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Secretary Salazar, Deputy Secretary David Hayes, Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation Mike Connor and California Secretary for Natural Resources Mike Chrisman at a packed town hall meeting in Fresno to address the California water shortage.  (Photo Credit: Tami A. Heilemann, DOI
Secretary Salazar, Deputy Secretary David Hayes, Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation Mike Connor and California Secretary for Natural Resources Mike Chrisman at a packed town hall meeting in Fresno to address the California water shortage. (Photo Credit: Tami A. Heilemann, DOI)
Secretary Salazar, Senior Administration and Congressional Officials Hold Town Hall Meeting on California Water Shortage - At a town hall meeting in Fresno, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes, Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Mike Connor and members of the California Congressional Delegation announced multiple steps the Obama Administration is taking to alleviate the heavy toll on Californians resulting from the ongoing water shortage. More...

Picture of Laser Light Show At Grand Coulee Dam
Laser Show at Grand Coulee Dam Resumes - The Laser Light Show has resumed for the 2009 summer season. In June and July, the show will begin at 10:00 p.m. In August, the show begins at 9:30 p.m. For September, the show will begin at 8:30 p.m. The show runs each evening through September 30 and is approximately 36 minutes long. More...

Secretary Salazar Announces $93 Million in Economic Recovery Investments to Improve Rural Water in the Dakotas - Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced that the Bureau of Reclamation has identified three Rural Water projects in North Dakota and South Dakota that will share $93 million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). These investments will help address public health needs of rural and Native communities and create significant economic development in these distressed areas. Press Release, More on Reclamation Recovery Projects...

Photo of CAST Event At Shasta Lake
C.A.S.T. for Kids - Children with a wide range of disabilities had the opportunity to reel in a good time as they joined some enthusiastic volunteers from Reclamation and their partners during the C.A.S.T. for Kids event held at Shasta Lake. More...

2009 International Seminars and Study Tours - The Bureau of Reclamation International Affairs Office will be offering two upcoming international seminars and study tours pertaining to safety evaluation and visual inspection of existing dams and water management. More...


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