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State Capitol
Governor's Priorities for the 2009 Legislative Session
Oregon was faced with drastic budget cuts to education during the 2001-03 recession, increasing class sizes, reducing course options, including art and music, and increasing university and community college tuitions, pricing many students out of post-secondary education. Over the last four years, the Governor has made education at every level -- pre-K through college -- the top priority and has started the reinvestment to provide educational opportunity for all Oregonians at every stage of their life.
But more needs to be done to ensure all kids enter first grade ready to learn, high school students have the classes they need to succeed in work or post-secondary education, older workers have access to critical skills training, and that every Oregonian who wants to and qualifies can afford to attend a community college or university.
Read how the Governor answers the Oregon challenge for education   (pdf).

Governor's Priorities

Health Care
Climate Change
Page updated: January 13, 2009

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