Wyoming Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Q & A For Small Business Owners

What is the ARRA?

A: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is a federal bill designed to jumpstart the national economy and to create or save jobs across the United States. The bill, also known as the federal economic stimulus bill and referred to throughout this site as the ARRA, is a key part of the Obama Administration's response to the current economic crisis. The Act requires high levels of transparency and accountability so that citizens will be able to know how, when, and where their tax dollars are being spent.

How do I get access to stimulus money?

A: Most stimulus funds will flow to the states through existing federal formulas and existing federal and state programs. Some funding will be available through competitive grants, and those interested in applying for these funds should contact the federal and state agencies associated with their particular area of interest.
For example, communities interested in applying for Community Development Block Grants should contact the Wyoming Business Council which administers these grants. Companies and individuals interested in applying for renewable energy, energy efficiency and coal conversion grants should contact the federal Department of Energy for more information.

How do I find out what Wyoming will get from the national stimulus bill?

A: The best summary of what the state is likely to receive can be found in the Estimated Wyoming Dollars document, available on the right side of the recovery home page under "Quick info".For specific information on state agencies and programs, locate the agency on the left side of the page and click on the informational white paper available for each agency. Also available under each agency is contact information for the recovery and reinvestment team member associated with that agency.

What will the ARRA do for me and my community?

A: Gov. Freudenthal is committed to putting these dollars to good use in Wyoming to build roads and other infrastructure projects and to help put Wyoming residents to work. On March 12, 2009, the Wyoming Department of Transportation released a list of projects that will distribute $157.6 million in stimulus funds for road and enhancement projects throughout the state. These projects will create jobs in Wyoming communities.
Other stimulus funds in Wyoming will pay for sewer and water improvement projects, buy buses for communities and senior centers, increase funds for Community Development Block Grants and boost funding to existing weatherization and energy efficiency programs.
Gov. Freudenthal shares many Wyoming residents' concerns about stimulus funding that has "strings attached". He has said that Wyoming will only accept funds that are consistent with the state's existing programs. The Governor believes that it is not practical to accept funding that requires the state to dramatically broaden eligibility requirements or to create new programs that are not sustainable once stimulus funding is no longer available.

How can I learn more about the ARRA?

A: Recovery.gov is a federal website that helps taxpayers track where the money from the ARRA is going. It is the best place to learn about the bill.

How will the Recovery Act work?

A: The ARRA includes many different funding streams that are allocated to the states in primarily three ways: through existing programs, through existing funding formulas and through competitive grant processes. In some cases, the money will go directly to state governments. In other cases, the funds will go directly to a school, hospital, contractor, or other organization.

Where can I find the full text of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?

A: The text of the law can be found in Text or PDF format here http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h1enr.pdf

How can I contact the Obama Administration with questions or comments about Recovery.gov and the recovery package?

A: The best method to comment or ask a question on Recovery.gov is to use the "contact us" form. The question or message will be referred to the best person to handle the matter, and they will respond as quickly as possible.
For questions about the federal government, visit USA.gov or call 1 (800) FED INFO (1-800-333-4636) (8 am-8 pm ET Monday-Friday).
Still want to know more? Visit the Recovery.gov question and answer page.