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(formerly Annual Report)

The Operational Plan is USAID's primary document for assessing program performance and making plans for future activities. Each Agency Operating Unit (OU) submits an Annual Report to USAID/ Washington detailing its acitivities and making a funding request. The Operational Plans presented on this page represent a subset of the data included in the full Annual Report.

To begin, select a USAID Operating Unit from the menu below.
NOTE: The FY 2006 Operational Plan database application will open in a new window -- if you are using a pop-up blocker with your browser, be sure to disable it.

Each operational plan contains the following information:

  1. a Program Performance Summary: a narrative overview of the OU's performance in FY05.

  2. a Results Framework: a table that shows the strategic objectives (SOs) and intermediate results (IRs) implemented by the OU; gives a top level picture of USAID's strategy and activities.

  3. for each SO, information on planned activities for FY 06 and 07 , by program component.

The site also provides a link to a downloadable pdf version of each plan and a link to USAID's Congressional Budget Justification fact sheet for each OU.


You can browse the operational plans by selecting an OU or Bureau from the menu, or by searching by keyword across multiple OUs.

To browse a single OU: select the OU from the menu. Use the tabs to navigate to the different sections of the Operational Plan.

To browse Plans for a Bureau: select a Bureau from the menu. A list of Plans available for that bureau will appear on the left. Select from the list of matching OUs and use the tabs to quickly browse the plans.

To search Program Performance Summaries by keyword: click the " Summary" tab. Enter a term or phrase in the search box, and select a bureau from the menu to narrow results to a specific bureau (the default is ALL). A list of matching OUs will appear on the left, below the search box. Select from the list of matching OUs and use the tabs to quickly browse the plans. The search terms will be highlighted in the results as you browse.