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Kosovo  Mission Website Screenshot

Mission Director: Patricia Rader

Arberia (ex-Dragodan) II No. 1
10000 Pristina, Kosovo
telephone: +381 38 243 673
facsimile: +381 (38) 249-493


USAID's assistance to Kosovo started in mid-1999 at the conclusion of the conflict that expelled Milosevic's regime from Kosovo and established an internationally administered region, administered by the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). It has continued through Kosovo’s declaration of independence on February 17, 2008. During and immediately after the 1999 conflict, large amounts of humanitarian assistance were provided to house, feed, and tend to the basic needs of an enormous number of displaced people. The humanitarian assistance was followed by programs to restore civil and economic life in Kosovo and assist in creating the institutions of self-government. Since 1999, over $1.2 billion in U.S. assistance has been committed to the reconstruction of Kosovo and to building self-governing institutions and a viable economy. USAID has supported UNMIK and Kosovo government institutions and has also helped the private sector develop. USAID remains engaged with Kosovo in the areas of democratic governance, community development, and economic growth.

Kosovo in Action

Rame Bala, Isniq/Istnic community representative, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new irrigation project.Monastery Champions Water Project for Kosovo Albanian Community

On November 17, 2008, representatives from the Visoki Decani Serbian Orthodox Monastery and the neighboring Kosovo Albanian village of Isniq/Istnic celebrated the completion of a local irrigation project... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Arjeta, member of an advocacy group for people with development disabilities, shows off her Identity Card.First Kosovo Identification Cards Issued to People with Disabilities

Three members of local advocacy groups for people with developmental disabilities were among the first citizens of Kosovo to receive identification cards... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Social Programs

Patricia Rader, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director [left], presents HAACP and Global Gap food quality and safety standards certificates to PESTOVA.Kosovo Companies Increase Production Quality

On October 7, 2008, USAID Mission Director Patricia Rader presented the owner of Kosovo's first potato processing company, PESTOVA, with official Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and GlobalGap international food quality and safety standards certifications... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Business Development

Patricia Rader, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director [right], issued Certificates of Appreciation to partner municipalities and communities.135 Communities and 16 Municipalities Honored for Participation in Returns Project

The successful completion of 135 infrastructure projects to support returns and reintegration of minorities in Kosovo and to help local municipalities and communities improve living conditions for all citizens was celebrated with a closing ceremony on September 23, 2008, in Pristina... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Children of the Gezimi Yne kindergarten in Mitrovice/a, show their appreciation to USAIDKosovo Kindergartners say “Thank You, USAID!”

Five little girls holding signed that spelled out "U-S-A-I-D" stood ready to greet Michael Farbman, USAID’s departing Kosovo Mission Director, at the dedication of a kindergarten rehabilitation project in Mitrovice/Mitrovica on August 27, 2008... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Kindergarten students and their older sisters host Mission Director Michael Farbman at their table following the dedication ceremony.Dual Events Dedicate School Projects in Kosovo Serb Communities

Ribbons were cut and foundation concrete poured during two events in Kosovo Serb communities on August 21, 2008, as USAID/Kosovo joined with the community and officials to celebrate local school renovations and expansions... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Administrator Henrietta H. Fore (right) administers the Oath of Office to Patricia L. Rader (center), at her swearing-in ceremony on September 10 as the new Mission Director for USAID/Kosovo while her family looks on. From rear left: John Rader (Rader's brother) of Springfield, VA, Debra Crandall (Rader's sister) of Fayetteville, AR, and Dorothy Rader (Rader's mother) of Fayetteville, AR.Rader Sworn in as Kosovo’s New Mission Director

In a public ceremony in Washington, DC on September 10, 2008, Patricia L. Rader was sworn-in by USAID Administrator Henrietta H. Fore as the new Mission Director for USAID/Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo

Week of Culture II engaged youth with disabilities in six Kosovo Serb communities.Kosovo Serb Communities Celebrate Culture Together

Seventeen activities, ranging from documentary films and fashion shows to trumpet and folklore concerts, attracted over 3,000 people during Week of Culture II in six Kosovo Serb communities... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Social Programs

Working on a new design for rugs at the Avenija Women Business Association.Donor Assistance Nurtures Economic Independence

A small textile factory employing six women from Llaplleselle/Laplje Selo (Pristina municipality) is a small but significant step toward economic independence for women in this small Serb community in Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Business Development

Getting ready to play (from left): Dr. Michael Farbman, USAID/Director, Peter Duffy, Program Officer, Nenad Rasic, Minister, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.Projects Help Improve Living Conditions for Kosovo Serbs

In June 2008, two new projects in Kosovo Serb villages, including the rehabilitation of the Kralj Milutin School in Gracanice/a, and the construction of a playground in Dobrotin [Lipjan/Lipljan] were dedicated... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

USAID LogoUSAID Administrator Leads U.S. Delegation at Kosovo Donors Conference

On July 11, 2008, Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and USAID Administrator, Henrietta Fore led the U.S. delegation at the international donors conference for Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo

USAID's Kosovo Cluster and Business Support distributed 300 Tshirts to the children answering a dairy question.Kosovo Celebrates World Milk Day

Kosovo celebrated its first World Milk Day on June 1, 2008 in Pristina's Germia Park. Intended to promote milk and the dairy industry, the event targets its nutrition messages primarily to youth... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

A handicraft exhibition organized by non-governmental organization Avenija was one of 28 different events held during Kosovo's Week of Culture in June 2008.Cultural Celebration Taps Vibrancy of Kosovo Serb Communities

Twenty-eight activities ranging from theater performances to chess tournaments attracted more than 1,500 people in five Kosovo Serb communities during the June 2-6, 2008 "Week of Culture"... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Social Programs

(From left:) Bajram Mulaku, Mayor of Vushtrri/Vucitrn, Michael Farbman, USAID/Kosovo Director and Ljubomir Djordjevic, Gracke/Grace Community Representative at the Grace Road Asphalting ribbon-cutting ceremony“Roads Link People” in Kosovo Serb Villages

"Roads link people, and this road project has strengthened linkages among residents of Grace," said USAID/Kosovo Mission Director Michael Farbman said at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a newly-asphalted road in Grace/Gracke (Vushtrri/Vucitrn municipality)... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Three TV public service announcements were produced with USAID support to educate citizens on Kosovo's judicial system. A justice-themed mini-series is currently in development.Project Aims to Raise Awareness of Citizens’ Access to Justice

To educate citizens on the role and function of the judiciary, USAID/Kosovo's Justice Support Project produced three TV public service announcements (PSAs) to increase public understanding of the administration of, and citizens’ access to, justice... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

At the nursery, Adminstrator Fore is shown the process of seedlings growth by Luan Buqaj, the owner of Las Pallmas.Cost-Share Grants Nurture Economic Growth, One Business at a Time

A nursery's expansion into vegetable seedlings, a wood processor's new plant and successful products in other business sectors were showcased on May 17, 2008 during USAID Administrator Henrietta Fore’s visit to Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Business Development

(From left) Col. Michael Selby, Chief of Staff of NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR) Multi-National Task Force (East) and Dr. Douglas Menarchik, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, shook hands and talked with the schoolchildren attending the May 16 dedication ceremony for the new bridge in the town of Viti/Vitina, Kosovo.New Bridge Brings New Beginnings in Kosovo

“Row, row your boat,” sang children from a local kindergarten at the Viti/Vitina town bridge dedication on May 16, 2008. The bridge, a joint project of USAID, KFOR, Viti/Vitina municipality and Developing Together, was dedicated by Douglas Menarchik... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Recent graduates of the Legal Clinic Course at the University of Prishtina, originally developed under USAID/Kosovo's Legal Profession Development Initiative.Legal Clinic Course Gains Official Listing in University Curriculum

A new course providing law students with practical skills is now officially part of the University of Prishtina Law Faculty's curriculum... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

More than 300 preschoolers and primary school students of Kufce [a village in Gjilan/Gnjilane municipality] at the opening of their new school playground.New Playground Opens for Primary and Preschool Children in Kosovo

More than 300 youngsters in the Kosovo village Gornje Kusce/Kufce e Eperme are enjoying their new school playground, thanks to USAID’s Municipal Integration and Support Initiative (MISI)... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu welcomes USAID Administrator and Director of Foreign Assistance Henrietta Fore in May 2008. During her visit, Fore pledged continuing U.S. assistance to support Kosovo’s democratic and economic and democratic development.Highlighting Past Support, Fore Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to Kosovo

USAID Administrator and Director of Foreign Assistance Henrietta Fore visited Kosovo May 16-17, 2008, meeting with President Fatmir Sejdiu and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, who expressed their deep gratitude for U.S. assistance and political support... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo

Participants of the 'Youth Securing the Future' study tour to the United States (from left: Dardane Ceku; Dr. Michael Farbman, USAID Mission Director; Adnan Hasi, CRS, Tina Kaidanow, U.S. Office Pristina Chief of Mission; Alban Mehmeti; Hashim Thaci, Prime Minister of Kosovo; and, Rabije Korenica)Kosovo Training Program Recognizes Participants

More than one hundred civil servants, lawyers, judges, and civil society representatives were honored at USAID/Kosovo's annual Participant Training Program award ceremony in March 2008... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

USAID Mission Director Michael Farbman (far left) and KCBS project’s Martin Wood and Valdet Osmani (middle) talk with workers and residents about the clean-up at a site behind an apartment building, where garbage was piled six feet high. Vushtrri/Vucitrn Mayor Bajram Bulalu (far right) listens.Kosovo Cleans Up

On January 15, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director Michael Farbman visited three garbage clean-up sites in Mitrovice/a, Skenderaj/Srbica, and Vushtrri/Vucitrn accompanied by the mayors of the respective municipalities... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Environment

Peja/Pec, December 1 - Following the masquerade ball, PEN activists prepared for the STOP AIDS ConcertHIV/AIDS Events Raise Awareness Among Kosovar Youth

World AIDS Day 2007, the international effort to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, was commemorated in Kosovo with a week-long set of activities, culminating in a December 1 concert in Peja/Pec... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Health

Training of NGO activists who volunteered to monitor November 2007 electionsUSAID Supports Kosovo Election “Firsts”

Kosovo’s historic November 2007 elections marked the first time that Kosovars elected their parliamentary representatives through open list voting and the first time that mayoral, municipal, and parliamentary elections took place on the same day... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Dr. Michael Farbman joins UP Rector Enver Hasani in presenting certificates to University staff and lecturersUniversity Upgrades Promise Improved Administration, Learning Environment

Thirty-nine participants of a USAID-sponsored summer workshop held in cooperation with the University of Prishtina (UP) in Kosovo were honored at a ceremony held on November 7th... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Workers remove trash from the river bed in Skenderaj/SrbicaProject Yields Much-Need Jobs, Cleaner Communities

Men wearing orange uniforms have been circling around the town of Skenderaj/Srbica, Kosovo, transforming it into a more beautiful place to live. The activity is part of a USAID initiative to assist with cleaning up... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Environment

USAID's Alliance for Healthy Newborns is working to improve community- and hospital-based care for infants and their mothersMedical Specialists Meet to Improve Health of Infants, Mothers

Kosovo's doctors and nurses gathered in Pristina, Kosovo for two days to review practices and plan future actions to help promote healthier babies and mothers... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Health

Red CurrantsBusiness Development Has No Ethnic Boundaries in Kosovo

A freezing and cold storage facility was officially opened by Tina Kaidanow, U.S. Office in Pristina Chief of Mission, and Stanko Jokovljevic, Mayor of Shtrpce/Strpce, at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on September 19, 2007... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Business Development

Graduates of the Party Training Academy's fourth classNew Generation of Kosovo’s Young Politicians Graduate

Thirty-four young politicians from 18 political parties were recently honored at a ceremony which marked the completion of the USAID-supported Party Training Academy in Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Dr. Michael Farbman, USAID/Kosovo Director helps to lay the foundation for a new annex to the Public Library in north MitrovicaUSAID Supports Infrastructure Strengthening in Kosovo’s North

‘With this project, you took charge, you identified your needs and priorities, and worked to find resources in cooperation with both your local government officials and the international community," said Dr. Michael Farbman... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

USAID Assistant Administrator Menarchik (3rd from left) joins members of the Vica community and Brig. General Douglas Earhart (far right), in cutting the ribbon to open a new primary school in Vica.Vica Receives New School for its Young Students

June 8th will be remembered as School Day in Vica, Shtërpce/Sterpce municipality, following the official opening of a new school building by Dr. Douglas Menarchik, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

After opening the Citizens Service Center in Suhareke/Suvareka, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director Farbman (back left) and USAID Assistant Administrator Menarchik (back right) thank the young dance troupe for their participation in the ceremonyUSAID Assistant Administrator Inaugurates One-Stop Shop

During his visit to Kosovo, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia Dr. Douglas Menarchik officially inaugurated a Citizens Service Center, also known as one-stop shop, in Suhareka/Suvareka... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

USAID offers college scholarships to deserving students who may otherwise be unable to pursue higher educationCollege Scholarships Offer Opportunity for Kosovo's Minority Students

In an effort to help minority students gain access to better education, USAID is providing a number of scholarships for students wishing to study at the American University in Kosovo (AUK)... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Journalists during the trainingMulti-Ethnic Dialogue Helps Bridge Divided Kosovo Media

USAID's Kosovo Media Assistance Program (KMAP) recently conducted the first of its multi-ethnic dialogue sessions for media professionals to support expanded collaboration... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Court staff convened to learn best practices for maximizing efficiencyKosovo Pilot Courts Share Best Practices

The execution of civil cases remains a challenge to the judiciary in Kosovo. Currently, one-third of all pending cases in the Municipal Courts are civil cases. Some of these have been lingering in the court system for more than two year... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Rule of Law

Dr. Michael Farbman, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director is honored by the residents of Podujeve/Podujevo at the openning of the Citizens Service CenterKosovo’s Third “One-Stop Shop” Opens Its Doors

Bringing municipal services closer to the people is the overarching goal of the USAID-supported Citizen Service Centers, also known as "one-stop shops." On April 24, Kosovo’s third and newest Center opened in its doors... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Institutional Reform

Students of Mitrovica Technical School in the north demonstrate their work at the rehabilitated workshop by USAIDRehabilitating Infrastructure in Kosovo’s Minority Communities

USAID and its implementing partners, Mercy Corps and the International Organization for Migration, dedicated four new rehabilitation projects in late April, as part of an ongoing effort to address the basic infrastructure needs in minority areas of Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Arben Xheladini and Alban Sutaj prepare their case with assistance from DLA-Piper attorney Mr. John VukeljEthics Training for Kosovo’s Ministry of Justice

Fourteen staffers from the Department of Legal Affairs, within the Ministry of Justice, attended legal ethics training from February 20-24. As a part of the training, participants were given a hypothetical case of an ethics violation... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Youth of Zubin Potok entertaining the guests at the opening ceremony of the Old Town Hall buildingAmerican Investment Helps Kosovo Rebuild, Rehabilitate

Residents of Zubin Potok gathered to celebrate the opening of their renovated Town Hall building at an opening ceremony on February 1. The day also marked the finalization of another project in this municipality... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Youth of Shterpce/Sterpce share pieces of Serbian traditional folklore at the opening of the Citizens Service CenterAnother One-Stop Shop Opens in Kosovo

In an effort to bring its services closer to the people, Shtrpce/Sterpce municipality marked the official opening of the Citizen's Service Center (CSC).  Also known as a "one-stop shop" for citizens... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Students of Sveti Sava elementary school in Mitrovica and their music teacher at the dedication ceremonyA Better School for Children in Mitrovica

Tina Kaidanow, Chief of Mission for the U.S. Office in Pristina, joined students of the Sveti Sava primary school in Mitrovica in celebration of the completion of a school rehabilitation project on December 12... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Children of Korminjan/e in traditional clothes celebrating the completion of the new water systemWith Quality Water, Better Health

A glass of water coming from the new water system was a highlight of the November 15 dedication ceremony in Korminjan/Korminjane... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Health

Sesame Street LogosBig Bird Comes to Kosovo

After months of planning, recording, editing and translating the footage for Season Two of Sesame Street, the show is ready for broadcast... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Photo from a previous USAID-supported tax collection campaign in Suhareka/SuvarekaKosovo Property Tax Initiatives Bear Fruit

A new strategy applied by Gjakovë/Djakovica municipality, with assistance from USAID's Local Government Initiative, resulted in an increase of property tax collection during August and September 2006... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Institutional Reform

Students of Sveti Sava School in north Mitrovia paint the school wall together with John Boris, Deputy Director for EUR/ACEState Department Reps Join Students to Paint School

John Boris, Director, Support for East European Democracy (SEED) Division in the Office of the Coordinator of Assistance for Europe and Eurasia joined students of Sveti Sava School in painting the school wall... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Mr. Agim Krasniqi, acting Permanent Secretary, MFE, interviewed by Beth Voorhees of WV Public Radio, NPR affiliateKosovo’s Budget Department Builds New Skills

Eight staff members from Kosovo’s Department of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), participated in a training on performance and program budgeting... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Institutional Reform

KTR members discuss upcoming projects“Kosovo Realities”

After the successful launch of the Kosovo Team Reporting (KTR) documentaries, USAID's Support to Peace and Stability Initiative is continuing with "Kosovo Realities", a TV Magazine series produced by multi-ethnic teams of journalists... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Social Programs

Students simulated a criminal trial in courtKosovo Law Students Conduct First "Trial"

Wearing court gowns and performing the roles of prosecutors, attorneys and judges, a group of students from the University of Prishtina Law Faculty conducted a simulated criminal trial... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

(Left to right) Dr. Ken Yamashita, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director and Mr. Haki Shatri, Minister of Economy and Finances (MFE) at the ministry's presentationKosovo Ministry Unveils New Mission, Credits USAID for Success

Improving the standard-of-living for all of Kosovo’s people by fostering a stable and healthy investment environment is the new vision for the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MFE)... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Institutional Reform

More than a dozen reporters attended the briefing on treasury reportsJournalists Train to Enhance Economic Reporting in Kosovo

Reading and understanding a treasury report was the topic of a May 10th briefing for journalists in Pristina... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

A potential buyer samples locally-produced cheeseKosovo Cheese Makers Taste Success

A cheese-tasting event in Gjakove/Djakovica in April produced immediate orders for two Kosovo dairy processors... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Business Development

Members of the high school youth council in Suhareka/Suvareka advocate to citizens for property tax collectionNetworking Grants Awarded to Seven Kosovar Organizations

Seven projects designed by Kosovar organizations to benefit the general public were awarded
grants for building business opportunities, helping solve local disputes... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Kosovo Campaign Educates Public on U.N. Standards

Avoko, a coalition of NGOs supported by USAID's Kosovo NGO Advocacy Project (KNAP), completed the public education campaign on the United Nations standards for Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Students from Musa Zajmi School perform a traditional Turkish danceSchool Renovation in Kosovo Celebrated Across Ethnic Lines

A group of 1,626 Albanian and Turkish Kosovar students of Musa Zajmi primary school in Gjilan/Gnjilane hosted a cultural show on May 3 to celebrate the renovation... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Hands-on training helps student leaders become more effective advocatesLocal Government Initiative Invests in Kosovo's Youth

May 11-14, USAID/Kosovo's Local Government Initiative (LGI) Project conducted a three-day workshop to assist representatives of the youth community... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Public Discussion of Decentralization Moves Forward in Kosovo

On April 8, 2005 the USAID-supported Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC) held a public discussion addressing "Decentralization and the Pilot Projects in Kosovo..." Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Literacy Program in Kosovo Targets Rural Women, Girls

A memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology and USAID's Girls and Women Literacy Project marked the official launch of the first phase of non-formal education in 10 Kosovo municipalities... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

Representatives from Kosovo broadcast, print and news organizations gathered to build skills Journalists Take the Lead to Improve Court Reporting in Kosovo

In an effort to improve journalistic skills on court reporting, the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) organized a one-day training for court journalists... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Workers prepare to lay the foundation of a new health center in Dobrushë/DobrusaLaying the Foundation for a Healthy Future

A project joining different ethnic groups and local government to address the provision of accessible health care for residents of a remote village in Istog/Istok municipality marked its progress on April 4, 2005... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Health

The campaign tagline promoting driving instruction for the disabledWorking Toward a Green Light for Kosovo’s Disabled Drivers

A proposed regulation to require municipalities to designate a driving school with modified vehicles for disabled driving students was recently debated at a roundtable discussion organized by Jeto Jetën... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

'Cash Collection Centers' Greatly Increase Electric Bill Collection Rates

24-hour a day electricity is rare in Kosovo, as an old power plant faces problems generating sufficient power – and most consumers don’t pay for what they use... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Energy

Kosovo Property Tax System Established – and Growing

The property tax is one of the most important levies introduced in Kosovo today, providing local municipalities with revenues for improving infrastructure and community services, and meeting financial obligations... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Financial Markets

Developing Mentoring Opportunities for Kosovo’s Law Students

The USAID-supported Professional Legal Development Program hosted a series of roundtable discussions earlier this year which focused on ways to increase effective mentorship opportunities... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Education

shaking hands Congressional Staffers Gain New Perspective on Kosovo’s Progress

Eleven U.S. Congressional staff members visited Kosovo February 24-25, 2005 as part of a study tour organized by the Balkans Trust for Democracy/German Marshall Fund... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Kosovo Municipality Seeks to Increase Citizen Participation

Implementing simple changes in how public meetings are run has yielded positive results for Podujevë/o Municipality. Recommendations from the USAID Local Government Initiative resident municipal advisor... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Social Programs

Citizens A Stream That Divided Now Joins Communities

A mixed Albanian, Roma and Serbian Kosovar community in Kamenicë/a Municipality dedicated a sewerage and drainage system on January 27, 2005... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Social Programs

Connecting Citizens Connecting Kosovo’s Citizens to Municipal Councilors

The Municipal Committee on Policy and Finances in Ferizaj/Urosevac, Kosovo, opened for the public as a result of recommendations drafted by AvoNet, a group of NGOs representing 350 youth and people with disabilities... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Social Programs

Meeting Kamenice NGOs Offer Citizens’ Perspective

Eleven representatives of youth, women's and ethnic NGOs gathered on January 19 to meet with USAID/Kosovo Chief of Mission Phil Goldberg during his visit to the Kamenice/Kamenica municipality... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Substance Use Prevention Campaign Targets Kosovo Teens

A series of discussions about the consequences of drug use were held with youngsters throughout Suhareke/Suvareka Municipality. Vajzat Sot (Girls Today), a local NGO from Suharekë/Suvareka and the Municipal Information Officer (MIO)... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Health

USAID Administrator Natsios$25 Million Raised for Balkans Through Public-Private Partnership: Donors Leverage Funds to Solidify Democracy

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation are pleased to announce a new $25 million initiative to support good governance in Southeastern Europe. The grant-making effort, called the Balkan Trust for Democracy, is a project of GMF made possible through a public-private partnership between GMF, USAID, and the Mott Foundation. Read More ...

Kosovo Prime Minister Meets With USAID Assistant AdministratorKosovo Prime Minister Meets With USAID Assistant Administrator

Dr. Kent R. Hill, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, met with Kosovo Prime Minister Dr. Bajram Rexhepi and Minister of Economy and Finance Ali Sadriu on Wednesday at the USAID headquarters in Washington. Read more ...

Brock Bierman assists with sheep distributionThe Building Blocks of International Relations
(Read the write-up in the Bowling Green News, 9/12/02)

As we approached the airport the scene from above appeared one of tranquility and beauty. Small villages sprawled throughout a rural landscape, country houses with tiled roofs and farm animals roaming in nearby fields. Read more ...

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