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U.S. Efforts To Influence Zimbabwe's Leadership
Secretary Clinton (Aug. 7): "[W]e ... are attempting to target the leadership of Zimbabwe with sanctions that we think might influence their behaviour, without hurting the people of Zimbabwe, and during the recent visit to the United States of Prime Minister Tsvangirai ... we made a commitment to try to provide more help on education and health, the kinds of things that the people of Zimbabwe deserve. So, we're going to be closely consulting as to how best to deal with what is a very difficult situation for South Africa and for the United States, but mostly for the people of Zimbabwe." -Full Text -Video -More on Trip
Secretary Clinton Participates in University of Nairobi "Townterview"
Secretary Clinton (Aug. 6): "I noticed the sign as I was driving into the university, "This is a corruption-free zone," and I think that ... the goal of the university and the young people here -- civil society, many members of the private sector, and of course, reformers within government at all levels -- is to expand that zone to cover the entire country and to provide the opportunity for people to have a chance to go as far as their hard work and talents will take them." -Full Text -Video -More on Trip
U.S. Support for Somalia and Its People
Secretary Clinton (Aug. 6): "No one knows better than the President the challenges facing Somalia and his people.... The United States is supporting the African Union's commitment through AMISOM; we believe that is exactly the right approach to take and we are supporting the training and equipping of the TFG forces, which is after all in the front of this fight to regain control of Somalia away from the violent extremists." -Text of Excerpts -Video Excerpts -Full Remarks -More on Trip
Coming back to Kenya is a bit like coming home. After all, I spent four years here (1999-2003) as U.S. Ambassador, and I grew to love the country... -More
Date: 08/06/2009 Description: Elephants in Kenya. © AP Image

In Other News

Secretary Clinton delivers AGOA keynote address
U.S. Committed to Africa's Future
Secretary Clinton (Aug. 5): "Progress in Africa requires partnerships built on shared responsibility. The flip side of responsibility is opportunity -- shared opportunity. And that is what I wish to speak about this morning, how we can work together to help realize the God-given potential of 800 million people who make their homes and find their livelihoods in the valleys of the Great Rift, across the plains of the Serengeti, in vibrant urban centers from Nairobi to Johannesburg to Dakar, and why seizing the opportunities of Africa's future matters not only to Africans, but to all of us." -Full Text -Video -More on Trip
Secretary Clinton places a wreath at Memorial Park in Nairobi, Kenya commemorating victims of the embassy bombing. August 6, 2009. © AP photo.
Commemorating Victims of Embassy Bombing
Secretary Clinton (Aug. 6): "I appreciate greatly the commitment of the Kenyan Government to partner with us and other nations and people around the world against the continuing threat of terrorism which respects no boundaries, no race, ethnicity, religion, but is aimed at disrupting and denying the opportunity for people to make their own decisions and live their own lives." -Video Excerpt -Full Remarks -More on Trip
Date: 03/24/2009 Description: Great Seal State Dept Photo
U.S. Support for the Merida Initiative in Mexico
Deputy Spokesman Wood (Aug. 6): "[W]e're working to try to deliver aid as quickly as possible to Mexico. The Merida Initiative is a very important policy objective for the United States. And what goes on on our southern border is very important. There are some challenges that the Mexican Government is having to deal with, and we're having to deal with those challenges as well." -Full Text -Video
Secretary Clinton speaks to press, Nairobi, Kenya, August 5, 2009. © AP photo.
U.S.-North Korea Relations
Secretary Clinton (Aug. 5): "[T]he future of our relationships with the North Koreans are really up to them. They have a choice; they can continue to follow a path that is filled with provocative actions which further isolates them from the international community.... Or they can decide to renew their discussions with the partners in the Six-Party Talks. We have always said there would be a chance to discuss bilateral matters with the North Koreans within that regional context and that is still the offer today." -Full Text -Video
Ambassador Rice speaks to press following UN Security Council meeting on peacekeeping operations, New York City, August 5, 2009. © AP photo.
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference
Ambassador Rice (Aug. 5): "It is a topic this Council has been focused on and seized with and which I think all of our colleagues agree merits the highest level attention. Obviously the nuclear, the NPT review conference, is an important milestone and we are very much committed to working to making it a success. And to the extent that this session in the Security Council can lend a positive impetus to that, we would find that very valuable. " -Full Text -Video
Date: 08/04/2009 Location: Washington, DC Description: Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon speaks before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. © State Dept Image
U.S. Support for Georgia Is Unwavering
Assistant Secretary Gordon (Aug. 4): "We strongly support Georgia's independence and sovereignty, and its territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. We reject the concept of spheres of influence. We support the right of Georgia and other countries to choose their own alliances. At the same time, we urge Georgia to exhibit strategic patience, to do everything possible to avoid further conflict, and to vigorously pursue political and economic reforms." -Full Text
Secretary Clinton Meets With Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh, Washington, DC, August 3, 2009.
U.S.-Jordanian Partnership Based on Mutual Respect and Mutual Interest
Secretary Clinton (Aug. 3): "We will continue to work together in areas ranging from assistance with education, healthcare, and water programs, to border security, good governance, and regional security. And I look forward particularly to continuing to work closely with Foreign Minister Judeh as our two nations deepen and strengthen our partnership and that partnership then continues to demonstrate the way forward on a comprehensive, two-state solution for the Israelis and the Palestinians." -Full Text -Video


Date: 07/30/2009 Location: Washington, DC Description: Special Envoy to Sudan Gration testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  © State Dept Image
Toward a Comprehensive Strategy for Sudan
Special Envoy Gration (July 30): "We want a country that is governed responsibly, justly, and democratically, a country that is at peace with itself and with its neighbors, that is economically viable, and ...that works together with the United States on common interests. We want an inclusive and durable peace in Darfur. We want full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and a peaceful post-referendum period whether as a single, stable, and unified Sudan or a Sudan that divides peacefully and orderly into two separate states." -Full Text -Video
Secretary Clinton and UK Foreign Minister Miliband
U.S., U.K. Work Together With Commitment and Resolve
Secretary Clinton (July 29): "I also want to state publicly what I mentioned to the foreign secretary, my admiration for the incredible courage, service, and sacrifice of the British troops working for stability and peace in Afghanistan. This has been a very challenging period for American and British forces alike, and for the American and British people who are standing behind them. Thanks to the bravery, skill, and sacrifice of these troops, we have made significant gains in the recent operations, but there remains much work to be done." -Full Text -Video
Special Representative Richard Holbrooke. State Dept Image
Security in Afghanistan
Special Representative Holbrooke (July 29): "It’s absolutely essential that over time Afghanistan assume responsibility for its own security and combat troops draw down. Of course, economic assistance, training, advisory work will continue for quite a while. The current force levels of police and army are clearly going to have to be increased."  -Full Text -Video
Assistant Secretary Gordon.
U.S.-Russia Relations and Transatlantic Security
Assistant Secretary Gordon (July 30): "The achievements of the Moscow Summit will help put an end to a period of dangerous drift in U.S. - Russia relations by increasing our cooperation on a range of issues that are fundamental to the security and the prosperity of both countries." -Full Text -Video
Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, testifies before House Foreign Affairs Committee, Washington, DC, July 29, 2009.
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Ambassador Rice (July 29): "Increasing the effectiveness and the efficiency of peacekeeping is one of the Obama Administration’s highest priorities at the United Nations. The Administration recognizes that many of today’s peacekeeping operations face significant limitations and challenges. But like our predecessors, we know that UN peacekeeping addresses pressing international needs and serves our national interests." -Full Text -Video


Secretary Clinton is traveling to Africa August 3 to August 14.

Click on any seal to go a larger interactive map, complete with video, photos, and the Secretary's remarks from the trip.
Pittsburgh Summit 2009Date: 06/23/2009 Description: Pittsburgh summit 2009 logo. © State Dept Image
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will host the G-20 Summit September 24-25, 2009.  President Obama will chair this meeting of leaders from countries around the world who will review the progress made since the Washington and London Summits and discuss further actions to assure a sound and sustainable recovery from the global financial and economic crisis. -Summit Website

EducationUSA - Your Guide to U.S. Higher Education
Date: 07/16/2009 Location: Washingtonm, DC Description: EducationUSA logo © State Dept ImageEducationUSA is a global network of more than 450 advising centers supported by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the U.S. Department of State. -More

United We Serve
Date: 06/17/2009 Description: United We Serve. © is a new portal for you and all Americans to find ways to serve in your communities. Americans are putting their own country back on the right track: Be a part of it! Visit, choose your keyword -- "education," "environment," or whatever interests you -- type in your ZIP Code, and see what opportunities our partner organizations have in your area.

Rhythm Road Tours
Date: 06/30/2009 Description: Jazz musician. Photo courtesy Eric Gruber. © State Dept ImageJazz at Lincoln Center is now accepting band applications for Rhythm Road tours -Apply now
Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) Internships
Date: 05/12/2009 Description: Virtual Student Foreign Service logo: Outline of world map in square surrounded by the words Virtual Student Foreign Service.  State Dept PhotoVirtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) Internships, announced by Secretary Clinton at the 2009 New York University commencement speech, are part of a growing effort by the State Department to harness technology and a commitment to global service among young people to facilitate new forms of diplomatic engagement. The VSFS Internships will be developed over the next year and will seek to harness the energy of a rising generation of citizen diplomats.
-Register/More Information
Flu Updates
On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 in response to the ongoing global spread of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus. A Phase 6 designation indicates that a global pandemic is underway. Updates about H1N1 are available through the links below.


Date: 05/21/2008 Location: Kenya Description: A pride of lionesses walk the plains in the Masai Mara game reserve in Kenya.  © AP PhotoKenya
Fossils found in East Africa suggest that protohumans roamed the area more than 20 million years ago. Recent finds near Kenya's Lake Turkana indicate that hominids lived in the area 2.6 million years ago. Tourism earned Kenya U.S. $972 million in 2007, followed by tea exports of U.S. $638.9 million.
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South Africa
The country is the world's largest producer and exporter of platinum, the third-largest producer of gold, and a significant exporter of coal and iron ore. The value-added processing of minerals to produce ferroalloys, stainless steels, and similar products is a major industry. The country's diverse manufacturing industry is a world leader in motor vehicles and parts, railway rolling stock, synthetic fuels, mining equipment and machinery, and military equipment. South Africa has many developed irrigation schemes and is a net exporter of food.
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Date: 03/13/2008 Description: Visitors walk the Great Wall of China, Thursday, March 13, 2008, near Beijing, China.  © AP Photo
China is the oldest continuous major world civilization, with records dating back about 3,500 years. Successive dynasties developed a system of bureaucratic control that gave the agrarian-based Chinese an advantage over neighboring nomadic and hill cultures. Chinese civilization was further strengthened by the development of a Confucian state ideology and a common written language that bridged the gaps among the country's many local languages and dialects.  Full Text 
 Description: Emerald Temple, Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 20, 2003. [© AP Images]
Thailand's population is relatively homogeneous. More than 85% speak a dialect of Thai and share a common culture. This core population includes the central Thai (33.7% of the population, including Bangkok), Northeastern Thai (34.2%), northern Thai (18.8%), and southern Thai (13.3%). The population is mostly rural, concentrated in the rice-growing areas of the central, northeastern, and northern regions. However, as Thailand continues to industrialize, its urban population--31.6% of total population, principally in the Bangkok area--is growing.  -Full Text
Date: 06/25/2003 Location: Agra, India Description: The Taj Mahal is reflected in a pool in Agra, India, June 25, 2003.  © AP Photo
Although India occupies only 2.4% of the world's land area, it supports over 15% of the world's population. India's median age is 25, one of the youngest among large economies. About 70% live in more than 550,000 villages, and the remainder in more than 200 towns and cities. Over the thousands of years of its history, India has been invaded from the Iranian plateau, Central Asia, Arabia, Afghanistan, and the West; Indian people and culture have absorbed and modified these influences to produce a remarkable racial and cultural synthesis.
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