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ARRA Program List

On this page, you will find a list of ARRA grant programs that are being tracked by the State of Illinois. Click on the link that follows each program snapshot for individual grant program information such as: CFDA Numbers, Dollar Amounts, Program Descriptions, Website Links and Program Contacts.

Note: This information will be continuously updated as more information is made available.

ARRA Program List

  1. Transportation
    1. Highway Improvement Program
      For transportation projects including resurfacing and pavement preservation projects, traffic signal system upgrades, bridge projects, transit projects and intelligent transportation systems. More Info: Highway Improvement Programs

    2. Transit Capital Assistance
      These funds will be used to purchase buses and equipment needed to provide additional public transportation service and to make improvements to intermodal and transit facilities. More Info: Transit Capital Assistance

    3. Rail & Fixed Guide way Modernization
      These funds will be used for capital projects to modernize or improve existing fixed guideway systems. More Info: Rail & Fixed Guideway Modernization

    4. National Surface Transportation System
      Discretionary grants to be awarded to state and local governments or transit agencies on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the nation, a metropolitan area, or a region. More Info: National Surface Transportation System - Discretionary Grants

    5. Capital Grants to Amtrak
      To maintain and improve the national system of intercity passenger rail. In addition to security improvements, repair, rehabilitation, or upgrade of railroad assets or infrastructure, and for capital projects that expand passenger rail capacity including the rehabilitation of rolling stock (locomotives and passenger cars) More Info: Capital Grants to Amtrak

    6. Federal Aviation Administration - Airport Infrastructure
      Grants to airports who are part of the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) for repairs and improving critical infrastructure to improve safety and reduce congestion. More Info: Federal Aviation Administration - Airport Infrastructure

    7. Federal Aviation Administration - FAA Power Systems
      Upgrade the FAA's power system -- $50 million, modernize aging air traffic control centers -- $50 million, replace air traffic control centers and TRACONS -- $80 million, install airport lighting, navigation and landing equipment -- $20 million. More Info: Federal Aviation Administration - FAA Power Systems

    8. Transportation Electrification
      To implement a grant program for qualified electric transportation projects that reduce emissions, including shipside electrification of vehicles, truck stop electrification, airport ground support equipment and cargo handling equipment. More Info: Transportation Electrification

    9. CREATE
      For state and local governments to use on longer-range surface transportation projects (including highway, bridge, transit, rail and port projects. More Info: CREATE

    10. Transit Capital Assistance
      Provides funding for capital in non-urbanized areas (rural and small urban) (Sec. 5311). More Info: Transit Capital Assistance

    11. Urbanized Area Formula
      To support public transportation services in urbanized areas (cities over 50,000 population). More Info: Urbanized Area Formula

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  3. High Speed Rail
    1. Capital Assistance for High Speed Rail and Intercity Passenger Rail Service
      Discretionary grants for state government for capital improvements and planning activities necessary to support improved or new intercity passenger rail service. More Info: High Speed Rail

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  5. Environment
    1. Wastewater Loan Program / Clean Water State Revolving Fund
      Funding provided to states is used to makes loans to communities, individuals, and others for high-priority water-quality activities. More Info: Wastewater Loan Program / Clean Water State Revolving Fund

    2. Brownfield Revolving Loan Program
      Low interest loans, job training grants and technical assistance to local governments and nonprofit organizations. More Info: Brownfield Revolving Loan Program

    3. Federal Superfund Program
      The superfund remedial program addresses contamination from uncontrolled releases at hazardous and toxic waste sites that threaten human health and environment. More Info: Federal Superfund Program

    4. Leaking Underground Storage tank Trust
      Grants will be awarded through the Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) Program. Priority will be given based on LUST's scoring of sites. More Info: Leaking Underground Storage tank Trust

    5. Watershed Infrastructure
      Watershed improvement programs to design and build flood protection, water quality projects, repair aging dams, and purchase and restore conservation easements in river flood zones. More Info: Watershed Infrastructure

    6. Aquaculture Assistance Grant Program
      Grant Program will solicit applications for grant funding. Eligible applicants are limited to State Departments of Agriculture or similar state government entities in each State. More Info: Aquaculture Assistance Grant Program

    7. Water Quality Management Planning
      To assist States (including territories and the District of Columbia), Regional Public Comprehensive Planning Organizations (RPCPOs), and Interstate Organizations (IOs) in carrying out water quality management (WQM) planning. More Info: Water Quality Management Planning

    8. Forestry Grants
      Grants are for State and private forestry activities including hazardous fuels reduction, forest health and ecosystem improvement activities on State and private lands using all authorities to the Forest Service. More Info: Forestry Grants

    9. Adeline Jay Geokaris IL Beach State Park Ecosystem Restoration
      To provide grants and cooperative agreements for biological, economic, sociological, public policy, and other research, administration, and public education projects on the coastal environment to benefit U.S. fisheries, conserve protected resources, and add to the economic and social well being of the Nation. More Info: Adeline Jay Geokaris IL Beach State Park Ecosystem Restoration

    10. Chieau - Gabaret - Mosenthein Island
      The easement provides NRCS with the authority to restore and enhance the floodplain's functions and values. More Info: Chieau - Gabaret - Mosenthein Island

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  7. Energy
    1. State Energy Efficiency Programs
      Illinois uses its SEP funds to administer programs that assist businesses and manufacturers in using energy as efficiently as possible, and to support staffing costs associated with those functions. A second aspect of SEP is solicitations for special projects. More Info: State Energy Efficiency Programs

    2. Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP)
      The State Energy Program (SEP) is a formula grant to states to fund a State Energy Program that addresses all, or parts of the original mandates included in the 1977 Energy Bill. With SEP funds and the resources leveraged by them, the State Energy Offices develop and manage a variety of programs geared to increase energy efficiency, reduce energy use and costs, develop alternative energy and renewable energy sources, promote environmentally conscious economic development, and reduce reliance on oil produced outside the U.S. More Info: Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP)

    3. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG)
      To reduce fossil fuel emissions, decrease overall energy consumption, improve energy efficiency in the transportation, building, and other energy consuming sectors of the economies of eligible entities. More Info: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG)

    4. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
      10 energy programs, including the Biomass Program; Building Technologies Program; Federal Energy Management Program; Geothermal Technologies Program; Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Program; Industrial Technologies Program; Solar Energy Technologies Program; Vehicle Technologies; Wind & Hydropower Technologies Program; and Weatherization & Intergovernmental Program. More Info: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

    5. Biomass Program
      For research, development and demonstration for converting biomass resources to bio-fuels. More Info: Biomass Program

    6. Geothermal Technology Program
      Research, development and demonstration efforts that emphasize the advancement of enhanced geothermal systems. More Info: Geothermal Technology Program

    7. Alternative Fueled Vehicle Pilot Grant Program
      To establish a grant program through the DOE Clean Cities Program to encourage the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles or other emerging electric vehicle technologies. More Info: Alternative Fueled Vehicle Pilot Grant Program

    8. Smart Grid Investment Program
      To modernize the electric grid, enhance security and reliability of the energy infrastructure, energy storage research, development, demonstration and deployment, and facilitate recovery from disruptions to the energy supply, and authorized purposes. More Info: Smart Grid Investment Program

    9. Fossil Energy Research and Development Program
      Programs include pollution control innovations for traditional power plants, including mercury reduction; improved gasification technologies; advanced combustion systems; development of stationary power fuel cells; improved turbines for future coal-based combined cycle plants; and creation of a portfolio of technologies that can capture and permanently store greenhouse gases. More Info: Fossil Energy Research and Development Program

    10. Physics Research Science Program
      Grants will primarily be awarded for research in high-energy physics, nuclear physics, and fusion energy sciences. More Info: Physics Research Science Program

    11. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E)
      To support high-risk, high-payoff research to accelerate the innovation cycle for both traditional and alternative energy sources and energy. More Info: Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E)

    12. Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee
      Loan guarantees for renewable technologies and transmission technologies. More Info: Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee

    13. Nuclear Waste Environmental Cleanup
      Accelerate nuclear waste cleanup at sites contaminated as a result of the nation's past nuclear activities. More Info: Nuclear Waste Environmental Cleanup

    14. Loan Guarantee Program
      A principal purpose of the Title XVII loan guarantee program is to encourage early commercial use in the United States of new or significantly improved technologies in energy projects. More Info: Loan Guarantee Program

    15. Carbon Capture and Sequestration from Industrial Sources and Innovative Concepts for Beneficial CO2 Use(CCS)
      The objective is to demonstrate advanced technologies that capture and sequester carbon dioxide emissions from industrial sources into underground formations.Carbon Capture and Sequestration from Industrial Sources and Innovative Concepts for Beneficial CO2 Use(CCS)

    16. Site Characterization of Promising Geological Formations for CO2 Storage
      The purpose of this FOA is to focus on regional site characterization of a minimum of 10 distinct "high-potential" geologic formations. Geologic storage formations can be saline formations, depleting/depleted oil fields, or coals seams.Site Characterization of Promising Geological Formations for CO2 Storage

    17. Training of Electric Grid Workers
      Grants to states; partners could include non-profits, labor associations, state and local veterans' groups, and state and local governments. More Info: Training of Electric Grid Workers

    18. Clean Renewable Energy Bonds
      Creates interest-free financing for certain renewable energy projects. More Info: Clean Renewable Energy Bonds

    19. Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds
      Very broad parameters for energy conservation projects including capital expenditure in public buildings, green community programs, renewable energy production, various R&D applications, mass commuting facilities, energy-related demonstration projects, and public energy efficiency education campaigns. More Info: Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds

    20. Clean Coal Power Initiative
      The CCPI goal is to accelerate the readiness of advanced coal technologies for commercial deployment, thus ensuring that the United States has clean, reliable, and affordable electricity and power. More Info: Clean Coal Power Initiative

    21. Electric Drive Vehicle battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative
      The goal is the development of production-ready batteries, power electronics, and electric machines that can be cost-effectively produced in volume to support the introduction of EDVs. More Info: Electric Drive Vehicle battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative

    22. Clean Cities Petroleum Reduction Technologies
      Clean Cities Petroleum Reduction Technologies are for cost-shared projects that expand the use of alternative fueled vehicles and advanced technology vehicles. More Info: Clean Cities Petroleum Reduction Technologies

    23. National Clean Diesel Campaign
      Competitive grants fund technologies to retrofit emission exhaust systems, such as on school buses and other vehicles, replace engines and vehicles, and establish anti-idling programs. More Info: National Clean Diesel Campaign

    24. State Clean Diesel Grant Program (DERA)
      Authorizes EPA to award assistance agreements to States to develop and implement such grant and low-cost revolving loan programs in the State as are appropriate to meet State needs and goals relating to the reduction of diesel emissions. More Info: State Clean Diesel Grant Program (DERA)

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  9. Housing
    1. Public Housing Authorities for Capital Needs Grants
      Funds to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) for building repair and modernization, including critical safety repairs. More Info: Public Housing Authorities for Capital Needs Grants

    2. Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program
      Funding provides short-term homeless prevention assistance to those losing their housing. More Info: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program

    3. Community Development Block Grant
      Funding for community and economic development projects including housing and services for those hit hard by tough economic times. More Info: Community Development Block Grant

    4. Neighborhood Stabilization Program
      The HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program is intended to provide emergency assistance to state and local governments to acquire and redevelop foreclosed properties that might otherwise become sources of abandonment and blight within their communities. More Info: Neighborhood Stabilization Program

    5. Lead Hazard Reduction Program
      Funds for competitive grants to local governments and nonprofit organizations to remove lead-based paint hazards in low-income housing. More Info: Lead Hazard Reduction Program

    6. Project based Rental Assistance
      HUD will use the $2 billion provided in the legislation to fund contract renewals under the Section 8 Program. More Info: Project based Rental Assistance

    7. Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP)
      Funding for capital investment in Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects via a formula-based allocation to State housing credit allocation agencies. More Info: Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP)

    8. Rural Housing Insurance Fund
      Funds to insure or guarantee rural housing loans for single-family homes, rental and cooperative housing, and rural housing sites. More Info: Rural Housing Insurance Fund

    9. Rural Community Facilities
      Funds to support grants and loans to rural areas for critical community facilities, such as for healthcare, education, fire and rescue, day care, community centers, and libraries. More Info: Rural Community Facilities

    10. RD Direct Homeownership Loan Program
      Section 502 loans are primarily used to help low-income individuals or households purchase homes in rural areas. Funds can be used to build, repair, renovate or relocate a home, or to purchase and prepare sites, including providing water and sewage facilities. More Info: RD Direct Homeownership Loan Program

    11. RD Homeownership Loan Guarantee
      Section 502 loans are primarily used to help low-income individuals or households purchase homes in rural areas. Funds can be used to build, repair, renovate or relocate a home, or to purchase and prepare sites, including providing water and sewage facilities. More Info: RD Homeownership Loan Guarantee

    12. Green Retrofit Program for Multi - Family Housing
      Owners of HUD-funded Project-Based Section 8, Section 202-Elderly, and Section 811-Persons With Disabilities Housing can apply directly to HUD for energy and green retrofit improvements for these properties, up to $15,000 per unit. More Info: Green Retrofit Program for Multi - Family Housing

    13. CDBG Entitlement Grants
      The overall CDBG program objective is to develop viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. More Info: CDBG Entitlement Grants

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  11. Small Business / Economic Development
    1. America's Recovery Capital Loan Program
      These $35,000 guaranteed loans are targeted to businesses suffering financial hardship due to the slow economy. More Info: America's Recovery Capital Loan Program

    2. Secondary Market Liquidity for Section 7(a) Loans
      To ensure small businesses maintain adequate access to 7(a) loans that may be used to establish a new business or to assist in the operation, acquisition or expansion of an existing business. More Info: Secondary Market Liquidity for Section 7(a) Loans

    3. Small Business Administration - 504 Loan Program
      Funds to ensure small businesses maintain adequate access to 504 loans. More Info: Small Business Administration - 504 Loan Program

    4. Business Stabilization Program
      To provide loans on a deferred basis to viable small business concerns that have a qualifying small business loan and are experiencing immediate financial hardship. More Info: Business Stabilization Program

    5. Economic Development Assistance
      Funds for economically distressed areas to generate private sector jobs. Priority consideration will be given to those areas that have experienced sudden and severe economic dislocation and job loss due to corporate restructuring. More Info: Economic Development Assistance

    6. Community Development Financial Institutions
      These funds will be used to help spur economic development and low-cost financial services to underserved communities. More Info: Community Development Financial Institutions

    7. Expanded Microloans
      Provides very small loans to start-up, newly established, or growing small business concerns. More Info: Expanded Microloans

    8. Strengthening Communities Fund - State, Local, and Tribal Government Capacity Building Program
      Further Information yet to be disclosed

    9. Strengthening Communities Fund - Non-Profit Capacity Building Program
      Further Information yet to be disclosed

    10. Rural Business Grant Program
      The RBEG program provides grants that facilitate the development of small and emerging rural businesses, to help fund distance learning networks, and help fund employment-related training programs. More Info: Rural Business Grant Program

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  13. Job Training and Unemployment
    1. Employment Training Services for Adults (WIA)
      Funding to states to facilitate increased training of individuals for high-demand occupations. More Info: Employment Training Services for Adults (WIA)

    2. Dislocated Workers Employment and Training Services (WIA)
      Funds to provide quality employment and training services to assist individuals in finding employment, and to help employers find the skilled. More Info: Dislocated Workers Employment and Training Services (WIA)

    3. Employment Training Services for Youths (WIA)
      Funds to create summer employment opportunities for people under 24 years old. More Info: Employment Training Services for Youths (WIA)

    4. Employment Services (Wagner - Peyser)
      Funding for reemployment services to connect unemployment insurance claimants to employment. More Info: Employment Services (Wagner - Peyser)

    5. Dislocated Workers Assistance (WIA)
      These funds will allow the Secretary of Labor to award national emergency grants to respond to plant closings, mass layoffs and other worker dislocations. More Info: Dislocated Workers Assistance (WIA)

    6. YouthBuild
      Provides services for at-risk youth, who gain education and occupational credentials while constructing or rehabilitating affordable housing. More Info: YouthBuild

    7. Green Jobs Training
      These funds are designated for projects that prepare workers for careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy as described in the Green Jobs Act of 2007. More Info: Green Jobs Training

    8. Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCEP)
      Funding for part-time employment opportunities for low income seniors. More Info:

    9. Job Corps Program
      The funds will support construction and modernization of a network of residential facilities serving at-risk youth. More Info: Job Corps Program

    10. Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers
      Fund to help workers at firms who have become (or are threatened to become) fully or partially separated from employment due to trade with foreign countries. More Info: Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers

    11. AmeriCorps Volunteer Opportunities
      Funds will be used to support Americoprs' programs that provide opportunities for people to serve their community while earning money for college tuition or student loan repayment. More Info: AmeriCorps Volunteer Opportunities

    12. Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Project
      Migrant Head Start provides child care and a comprehensive program of health, parent involvement, and social services for preschool children of low-income migrant and seasonal farm workers. More Info: Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Project

    13. Unemployment Insurance (UI Modernization)
      This is a component of the Unemployment Insurance program (CFDA # 17.225) that is handled via a locally held fund (i.e. the money does not pass through the Comptroller's Office). More Info: Unemployment Insurance (UI Modernization)

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  15. Health
    1. Medicaid - Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) Increase
      Funds to provide states with an increase in federal matching funds for state Medicaid expenditures to avoid budget shortfalls. More Info: Medicaid - Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP)

    2. Community Health Center Infrastructure Grants
      To renovate clinics and make health information technology improvements. More Info: Community Health Center Infrastructure Grants

    3. Community Health Center Service Grants
      To increase the number of uninsured Americans who receive quality healthcare. More Info: Community Health Center Service Grants

    4. Community Health Center Services Grants - New Access Point Grants
      Funds to create 126 new Community Health Centers. More Info: Community Health Center Services Grants - New Access Point Grants

    5. National Health Service Corps
      To fund training for primary healthcare providers in specific health professional in underserved communities through the National Health Service Corps. More Info: National Health Service Corps

    6. Biomedical Research
      To expand jobs in biomedical research to study diseases. More Info: Biomedical Research

    7. University Research Facilities
      The Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) catalyzes new knowledge and discoveries by empowering the Nation's scientists and engineers with state-of-the-art research instrumentation; The Academic Research Infrastructure Program: Recovery and Reinvestment (ARI-R)2 is designed to support 21st century research and research training infrastructure in our Nation's academic institutions and non-profit research organizations. More Info: University Research Facilities

    8. Prevention and Wellness Program
      Funds to support state and local efforts to fight preventable chronic diseases and infectious diseases. More Info: Prevention and Wellness Program

    9. Comparative Effectiveness Health Research
      This funding will be used to conduct or support research to evaluate and compare clinical outcomes, effectiveness, risk, and benefits of two or more medical treatments and services that address a particular medical condition. More Info: Comparative Effectiveness Health Research

    10. Health Information Technology Grants
      To authorize the Office of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology in order to promote the use and exchange of electronic health information. More Info: Health Information Technology Grants

    11. Health Information Technology Improvements
      Hospitals and Physician offices will automatically receive benefit through CMS reimbursements. More Info: Health Information Technology Improvements

    12. NIH Challenge Grants in Health and Science Research
      Funds will support research on specific scientific and health research challenges that will benefit from significant 2-year jumpstart funds. More Info: NIH Challenge Grants in Health and Science Research

    13. Early Intervention (IDEA Part C and FMAP)
      Early Intervention is a statewide program of assessment, evaluation and services for infants and toddlers under three years of age who have a medical diagnosis that could result in a developmental delay, a 30 percent delay in development in any area, or are at risk of developmental delays. More Info: Early Intervention (IDEA Part C and FMAP)

    14. FMAP - Mental Health
      Enhanced FMAP to the Mental Health Community Trust Fund (718 Fund) to fund mental health services in communities settings. More Info: FMAP - Mental Health

    15. FMAP - Developmental Disabilities
      Enhanced FMAP to the Early Intervention dedicated fund to assist children under 3 years of age with disabilities or developmental delays. More Info: FMAP - Developmental Disabilities

    16. Healthcare Acquired Infections
      Grants to eligible states to create or expand state-based HAI prevention and surveillance efforts, and strengthen the public health workforce trained to prevent HAIs. Also, grants to states to improve the process and increase the frequency of inspections for ambulatory surgical centers. More Info: Healthcare Acquired Infections

    17. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
      These funds are to be used to pay the excess cost of serving children and youth with disabilities, ages 3-21. More Info: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

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  17. Public Safety
    1. Assistance to Firefighters Grant program
      To provide assistance for communities to modify, upgrade or construct state and local fire stations. More Info: Assistance to Firefighters Grant program

    2. Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
      Funds to helps states and local governments support activities to prevent and control crime and improve the criminal justice system enforcement. More Info: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant

    3. Byrne Competitive Grant Program
      Funds to helps states and local governments support activities to prevent and control crime and improve the criminal justice system enforcement. More Info: Byrne Competitive Grant Program

    4. Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Grants
      The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 allocates $1 billion to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) for the COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP). More Info: Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Grants

    5. STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program
      STOP formula grants are intended for use by states and territories; state, local and tribal courts (including juvenile courts); Indian tribal governments; local governments; and nonprofit, nongovernment victim services programs. More Info: STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program

    6. Transitional Housing Assistance Program
      May be used for transitional housing, short-term housing assistance, support services designed to enable individuals who are fleeing domestic violence. More Info: Transitional Housing Assistance Program

    7. VOCA - Victims Compensation
      These programs reimburse victims for crime-related expenses such as-Medical costs, Mental health counseling, Funeral and burial costs, and Lost wages or loss of support. More Info: VOCA - Victims Compensation

    8. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program
      Funds to help State and local law enforcement agencies enhance investigative responses to offenders who use the Internet to sexually exploit children. More Info: Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program

    9. Victims of Crime Act Grants
      VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant supports the provision of services to victims of crime. Services are defined as those efforts that (1) respond to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims; (2) assist primary and secondary victims of crime to stabilize their lives after a victimization; (3) assist victims to understand and participate in the criminal justice system; and (4) provide victims of crime with a measure of safety and security such as boarding up broken windows and replacing and repairing locks. More Info: Victims of Crime Act Grants

    10. Safety Net Works Grant Application
      The Safety Net Works (TSNW) is an initiative, comprised of state agencies and community-based organizations, formed to help alleviated violence and killing in communities in Illinois. More Info: Safety Net Works Grant Application

    11. Hiring and Training Forensic Scientist Initiative
      The Illinois State Police, Division of Forensic Services, Forensic Sciences Command's "Hiring and Training Forensic Scientist Initiative" will serve to increase the capacity of case productivity within the Illinois State Police Forensic Science laboratory system by hiring and training 28 new forensic scientists in the forensic disciplines of firearms, forensic biology/DNA, drug chemistry and latent prints. More Info: Hiring and Training Forensic Scientist Initiative

    12. Enhance Illinois State Police Presence in MEGS and Task Forces
      The "Enhance Illinois State Police Presence in Metropolitan Enforcement Groups (MEGs) and Task Forces," project will serve to reduce violence by focusing enforcement efforts on the availability of drugs, guns and gangs by hiring additional agents to the existing 9 MEGs and 14 task forces throughout the State of Illinois. More Info: Enhance Illinois State Police Presence in MEGS and Task Forces

    13. Electronic Criminal Surveillance Initiative
      The Illinois State Police will enhance the electronic surveillance capabilities for all law enforcement in the State of Illinois through the purchase and implementation of highly specialized surveillance and data intercept equipment; provide training to sworn Technical Investigation. More Info: Electronic Criminal Surveillance Initiative

    14. Computer Forensics and Evidence Recovery Initiative
      The Illinois State Police will incorporate the use of the latest in computer forensic hardware and software along with highly trained forensic examiners to assist law enforcement investigators and to allow for accessibility of ISP forensic investigators to all local, county and state law enforcement agencies. More Info: Computer Forensics and Evidence Recovery Initiative

    15. Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center Expansion
      The ISP's "Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center Expansion Project," will increase the preparedness, prevention and response capabilities to all-crimes, all-hazards and all-threats. More Info: Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center Expansion

    16. Virtual Fusion Center
      The purpose of this program is to modernize the current multi-jurisdictional information system by using technology developed by the Microsoft Corporation in conjunction with the Illinois Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center (STIC). More Info: Virtual Fusion Center

    17. CRISCOS (Crime Reduction Information Sharing Coordinated Regionally Over States)
      Project CRISCROS is designed to create a networked system of License Plate Recognition (LPR) technologies that can be shared among participating agencies in 13 states. More Info: CRISCOS (Crime Reduction Information Sharing Coordinated Regionally Over States)

    18. Grants to State Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions
      To coordinate State victim services activities and collaborate and coordinate with Federal, State, and local entities engaged in violence against women activities. More Info: Grants to State Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions

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  19. Childcare
    1. Childcare Development Block Grant (CCDBG)
      Provides subsidized child care services through vouchers or contracts with providers to low-income working families. More Info: Childcare Development Block Grant (CCDBG)

    2. Head Start / Early Start Programs
      Funding is administered directly to grantees in states to provide development, educational, health, nutritional, social and other activities that prepare children to succeed in school. More Info: Head Start / Early Start Programs

    3. Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
      The purpose of CSBG ARRA is to provide assistance to States and local communities, through a network of Community Action Agencies, for the reduction of poverty, the revitalization of low-income communities, and the empowerment of low-income families and individuals to become fully self-sufficient, particularly families who are attempting to transition off a welfare program. More Info: Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)

    4. Education for Homeless Children and Youth
      Funds to provide services to homeless children including meals and transportation when high unemployment and home foreclosures have created an influx of homeless kids. More Info: Education for Homeless Children and Youth

    5. Adoption Assistance Title IV - E Programs
      The Adoption Assistance Program provides funds to States to facilitate the timely placement of children, whose special needs or circumstances would otherwise make it difficult to place, with adoptive families. More Info: Adoption Assistance Title IV - E Programs

    6. Child Support Enforcement
      To enforce the support obligations owed by absent parents to their children, locate absent parents, establish paternity, and obtain child, spousal and medical support More Info: Child Support Enforcement

    7. Foster Care Title IV - E Programs
      The Foster Care Program helps States to provide safe and stable out-of-home care for children until the children are safely returned home, placed permanently with adoptive families or placed in other planned arrangements for permanency. More Info: Foster Care Title IV - E Programs

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  21. Education
    1. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund
      The SFSF Education Funding and SFSF Government Services/Public Safety Funding are used according to the approved application submitted by the Governor to the U. S. Department of Education. More Info: State Fiscal Stabilization Fund

    2. IDEA Special Education
      To assist States and school districts with paying for the rising cost of special education for students with disabilities. More Info: IDEA Special Education

    3. Education for the Disadvantaged
      Provides local educational agencies (LEAs) with supplemental education funding, especially in high-poverty areas. More Info: Education for the Disadvantaged

    4. Education Technology
      Funds for State, district, and school efforts to integrate technology in the classroom. More Info: Education Technology

    5. Vocational Rehabilitation
      To help individuals with disabilities prepare for and engage in gainful employment. More Info: Vocational Rehabilitation

    6. Teacher Quality Enhancement Competitive State Grants
      To provide financial incentives for teachers and principals who raise student achievement; to address teacher shortages and modernize the teaching workforce. More Info: Teacher Quality Enhancement Competitive State Grants

    7. Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program
      Grants to design and develop data systems that analyze individual student data to find ways to improve student achievement. More Info: Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program

    8. Education for Homeless Children and Youth
      Funds to provide services to homeless children including meals and transportation when high unemployment and home foreclosures have created an influx of homeless kids. More Info: Education for Homeless Children and Youth

    9. Student Financial Assistance
      The Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain post baccalaureate students to promote access to postsecondary education. More Info: Student Financial Assistance

    10. College Work Study
      Funding for part-time employment opportunities to assist students in financing the costs of postsecondary education. More Info: College Work Study

    11. Independent Living State Grants
      Further Information yet to be disclosed

    12. Services for Older Individuals who are Blind
      Offer programs for adults with visual impairments to enable them to work and participate fully in family and community life. Our goal is to help these people rediscover their independence and freedom. More Info: Services for Older Individuals who are Blind

    13. Title I, Part A - Education for the Economically Disadvantaged
      Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (currently called the No Child Left Behind Act) provides supplemental services to children who are economically disadvantaged. More Info: Title I, Part A - Education for the Economically Disadvantaged

    14. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - preschool
      IDEA Preschool provides supplemental funding for state-required services for children ages 3 to 5 who are disabled. More Info: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - preschool

    15. School Improvements Grants
      To provide grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) on a formula basis to (a) improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in schools; (b) assist all students in becoming technologically literate by the end of eighth grade; and (c) encourage the effective integration of technology with teacher training and curriculum development to establish successful research-based instructional methods. More Info: School Improvements Grants

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  23. Arts
    1. Illinois Arts Jobs Preservation Grants Program (IAJP)
      Funds available for projects that focus on the preservations of jobs in the arts. More Info: Illinois Arts Jobs Preservation Grants Program (IAJP)

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  25. Food Assistance
    1. SNAP Administration (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance)
      As a result of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, the state of Illinois is receiving additional funding to help the state administer the SNAP/Food Stamp Program. More Info: SNAP Administration (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance)

    2. Grants for Nutrition Services - Congregate & Home Delivered Meals
      Under Title III-C-1 of the Older Americans Act, federal funds are awarded annually for the provision of meals for persons aged sixty and older in a congregate setting. The ARRA Congregate Meal funds will be used to provide meals to seniors in need of food, restore nutrition services that have been cut and restore positions which may have been eliminated or reduced. More Info: Grants for Nutrition Services - Congregate & Home Delivered Meals

    3. Emergency Food Assistance Program
      The money granted under the contracts is used to give both privately donated food and USDA food. More Info: Emergency Food Assistance Program Program

    4. Supplemental WIC Nutrition Program
      WIC provides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income women, infants, and children who are found to be at nutritional risk. More Info: Supplemental WIC Nutrition Program

    5. National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant
      This program by the U.S. Department of Agriculture supplements the current National School Lunch Program. It allows School Food Authorities to purchase up to date equipment, "greener" technology, or additional equipment as needed pursuant to a Request for Proposal process. More Info: National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant

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  27. Telecom
    1. Broadband Technology Opportunities Program
      The purpose of these funds is to build broadband infrastructure and accelerate deployment and adoption in underserved communities to promote economic development and job creation. More Info: Broadband Technology Opportunities Program

    2. Distance Learning, Telemedicine and Broadband
      Funding is available through grants, loans and loan guarantees for broadband infrastructure. More Info: Distance Learning, Telemedicine and Broadband

    3. Digital TV Conversion Coupon Program
      Funds to continue the coupon program to enable American households to convert from analog television transmission to digital transmission. More Info: Digital TV Conversion Coupon Program

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