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User Login
The VA Learning Management System web site is intended for employees and staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Veteran-related information about education, benefits, and other services are available on the VA Home Page.
Veterans Affairs Learning Management System logo
Veterans Affairs Learning Management System logo
This login provides access for those pursuing training in the VA Learning Management System (VA LMS).
Is this your first visit? Are you looking for more information about the VA LMS or the VA LMS courses?
Before you login, visit our informational website Inside LMS.
You’ll find orientation to the VA LMS, up-to-date news and announcements, VA LMS training and how-to’s, and the course catalog.


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Support and Assistance
Contact your local VA LMS Administrator for log-on and other assistance.

For additional support, contact the VA LMS Help Desk at or
Monday through Friday between 8am and 10pm EST at 1(866) 496-0463.

Visit the Inside LMS communications web site to look up your local VA LMS Administrator.

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System Requirements: screen resolution 1024 x 768, Internet Explorer 6.0
The VA LMS requires the use of SAFE pop-ups: please disable pop-up blockers on your computer.
A complete guideline is available on Inside LMS in the VA LMS System Requirements Document.


This U.S. Government computer system is for official use only. The files on this system include Federal records that contain sensitive information. All activities on this system may be monitored to measure network performance and resource utilization; to detect unauthorized access to or misuse of the system or individual files and utilities on the system, including personal use; and to protect the operational integrity of the system. Further use of this system constitutes your consent to such monitoring. Misuse of or unauthorized access to this system may result in criminal prosecution and disciplinary, adverse, or other appropriate action.