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Democratic Order in Honduras
Assistant Secretary Crowley (August 3):
  " I think we should take this a step at a time. President Arias, other countries in the region, including the United States – we continue to work every day to encourage the two sides to accept the proposal that has been laid out by President Arias. There were meetings last week in the OAS concerning this issue. We believe this mediation process continues." Full Text

Diplomatic Visa Revocations
(July 28):
The decision to revoke visas is not one taken lightly or without due diligence. We arrived at this decision after careful consideration. We have said repeatedly since the crisis began that we do not acknowledge the de facto regime in Honduras as the legitimate government there. -Full Text

Travel Alert
The Department of State alerts American citizens to the current unstable political and security situation in Honduras, and recommends that American citizens defer all non-essential travel to Honduras until further notice. -Full Text