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Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed Pilot Program


The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal agencies, have established a Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed (Test-Bed) pilot program to examine the feasibility of increased sharing between Federal and non-Federal users. This pilot program is an opportunity for the Federal agencies to work cooperatively with industry, researchers, and academia to objectively examine new technologies that can improve management of the nation’s airwaves.

Test-Bed Pilot Program Description

The Test-Bed Pilot Program will evaluate the ability of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) devices employing spectrum sensing and/or geo-location techniques to share spectrum with land mobile radio systems operating in the 410-420 MHz band.  The Test-Bed Pilot Program will be performed in three phases:

Phase 1 – Equipment Characterization.  Equipment employing DSA techniques will be sent to the NTIA Institute for Telecommunication Sciences in Boulder, Colorado and characterization measurements of the DSA capabilities in response to simulated environmental signals will be performed.

Phase 2 – Evaluation of Capabilities.  After successful completion of Phase 1, the DSA capabilities of the equipment in the geographic area of the Test-Bed will be evaluated.

Phase 3 – Field Operation Evaluation.  After successful completion of Phase 2, the DSA equipment will be permitted to transmit in an actual radio frequency signal environment.  An automatic signal logging capability will be used during the operation of the Test-Bed to help resolve interference events if they occur.  A point-of-contact will also be established to stop Test-Bed operations if interference is reported

Federal Register: Notice of Inquiry: The President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed
Posted: 06-06-2006

Press Release
NTIA Seeks Public Comment on Creation of Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed
Posted: 06-07-2006

Public Comments Received:

The public comments were reviewed by the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC), which was established as part the Presidential Spectrum Policy Initiative to advise the Assistant Secretary of Communications and Information, Department of Commerce, on needed reforms to spectrum policies and management to enable the introduction of new spectrum dependent technologies and services.  NTIA also sought comments from the federal agencies on the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC).  The public comments as well as the comments provided by the CSMAC and the IRAC were used to develop the federal portion of the Test-Bed Pilot Program.

Press Release: Commerce’s NTIA Seeks Participants for Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed: NTIA announced today in a public notice that the agency will be soliciting participation in the Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed which will study the feasibility of increased spectrum sharing between federal and commercial users. Participants must notify NTIA of their interest by Feb. 29, 2008.
Press Release [HTML] [PDF (24 Kb)]
Federal Register: Notice of Solicitation of Participation [PDF 56 Kb]
Posted: 02-05-2008

Test-Bed Participants:

  • Adapt4 LLC
  • Adaptrum Inc.
  • BAE Systems
  • Motorola Inc.
  • Shared Spectrum Company
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Posted: 05-20-2008

Fiscal Year 2008 Progress Report: This progress report describes the activities related to the Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed Pilot Program undertaken during Fiscal Year 2008.

Federal Register: Requesting Comments: NTIA seeks comment on the types and depth of testing to be conducted in Phase I of the Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed pilot program to assess whether devices employing Dynamic Spectrum Access techniques can share the frequency spectrum with land mobile radio systems.
Notice [PDF]
Draft Phase I Test Plan [PDF -- Word]

Posted 12/15/2008

Final Phase I Test Plan: This document describes the types and depth of testing that NTIA is conducting in Phase I of the Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed Pilot Program to assess whether Dynamic Spectrum Access devices employing spectrum sensing and geo-location techniques can share the frequency spectrum with land mobile radio systems in the specified frequency bands.
Final Phase I Test Plan [PDF -- Word]

Posted 02/12/2009


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