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Economic Revitalization Team (ERT)
About ERT
The Economic Revitalization Team (ERT)
What is the ERT?
Who is the ERT?
How does the ERT operate?
What does the ERT focus on?
When do I contact the ERT?
What is the ERT?
In 2003, the Oregon Legislature asked Governor Kulongoski to create the Economic Revitalization Team (ERT) to coordinate state agency resources towards supporting activities that improve Oregon’s readiness for economic development.   The ERT Office, housed within the Governor’s Office, leads the state's ERT.  The ERT approach is to strengthen Oregon’s economic preparedness and competitiveness by enhancing the ability of individual communities and regions to effectively compete in the ever changing global economy.  The ERT responds to locally and regionally identified economic development needs and opportunities.  The ERT also helps state agencies improve government accountability by focusing on customer service, partnership and results.
The Governor recently shifted additional elements of regulatory streamlining efforts to the ERT; pursuant to Executive Order 09-10 (E.O. 09-10).   The ERT has always promoted regulatory streamlining in relation to its work and continues to act as a liaison between ERT agencies as well as local governments and other partners to facilitate communication about regulatory barriers and challenges.  In accordance with E.O. 09-10, the ERT will also focus on developing mechanisms to increase coordination among agencies with overlapping regulatory authority on common local government programs and activities and proposing ways to create regulatory efficiencies and problem solve during the rulemaking activities of ERT agencies.
Who is the ERT? 
Ten state agencies work together under the collaborative problem solving umbrella of the ERT.
They are:
The Directors of the above state agencies meet regularly to resolve policy issues and ensure the continued participation of their staff on the ERT teams.
When appropriate, the ERT Office will invite representatives of other state and federal agencies to collaborate on specific projects.

The ERT Office, housed in the Governor’s Office, has five Regional Coordinators located around the state.  The Governor’s ERT field offices are located in Pendleton, Madras, Central Point, Beaverton and Salem.  The Governor’s Regional Coordinators serve as ombudsmen to local governments, tribal governments, businesses, and other partners on high priority projects which help to:
  • Position the state as a leader in the emerging stewardship economy
  • Support local and state efforts to build a sustainable and resilient business climate
  • Leverage public and private resources and partnerships for maximum efficiency
  • Foster a customer service ethic within state government
The Governor also has an ERT Director, Special Projects Coordinator, and Executive Assistant all working out of Salem to promote the ERT approach.  {Contact Us}  
The ERT Director takes the lead on communicating the Governor’s expectations to agency directors and state agency staff, engaging with state agenciesto formulate a path forward when direction is needed on policy and process issues. 
The Special Projects Coordinator works with state agencies in Salem to promote coordination across agencies and integration of a problem-solving mindset into the way state agencies do business.   The Special Projects Coordinator leads an ERT Liaisons team comprised of representatives from the central offices of the ERT agencies {Under Construction, please check back: Click for ERT Liaison Team List, Team Plan}
How does the ERT operate?
The Governor’s ERT office works with the ERT state agencies at central and regional levels to ensure state agency coordination, cooperation, and responsiveness.  The ERT Office works to mobilize state assistance to the field as necessary.  The ERT accomplishes its work through partnerships with local governments, tribal governments, businesses and other economic development partners and with a strong focus on customer-service and problem-solving.  The ERT strives to assist Oregon communities from across the state with their efforts to create economically resilient communities. 
The most important element of the ERT framework is its network of nine multi-agency, regional teams.  The regional teams, led by the Governor’s ERT Regional Coordinators, are comprised of staff from the ERT agencies. The Governor’s Regional Coordinators and many of the state agency staff serving on regional teams live in the regions they serve. This localized placement of state staff allows for greater hands-on assistance to communities.  This statewide network of multi-agency teams provides the coordination infrastructure that makes the ERT approach to economic and community development possible and successful.
What does the ERT focus on?
The ERT's priority focus areas are listed here: 
  • Increasing the supply, marketability, and retention of viable industrial lands, including promoting the certification of industrial lands and redevelopment of brownfield properties where appropriate.
  • Promoting innovative and coordinated approaches to economic and community development, particularly those that solve problems and create public benefit by integrating land use, transportation, infrastructure, and natural resource planning to achieve sustainable economic development.
  • Promoting regulatory streamlining by facilitating interagency and intergovernmental communication about regulatory barriers and challenges, developing mechanisms to increase coordination among agencies with overlapping regulatory authority on common local government programs and activities, and proposing ways to create regulatory efficiencies and problem solve during the rulemaking activities of regulatory efficiency group agencies.
  • Expediting state permitting and other decision making for key business retention, expansion, or recruitment projects
  • Facilitating local and regional awareness of state policies, programs, services, assistance and economic incentives available from government at all levels.
  • Supporting state and local government efforts to grow Oregon renewable energy/”green jobs” portfolio throughout Oregon
  • Ensuring a high-level of customer service in work with local governments, business, and other partners and remaining responsive to local and regional needs as identified by communities across Oregon
  • Working to support economic recovery efforts spearheaded by the Governor or Legislature, as appropriate
When do I contact the ERT?
Contact the ERT Regional Coordinator for your area if you need assistance with an economic development project or another economic or community development effort that is important to the economic preparedness or resiliency of your community.  Recognizing that every community is unique and economic opportunities may vary, the ERT Regional Coordinators and field teams have the ability to mobilize state assistance for a variety of projects that advance sustainable economic development.  {Contacts Page} 

Page updated: July 31, 2009

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