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Impact on North Carolina

North Carolina will receive billions of dollars from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, but we don´t know the final amount yet. North Carolina will receive approximately $6.3 billion in direct allocations. However, that number doesn´t include tax cuts and federal agencies must still finalize their funding formulas. A large portion of the funds will be in the form of competitive grants that have yet to be awarded.

$225 billion of the $789.5 billion total will be awarded to states based on funding formulas. We estimate that North Carolina will receive $6.3 billion of the $225 billion total or about 2.8%. In addition, we have identified over $1.8 billion in grants that are coming to North Carolina, for an overall total of over $8.1 billion so far.

That $6.3 billion will be distributed like this:



State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (Total) $1,420,454,235
Education $1,161,931,564
General Purpose (Flex Fund) $258,522,671
Department of Health and Human Services
Medicaid 2009 $971,177,458
Medicaid 2010/11 $1,456,531,499
Medicaid DSH $14,629,666
Weatherization $131,954,536
Emergency Food & Shelter $3,335,422
Food Stamp (SNAP) Administration $4,617,000
Immunization $5,153,105
Foster Care/Adoption Assistance $11,774,494
Elderly Nutrition $2,547,512
Independent Living $402,340
Older Individuals Who Are blind $1,042,000
Child Care $67,543,000
Community Services Block Grants $26,243,124
Vocational Rehabilitation $18,029,008
Homelessness Prevention $29,078,387
Service for Older Americans $621,560
Department of Transportation **
Highways & Bridges $735,527,000
Transit Capital Grants (Total) $103,304,000
TCG Urban $70,248,738
TCG Rural $33,055,504
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Drinking Water SRF $65,625,000
Clean Water SRF $71,443,500
Department of Administration
State Energy Program $75,989,000
Energy Efficiency and Conservation BGs – State $20,925,300
Energy Efficiency and Conservation BGs – Local $37,125,000
ENERGY STAR Appliance Rebate Program $8,848,616
Department of Agriculture
Commodity Assistance/TEFAP $3,876,000
Department of Public Instruction
Head Start $14,314,846
Title I (Grants to LEAs) $257,444,956
Title I (School Improvement) $77,299,515
Special Education Part B $314,410,039
Special Education Part C $12,730,682
Special Education Preschool $12,071,141
Technical Assistance $16,376,781
Department of Commerce
WIA-Adult (Workforce Investment) $10,337,165
WIA-Youth (Workforce Investment) $25,070,698
Dislocated Workers $44,419,273
Community Development Block Grant non-entitlement $12,080,614
Department of Crime Control and Public Safety
Crime Victims Assistance $1,110,000
Governor’s Crime Commission
Crime Victims Compensation $647,906
Internet Crimes Against Children $879,040
Violence Against Women $3,784,210
Byrne/Justice Assistance Grants $34,491,558
Employment Security Commission
State Administration Grants (Unemployment Insurance) $14,647,397
Employment Service $11,091,396
Trade Adjustment Assistance Grants $43,959.987
NC Housing Finance Agency
HOME $52,152,687
Local Governments
Community Development Block Grant entitlement $6,921,506
Local Education Agencies
School Lunch Equipment $3,314,000
McKinney-Vento Funds (Educate Homeless) $1,627,010
Higher Education Institutions
Work Study $4,777,000
Local Public Housing Authorities
Public Housing Capital Fund $83,426,611
Total $6,347,184,022
Grants - download a list of grant awards pdf $1,806,843,858
R&D Grants to Universities - download a listpdf $25,237,480
GRAND TOTAL $8,179,265,360

* These are preliminary estimates and are subject to change.

** To see the state's transportation plan (NCDOT's STIP), please click here.

Click here for an explanation of these funding categories. (Source: National Governors Association)

Estimated Jobs

The White House estimates that the stimulus plan will create or save 105,000 jobs in North Carolina. Here is how they estimate jobs by Congressional District:

CD 1 ­ 6,800
CD 2 ­ 8,200
CD 3 ­ 7,900
CD 4 ­ 9,100
CD 5 ­ 7,600
CD 6 ­ 7,900
CD 7 ­ 8,100
CD 8 ­ 7,700
CD 9 ­ 9,400
CD 10 ­ 7,700
CD 11 ­ 7,400
CD 12 ­ 7,700
CD 13 ­ 8,600

Find your congressional district here.

copyright © 2009 State of North Carolina, Office of Economic Recovery & Investment