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Global Partnership Initiative

Through the Global Partnership Initiative, the Department of State

  • Is a convener, bringing together people from across regions and sectors to work together on issues of common interest.
  • Is a catalyst, launching new projects, actively seeking new solutions, providing vital training and technical assistance to facilitate additional projects.
  • Is a collaborator, working closely with our partners to plan and implement projects – avoiding duplication, learning from each other, maximizing our impact by looking for best practices.

The Global Partnership Initative located in the Office of the Secretary of State, is being led by the Special Representative for Global Partnerships, Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley, and the Deputy Special Representative for Global Partnerships, Kris Balderston. Follow the latest initiatives at TwitterTwitter and signup for email updates.

More >> Other Highlights of Recent GPI Activities

Facing Challenges

Address at the Council on Foreign Relations

July 15, 2009

Sec. Clinton: "I have appointed special envoys to focus on a number of specific challenges, including ... an ambassador to build new Public-Private Partnerships and to engage Diaspora communities in the United States to increase opportunities in their native lands. [W]e are working at the State Department to ensure that our government is using the most innovative technologies not only to speak and listen across borders, not only to keep technologies up and going, but to widen opportunities especially for those who are too often left on the margins. We’re taking these steps because reaching out directly to people will encourage them to embrace cooperation with us, making our partnerships with their governments and with them stronger and more durable."


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Global Partnerships and Innovation Critical to Progress

Blog Posted by Special Representative Elizabeth Frawley Bagley:

July 28, 2009

Developing new partnerships around the world is at the heart of the Obama Administration’s foreign policy.That was the clear message delivered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her major address at the Council on Foreign Relations July 15, 2009. She called for creating a new architecture of cooperation to meet today’s global challenges and “tilting the balance away from a multi-polar world and toward a multi-partner world.


 Description: Ambassaador Elizabeth M. Bagley








June 18, 2009

Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley was sworn in as the Secretary of State’s Special Representative for Global Partnerships. This new office is positioned at the Secretary’s level to meet the world’s 21st century’s shared, global challenges through a shared, global response from all sectors – through what Ambassador Bagley described as "Ubuntu Diplomacy: where all sectors belong as partners, where we all participate as stakeholders, and where we all succeed together, not incrementally but exponentially.”

|Swearing in Remarks
|Media Note (June 23)

Case Studies of Successful Partnerships:

|Global Connections and Exchange Program in Azerbaijan
|FORTUNE/U.S. State Department Global Women's Mentoring Partnership
|U.S.-Middle East Partnership for Breast Cancer Awareness and Research
|English Access Microscholarship Program
|The Landmarks of New York in Tokyo
|2008 Breast Cancer Global Congress