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Adam Durando
Anna Ruddell
Chelan Schreifels
Gregory Smith
Jelani Ingram
Karli Mulliniks
Mark Willis
Pablo Vázquez-Ruiz
Robin Hall
SFC Craig Chapman
SFC Robert L. Cook III
Steve Simon
Tania K.P. Smith
Pablo Vázquez-Ruiz 
Pablo Vázquez-Ruiz 
Resident Engineer, Ponce, Puerto Rico 

Where do you work?  In the Jacksonville District, Antilles Area Office, South Puerto Rico Resident Office, Ponce, Puerto Rico.

How long have you worked for the Corps?  I have been with the Corps and the Jacksonville District for almost 29 years.  I started as a COOP Student before obtaining my engineering degree and then started as a Civil Engineer Intern in 1982.

In your own words, what is your job? What do you do?  I am presently Resident Engineer in charge of the South Puerto Rico Resident Office with oversight responsibility for construction work on the south part of the island.  

My job is essentially construction management.  I lead an office with technical and clerical personnel to manage quality assurance, safety, environmental protection programs and construction contract administration.  I represent Contracting Officers for Administration on the jobs assigned by the Area and District Offices and also Contracting Officer Representative for military and “Support for Others” work assigned to my office, sometimes from other districts. 

My primary area of responsibility includes the remaining construction on the Portugués and Bucaná (P&B) Rivers multipurpose project, and its final phase, the Portugues Dam. In addition, my office currently provides quality assurance and safety oversight on facility renovation projects for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the US Border Patrol Headquarters in Aguadilla, PR.

How do you see your job making a difference and contributing to the Corps’ success? The job I’ve been assigned responsibility for provides me with plenty of opportunities to make a difference for the Corps success. I understand this is the only dam being built at this time by the Corps and, therefore, a focus of attention for Corps leadership. The success of this endeavor will certainly make a positive mark on the Corps mission. My plan is to lead the way for my team and stay focused and on track along the roadmap set in the campaign plan. 

What do you love about your job?    I love every aspect of my job.  However, perhaps the aspect that stands out is the fact that I have been assigned a mission of great significance for the entire Corps, my district, and the people we directly serve. I must emphasize the fact that this mission serves the town where I was born and raised. The opportunity to make such a difference in your own hometown and among the people you are so familiar with is not something that comes often in a Corps job. This job has been long awaited by the people of Ponce, and my team is set to ensure the success of this mission.

Any special moments/memories about your job you’d like to share?   I have had many great and rewarding experiences through my career with the Corps. There were many special moments I remember from my days during the construction of the Cerrillos Dam. However, perhaps the single most important moment in recent times is when I received a call from the district commander, letting me know that he was assigning me in charge of what he labeled “a flagship project” for this district. A job like this has been the focus of my entire career and all my efforts. I think that no other moment in my professional life so far has been as important.

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