OIG Office of Counsel Vacancies

Office of Counsel to the Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services, seeks experienced attorneys for its Administrative and Civil Remedies Branch.

Administrative & Civil Remedies Branch

Civil and Administrative Enforcement Attorneys

The Office of Counsel to the Inspector General seeks experienced health care fraud attorneys with two or more years experience to represent the Office of Inspector General in the investigation, litigation, and settlement of civil and administrative actions involving false claims, kickbacks, patient dumping, sub-standard quality of care, and other offenses.

Candidates should have experience in one or more of the following areas: criminal, civil, or administrative litigation; Federal health care program reimbursement; or the development of corporate health care compliance programs and/or the negotiation of OIG corporate integrity agreements. In addition, candidates will be evaluated based upon their knowledge and experience with respect to OIG administrative sanctions (i.e., civil monetary penalties and exclusions), the Anti-kickback Statute, the Stark Law, and the civil False Claims Act. Candidates should possess strong writing, advocacy, and negotiation skills. OIG encourages candidates with degrees in health care or health law or who participated in a health law program to apply.

Submit a resume and writing sample (preferably a memorandum that represents solely your own work product) to: ACRB.Resumes@oig.hhs.gov

The positions are at the GS 12/13 levels, depending upon experience. Positions are located in Washington, DC. Relocation expenses will not be reimbursed.