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Adam Durando
Anna Ruddell
Chelan Schreifels
Gregory Smith
Jelani Ingram
Karli Mulliniks
Mark Willis
Pablo Vázquez-Ruiz
Robin Hall
SFC Craig Chapman
SFC Robert L. Cook III
Steve Simon
Tania K.P. Smith
Robin Hall 
Picture of lock master 

Where do you work? 
Wilmington District, N.C., at Lock & Dam # 1

How long have you worked for the Corps?  Began working for the Corps 17 August 1987

In your own words, what is your job? What do you do?  First and foremost I am a Lockmaster; I lock vessels up and down the Cape Fear River. I also lock fish upstream to spawn in the spring which has helpedthe fisheries on the river as they can not pass the dam unless the river is flooded. This is probably the most important thing I do anymore as we no longer have commercial tugboats and barges as we once had. No work is contracted out that I can do myself and I wear several different hats other than just Lockmaster. Lawn and landscaping, janitor, garbage collector, carpenter, plumber, anything that needs to be done that I can do myself.

What do you love about your job?  One part of my job I enjoy is meeting the visitors that come into my park. I enjoy telling them the history of the Cape Fear River and the role the Corps has played over the years in improving and maintaining it for river traffic and the fisheries. I normally show them how we do a lockage to allow anadromous fish to pass the dams in order to get to their spawning grounds and how a boat is locked from one pool to the other which is about an 11-foot difference. I have had many that would have a sarcastic comment towards the Corps and I took great pride in changing their opinion of us and what our goals are. The US Army Corps of Engineers is as sacred at the US Flag is to me and I have a great respect for the Corps and I am very proud to be a part of it. Lock & Dam # 1 was completed in 1915 for the purpose of allowing commercial tugboats and barges to navigate the 110 miles of river (along with two other locks and dams above mine) from Wilmington to Fayetteville.

Any special moments/memories about your job you’d like to share? I have too many special memories to begin trying to remember them all.  My Daddy worked on the Locks before me and when he died in 1987 I was able to begin working there four months later. I was born and raised on the Cape Fear River and fortunate enough to be able to work on it. I have spent many nights locking barges up and down these three locks and I have always loved my job. Meeting the many visitors and getting to give them tours and talk to them about our successes and seeing the many recreational boaters return year after year to make their voyage up or down the river. I tell everyone that makes their first trip that I look forward to seeing them again as most enjoy it so much I normally see them again at least once a year. 


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