local project that otherwise enjoys broad support from public officials and rates well under the criteria specified in the Notice is not going to be viewed less favorably for not being on the list.  This is consistent with Section II(B)(1)(b)(iii) of the Notice, which indicates that �evidence of support from all relevant State and local officials is not required, however, the evidence should demonstrate that the project is broadly supported.�


Does a project need to be �shovel ready� to be considered for funding?

As indicated in the Notice, consistent with Section 1602 of the Recovery Act (Preference for Quick-Start Activities), the Department will assess whether a project is ready to proceed rapidly upon receipt of a TIGER Discretionary Grant, as evidenced by its Project Schedule, Environmental Approvals, Legislative Approvals, State and Local Planning, Technical Feasibility, and Financial Feasibility.For more information see Section II(B)(1)(b)(i)-(vi) of the Notice.A project that is not ready to proceed quickly is less likely to be successful in the Primary Selection Criterion of Jobs Creation & Economic Stimulus.


The Application Deadline specified in the Notice is September 15, 2009.  However, the Recovery Act provides that the Secretary shall require that applications �be submitted not later than 180 days after the publication of [the Notice]� or by November 14, 2009.  What is the operative application due date?

The operative application due date is September 15, 2009, as specified in the Notice.


Can Eligible Applicants partner with private entities to receive funds under this program for a public-private partnership or a privately-owned project?

Yes, the Department has determined that Eligible Applicants include U.S. territories, tribal governments, transit agencies, port authorities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), other political subdivisions of State or local governments, and multi-State or multi-jurisdictional applicants.However, Eligible Applicants may partner with a private entity and use Grant Funds for a public-private partnership or a privately-owned project.


Are non-profit entities and universities Eligible Applicants?

The Department has determined that Eligible Applicants include U.S. territories, tribal governments, transit agencies, port authorities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), other political subdivisions of State or local governments, and multi-State or multi-jurisdictional applicants.Non-profit entities and universities may be included in this definition to the extent that they are political subdivisions of State or local governments.


Are Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) Eligible Applicants?

Yes, MPOs are Eligible Applicants, but any MPO that is applying for a TIGER Discretionary Grant should provide evidence that the owner of the project supports the application and will cooperate in carrying out the activities to be supported by the TIGER Discretionary Grant.


Are applicants required to have a DUNS number and be registered in CCR, and if so, what information should be included in the application?

Recipients of TIGER Discretionary Grants and their first-tier sub-awardees will be required to have a DUNS number ( and a current registration in the Central Contractor Registration ( these items need not be provided as part of the application, a TIGER Discretionary Grant will not be awarded if a recipient or first-tier sub-awardee does not have these items.


Under the �Job Creation and Economic Stimulus� selection criteria, the Notice states that the Department will assess whether the project is ready to proceed rapidly based on, among other things, the inclusion of the project in the relevant State, metropolitan, and local planning documents or a certification from the appropriate agency that the project will be included in the planning document prior to award.  What does this mean for port or freight rail projects that are not required to be included in long range transportation plans, STIPs and TIPs? 

All regionally significant projects requiring an action by the FHWA or the FTA must be in the metropolitan transportation plan, TIP and STIP.  Further, in air quality non-attainment and maintenance areas, all regionally significant projects, regardless of the funding source, must be included in the conforming metropolitan transportation plan and TIP.  To the extent a project is required to be on a metropolitan transportation plan, TIP and/or STIP it will not receive a TIGER Discretionary Grant until it is included in such plans.

Projects not required to be in long range transportation plans, STIPs and TIPs will not need to be included in such plans in order to receive a TIGER Discretionary Grant.

Freight and passenger rail projects are not required to be on the State Rail Plans called for in the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008.  This is consistent with the exemption for high speed and intercity passenger rail projects under the Recovery Act.  However, applicants seeking funding for freight and passenger rail projects are encouraged to demonstrate that they have done sufficient planning to ensure that projects fit into a prioritized list of capital needs and are consistent with long-range goals.


Will Grant Funds be distributed through the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) process or through State departments of transportation as other Recovery Act funds have been distributed?

The TIGER Discretionary Grants may be awarded directly to any State or local government or other Eligible Applicant and need not be distributed through a local MPO or a State department of transportation.As stated in the Notice, the Department will assess the grant recipient�s ability to manage grants.


Are projects in U.S. territories eligible for TIGER Discretionary Grants?

Yes, as indicated in the Notice, Eligible Applicants are State and local governments, including U.S. territories, tribal governments, transit agencies, port authorities, other political subdivisions of State or local governments, and multi-State or multi-jurisdictional applicants.


Please explain how the subsidy costs provided through TIGER TIFIA Payments are related to the TIFIA Program?

The TIFIA program is governed by the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA), which requires the Department to establish a capital reserve, or �subsidy amount,� to cover expected credit losses before it can provide TIFIA credit assistance.Congress places limits on the annual subsidy amount available.Through SAFETEA-LU, Congress authorized $122 million for each Federal fiscal year from 2005 through 2009.The money authorized by Congress can also be used for the administrative costs of the TIFIA program.Up to $200 million of Grant Funds can be used for TIGER TIFIA Payments and these funds supplement the annual budgetary authority provided by Congress for the TIFIA program.In order to receive a TIGER TIFIA Payment an applicant must demonstrate that the project meets the objectives of both programs.

For additional information about the TIFIA program, the program�s subsidy and administrative costs, or TIFIA credit assistance, please see the TIFIA program website at:


Does an applicant seeking only a TIGER TIFIA Payment need to submit both a TIGER application and a TIFIA application?

Yes, because an applicant must demonstrate that the project meets the objectives of both programs.At the applicant�s discretion, materials addressing the TIFIA statutory selection criteria (i.e., the program-specific criteria identified in Section II.C of the Notice) may be referenced and described as unchanged in the TIGER TIFIA Payment application.To the extent referenced, this information need not be resubmitted for the TIGER TIFIA Payment application.


If an applicant is seeking a TIGER TIFIA Payment, should the TIFIA application be submitted together with the TIGER application to the address?Or should the TIFIA application be submitted separately to the TIFIA Joint Program Office as required in the TIFIA Program Guide?

As described on the TIFIA website at, the completed TIFIA application should be sent to the attention of Mr. Duane Callender, TIFIA Joint Program Office, Federal Highway Administration, HITJ-1, Room E64-301, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC, 20590.The complete TIFIA submission, including the $30,000 application fee, must be received by September 15, 2009.The TIGER application should be sent separately via e-mail to the TIGER Discretionary Grants program manager at


If an applicant seeking a TIGER TIFIA Payment previously submitted a TIFIA Letter of Interest, is it necessary to resubmit it?

Yes, because the TIFIA Joint Program Office must confirm in advance the number and type of projects that intend to submit applications for TIGER TIFIA Payments.As described in Section VI of the Notice, an applicant seeking a TIGER TIFIA Payment is required to submit � or re-submit � a TIFIA Letter of Interest at least six weeks prior to the application deadline.Applicants should submit this form electronically via e-mail at


When is the deadline for submitting a TIFIA Letter of Interest in connection with a TIGER TIFIA Payment?

The deadline for submitting a TIFIA Letter of Interest is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Tuesday, August 3, 2009.Applicants should submit this form electronically via e-mail at


Can an applicant submit a TIFIA application for non-Recovery Act TIFIA funds at this time?

No, the Notice only addresses TIFIA loans to be supported with TIGER TIFIA Payments.Therefore, applicants for TIFIA credit assistance pursuant to the Notice must satisfy themselves that their projects meet the objectives of both programs.The Department anticipates it will issue a TIFIA notice of funding availability pursuant to FY 2010 budget authority later this year.


Can a private entity apply for TIFIA credit assistance supported by a TIGER TIFIA Payment?

Under the standard TIFIA program rules, any legal private entity can apply for TIFIA credit assistance.�� Private entities, however, are not Eligible Applicants for TIGER TIFIA Payments, although Eligible Applicants may partner with a private entity and use Grant Funds to pay for a public-private partnership or a privately-owned project.Therefore, the project�s public partner must apply for the TIGER TIFIA Payment, even if the private partner seeks to become the TIFIA borrower.This approach is consistent with the TIFIA requirement that the private entity must demonstrate public support for the project through its inclusion in the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).


No more than 20 percent of the funds made available under the TIGER Discretionary Grant program may be awarded to projects in a single State.How will this requirement apply to TIGER TIFIA Payments?

In determining the effect of a TIGER TIFIA Payment on this distributional requirement, the amount of the TIGER TIFIA Payment � not the original principal amount of TIFIA credit assistance � will be considered as the funding award.Although the relative size of the TIGER TIFIA Payment will vary from loan to loan, the Department assumes for planning purposes that each $1 of a TIGER TIFIA Payment can support $10 in TIFIA credit assistance.


For purposes of calculating the 20 percent limitation for any single State, how would the TIGER TIFIA Payment be allocated for a multi-State project?

Applications for multi-State projects should include an estimated allocation of project costs and revenues by State to assist the Department in making this determination.


The Notice differentiates between various grant sizes in describing the required economic evaluation of a project�s benefits and costs.Does the economic analysis required for a TIGER TIFIA Payment depend on the size of the requested TIGER TIFIA Payment or the principal amount of TIFIA credit assistance provided for the project?

For purposes of determining what type of economic analysis of a project�s benefits and costs should be provided with an application for a TIGER TIFIA Payment, the principal amount of TIFIA credit assistance to be provided by the Federal government is the relevant dollar amount to consider, not the amount of the requested TIGER TIFIA Payment.