DOT Logo Office of Inspector General

Securely pay FOIA reimbursement electronically

All federal agencies, including the Department of Transportation (DOT), are required under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. Section 552, to disclose records requested in writing by any person. However, depending on the purpose and use of such documents, there are circumstances under which agencies may withhold information pursuant to exemptions and exclusions specified by the Act. FOIA applies only to federal agencies and does not create a right of access to records held by Congress, the courts, or by state or local government agencies. Most states have public information laws governing access to state and local records.

Each agency is responsible for meeting its FOIA responsibilities for its own records. Likewise, each DOT component is responsible for processing FOIA requests for the records it maintains.

Please contact Regina Raiford of OIG's Requester Service Center with question, including status updates about your request or general questions about FOIA at 202-366-6131.

If you have concerns about the service you have received from the Service Center staff, you many contact the OIG FOIA Public Liaison, Omer Poirier, at 202-366-8751 or

We also urge you, before making a FOIA request, to first browse through the OIG FOIA Electronic Reading Room, for information on matters already available to the public, and please view our Privacy Policy to understand how the information you send us is used.

DOT Main FOIA Page

DOT FOIA Reference Guide

DOT Annual Reports

OIG FOIA Electronic Reading Room

Methods of Submitting a FOIA Request

Postal Mail
FOIA Requester Service Center
1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E., 7th Floor
Washington, DC 20590
Attn: FOIA Requester Service Center

Online FOIA Request Submission
ALL form fields below are optional.

Please re-type
these numbers:
number imagenumber imagenumber imagenumber imagenumber imagenumber image
in this box:

Related Information: Privacy Act of 1974 * U.S. Dept. of Justice FOIA site