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The Federal Railroad Administration Freight train traveling on bridge over lagoons
in tropical landscape.

The FRA begins the process of considering the environmental impacts of a proposed action and consultation with appropriate Federal, State, and local authorities, and with the public at the earliest practical time in the project planning process. Complete environmental impact assessment depends upon the concept and design of the proposed project or action. Information on current environmental reviews as well as technical guidance is available on this website. FRA conducts environmental reviews according to FRA's Environmental Procedures.

FRA complies with all applicable environmental review laws and regulations. Environmental reviews consider reasonable alternatives to the proposed action, including "no action," and potential mitigation measures. Relevant environmental impacts are identified and discussed.

The FRA encourages broad participation during scoping and review of draft environmental documents. In addition to publication of notices in the Federal Register, FRA makes efforts notify the affected public. FRA provides documents to persons and organizations who express an interest in an environmental review and makes most information available through this web site.

For information about the National Environmental Policy Act and implementing regulations see CEQ's NEPANet website.

For information about Department of Transportation Act, section 4(f) evaluations see DOI's Section 4(f) handbook.

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590