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Top 10 Downloaded Reports
From the USAID Development Experience System

The list below shows the most downloaded PDF documents served by the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse for the last month.

The list is compiled from our server logs and is updated each month.

Click on a Document Identification Number to download the PDF version of the doc, or click on the title to get the complete citation.

The Top 10 Downloaded Reports for July 2009:

  1 PN-ADK-595 Integrated financial management information systems : a practical guide 
  2 PN-ADK-649 Manejo del cultivo de tilapia, Managua, Nicaragua, 31 de julio al 4 de agosto de 2006 
  3 PN-ADL-249 Panduan budidaya tanaman sayuran 
  4 PN-ACR-387 Peranan dprd untuk mencapai tujuan desentralisasi dan perspektif daerah tentang pelaksanaan desentralisasi = The role of the regional assembly in achieving the objective of decentralization and regional perspectives in the implementation of decentralization 
  5 PN-ADF-056 Manual de capacitacion en educacion inicial para asesores pedagogicos y maestras de parvularia (Training manual in early education for pedagogy advisors and nursery school teachers)
  6 PN-ACH-684 Perspectivas sobre la reforma educativa : America Central en el contexto de politicas de educacion en las Americas (Perspectives on education reform : Central America in the context of educational policy in the Americas)
  7 PC-AAB-191 Foreign aid : an introductory overview of U.S. programs and policy 
  8 PN-ADO-168 Manual de capacitacion en cumplimiento de deberes y derechos laborales : modulo 1 -- relaciones humanas y trabajo en equipo (CIMCAW training manual on compliance with labor rights and obligations : module 1 -- human relations and teamwork)
  9 PN-ACH-574 Pertemuan regional : pengelolaan taman nasional kawasan Timur Indonesia -- kelembagaan pengelolaan taman nasional, Manado, 24-27 Agustus 1999 (Regional conference : national park management in Eastern Indonesia -- regional meeting of national park management institutions, Manado, 24-27 August 1999)
  10 PN-ADC-351 USAID project profiles : children affected by HIV/AIDS 
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