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Correspondence Reading Room

06.24.2009 * Letter to Ranking Member Gregg Regarding DOT’s Projections of Highway Trust Fund Solvency
06.03.2009 * Second Quarterly Report on Amtrak’s FY 2009 Operational Reforms Savings and Financial Performance
02.23.2009 * Quarterly Report on Amtrak’s FY 2009 Operational Reforms Savings and Financial Performance
01.15.2009 * Letter to Chairmen Murray and Oberstar Regarding Review of DOT and FAA Actions Related to Slot Auctions at New York Airports
11.12.2008 * Quarterly Report on Amtrak’s FY 2008 Operational Reforms Savings and Financial Performance
08.20.2008 * Letter to Senator Coburn Regarding the City of San Francisco’s Use of Federal Transit Funds
08.07.2008 * Quarterly Report on Amtrak’s FY 2008 Operational Reforms Savings and Financial Performance
06.17.2008 * Review of Amtrak’s Labor Settlement Costs
04.30.2008 * Quarterly Report on Amtrak’s FY 2008 Operational Reforms Savings and Financial Performance
04.18.2008 * Alleged Cover–up of Operational Errors at DFW TRACON
04.09.2008 * Letter to Senator Lautenberg on Low Fuel Declarations at Newark Liberty International Airport
02.29.2008 * Letter to Chairman Henry Waxman Regarding Key DOT/OIG Open Recommendations
01.29.2008 * Letter to Chairmen Mica and Petri Regarding Treatment of Marines and Soldiers at Oakland International Airport
01.25.2008 * Review of DOT's Analysis of the Washington Nationals' Parking Proposal
12.19.2007 * Letter to Chairman Oberstar Regarding the Award of St. Anthony’s Falls (I–35 W) Bridge Replacement Project
11.14.2007 * Fourth Quarterly Report on Amtrak's FY 2007 Operational Reforms Savings and Financial Performance
08.28.2007 * Analysis of Loss of Control Over Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information and Follow-up Actions to Strengthen its Protection
08.21.2007 * Remarks of Inspector General Calvin L. Scovel III at the Illinois Department of Transportation "Ethics in the Workplace" Seminar
07.31.2007 * Third Quarterly Report on Amtrak's FY 2007 Operational Reforms Savings and Financial Performance
06.19.2007 * Letter to Representative Petri regarding the Motor Carrier Safety Status Measurement System (SafeStat)
05.01.2007 * Second Quarterly Report on Amtrak's FY 2007 Operational Reforms Savings and Financial Performance
03.22.2007 * Letter to Senator Boxer regarding Runway Incidents at Los Angeles International Airport
02.27.2007 * Statement of DOT Inspector General on Review of Airline Customer Service Commitments for Extended Ground Delays
02.26.2007 * DOT Inspector General Statement on DOT Announcement of Cross-Border Truck Safety Pilot Plan
02.22.2007 * Review of Apron Construction at Long Island-MacArthur Airport
02.15.2007 * Review of Operations, Capacity and Runway Safety Areas at Chicago Midway Airport
01.18.2007 * Quarterly Report on Cost-Savings Accrued by Amtrak Operational Reform
01.17.2007 * Letter to Representative Nadler on Relocation Assistance Provided to Tenants Affected by the Fulton Street Transit Center Project
10.27.2006 * Transportation Secretary Peters Swears in New DOT Inspector General
10.10.2006 * Fourth Quarterly Report on Cost-Savings Accrued by Amtrak Operational Reform
09.07.2006 * Letter to Representative Oberstar regarding FAA's Aging Airplane Safety Rule
08.31.2006 * Results of OIG Investigation of 9/11 Commission Staff Referral
08.04.2006 * Letter on OIG review of NTSB's Information Security Program to meet FISMA requirements
07.28.2006 * Third Quarterly Report on Amtrak Financial Status
05.19.2006 * Review of FAA Compliance with Anti-Lobbying and Appropriations Act Restrictions
04.06.2006 * Second Quarterly Report on Cost Savings Accrued by Amtrak Operational Reforms
01.05.2006 * FY 2006 First Amtrak Quarterly Report
10.12.2005 * Management Advisory: Accounting and Financial Reporting of Related Hurricane Costs
08.16.2005 * Letter to National Railroad Passenger Corporation CEO announces Amtrak review to be conducted
07.27.2005 * Letter to Representative Oberstar regarding FAA actions on air carriers' use of aircraft repair stations
07.22.2005 * Falsification of FAA Airman Medical Certificate Applications by Disability Recipients
07.20.2005 * Letter to NTSB Chairman Rosenker regarding a forthcoming audit on NTSB's Information Security Program
06.24.2005 * Alleged Cover-up of Operational Errors at DFW TRACON
06.14.2005 * Letter to Congressmen Conyers, Oberstar, and Waxman regarding the classification and declassification of a 9/11 Commission report of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) pre-9/11 knowledge of aviation threats
12.22.2004 * Letter to Representative Martin Meehan concerning the Massachusetts Highway Department’s denial of sound barriers for households in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
12.10.2004 * Review of allegations that FRA Deputy Administrator attempted to relax safety enforcement against Union Pacific
11.10.2004 * Review of Law Enforcement Authority for Railroad Police
08.10.2004 * Airline Industry Metrics
06.10.2004 * Need to Establish a Legal Presence Requirement for Obtaining a Commercial Driver's License
05.06.2004 * Report to Senator Inhofe on Tulsa Airport Authority's Management and Operations
05.04.2004 * Report to Senator McCain into Alleged Destruction of Audiotape of Air-Traffic-Controller Witness Statements from 9-11
01.08.2004 * Airline Industry Metrics
12.10.2003 * Amtrak's Loan Condition 8
11.24.2003 * Letter to Rep. Istook on Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Fraud at New Orleans Transportation Agencies
07.11.2003 * Reply to Senator Lieberman on FAA Role in Locating Texas Legislator's Plane
07.03.2003 * Airline Industry Metrics
06.23.2003 * OIG Comments on Lake Express Title XI Loan-Guarantee Application
06.18.2003 * Guide Used to Conduct Risk Assessments in FY 2003
05.21.2003 * Oversight of the Cost Recovery Program of the Central Artery/Tunnel Project
05.16.2003 * FAA’s Airspace Redesign: The Yardley/Robbinsville “Flip-Flop”
03.18.2003 * Letter to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel Regarding Alleged Aviation Security Violations
03.05.2003 * Letter to Rep. Don Young on DOT’s Air–Carrier–Citizenship Review Process (complete)
03.05.2003 * Letter to Rep. Don Young on DOT's Air-Carrier-Citizenship Review Process (redacted)
01.14.2003 * Letter to Representative Jim Oberstar on TSA's progress in implementing provisions of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act
01.14.2003 * Letter to Representative Roy Blunt regarding FAA internal investigation practices
01.07.2003 * Airline Industry Metrics
10.07.2002 * Airline Industry Metrics
09.18.2002 * Letter to Air Transport Association Regarding Airline Security Costs
09.06.2002 * Letter to Representative Bonilla Regarding Locations of Safety Inspection Sites for Mexican Trucks
08.02.2002 * Airline Industry Metrics
07.01.2002 * Letter Response to John Carr, NATCA, on the Operational Stability and Security of FAA's new Cru-X System for ATC Facilities
06.03.2002 * Follow-up Memo to FAA on STARS Acquisition
05.28.2002 * DOT Compliance with Rural Development Act Site Location Requirements
05.20.2002 * Letter Response to Representative Dana Rohrabacher on FAA's FY2003 Budget Request for Research, Engineering, and Development
05.03.2002 * Letter Response to Senator John McCain on Amtrak
04.16.2002 * Letter to Representative Peter DeFazio on Implementing OSHA Standards for Flight Attendants
04.12.2002 * Letter Response to Senator Richard Shelby on FAA's Advanced Technologies and Oceanic Procedures (ATOP)
03.26.2002 * Letter Response to Rep. Stephen Horn on DOT Financial Management Systems
02.22.2002 * Status on the Federal Aviation Administration's Major Acquisitions
01.02.2002 * Letter to Senators Lieberman and Thompson on Reducing Improper Agency Payments
12.14.2001 * FAA's Air Traffic Services' Policy of Granting Time Off Work to Settle Grievances
12.13.2001 * DOT Use of Government Credit Cards and SmartPay Accounts
12.10.2001 * Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Moves Associated with the Atlanta Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON)
12.04.2001 * Letter to U.S. Representative Roy Blunt regarding the review of an FAA investigation following an aircraft accident
08.31.2001 * Response to Chairman Lieberman and Senator Thompson on DOT's Energy Management Program
07.26.2001 * Letter to Senator Snowe regarding the review of FAA's Automated Surface Observing System
06.08.2001 * Air Carriers' Compliance with FAA's Pilot Rest Regulations
06.01.2001 * Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Third Runway Project
05.11.2001 * IG correspondence to Senator Ron Wyden concerning flight delays and cancellations
03.28.2001 * Implementation of FAA's Whistleblower Program
03.02.2001 * OIG Investigation of Responses to Information About a Serious Flaw in Aircraft Cables
12.18.2000 * Letter from the Inspector General to Senator John McCain, Chairman, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
12.18.2000 * Pennsylvania Station-New York Railroad Station Redevelopment Project
10.27.2000 * Review of near miss incidents caused by language or phraseology miscommunications between pilots and air traffic controllers
10.23.2000 * Delays, Cancellations, Customer Service, ATC Modernization, Airport Infrastructure, and Safety
10.13.2000 * FAA’s Actions to Expand the Controller-in-Charge Program
09.01.2000 * Regarding Senator Collins' Legislation to Amend the Inspector General Act of 1978
08.31.2000 * Letter to Representative Horn on Recent Instances of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse within DOT
08.28.2000 * DOT’s 1999 Performance Report and 2001 Performance Plan
05.05.1998 * Proposed ban on investigators' use of records generated through satellite technology

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