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State Maps Track Spending

Two new maps show the states and communities where Recovery money is being spent. Investments by Recipient details the projects funded through contracts, grants and loans in specific cities around the country, while Investments by State displays the Recovery funds that agencies have allocated and paid out to your state.

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Nevada Jobs Converting Hazardous Forest Fuels into Green Energy
Forestry Project Creates Jobs

The Nevada Division of Forestry has begun a $1.3 million Recovery-Act funded project in Lincoln County, creating 26 jobs and saving three. The project will reduce hazardous forest fuels through the removal of Pinyon and Juniper trees encroaching on Highway 93 and State Route 319.

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One-time payments continue
One-time payments continue

By December 31, 2010, approximately 54 million one-time payments of $250 will have been made to persons who receive certain types of federal benefits. Have you received your check?

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Transforming Public Housing Communities

Thousands of public housing units for lower-income residents, including the elderly and disabled, will be developed and modernized as a result of approximately $1 billion in grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Most of the grant money will be devoted to making the units more energy efficient, thus decreasing utility costs to the residents.

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Composition of State and Local Recovery Act Funding
Recovery Spending in 2009 versus 2012

In Fiscal Year 2009, almost two-thirds of Recovery Act funding to states and localities will be in the health field; by FY 2012, the major portion of funding will shift to long-term economic growth opportunities in transportation, energy, and community development.

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State Maps Track Spending

Two new maps show the states and communities where Recovery money is being spent. Investments by Recipient details the projects funded through contracts, grants and loans in specific cities around the country, while Investments by State displays the Recovery funds that agencies have allocated and paid out to your state.

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Chairman’s Corner
July 16, 2009
Earl E. Devaney is chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board. The Recovery Board oversees Recovery Act spending and manages this website. Today, he introduces the Chairman's Corner, his online report to the American people.

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State, Local, Tribal and Territorial Information

USA Map Click on map to see state-by-state Recovery Act spending and recipients of Recovery funding.

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Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What's New at

New and Enhanced Maps
The Recovery Board is introducing a new mapping capacity that will give the American people a road map on stimulus spending. For users' convenience, we have placed our maps on a single landing page.

In the coming months, you will see state-of-the art mapping technologies allowing for even better tracking of spending. For now, use our enhanced State Map to track how much your state is receiving in stimulus funds. And take a look at our new Recipient Map detailing major awards to companies in your communities. Click here for Maps

And, now you can access all the data behind the Investments for Recipient map by downloading an XML Feed or a KML File.
Chairman's Corner
In the first of a series of online reports, the Chairman of the Recovery Board talks directly to the American public.
The Board
The Mission, Members, Powers and Functions, Minutes and Testimony
Click here for Small Business Resources

Timeline- Upcoming Milestones

Aug 14, 2009 Council of Economic Advisers begin quarterly reporting
Aug 17, 2009 Early Registration begins for Recipient Reporting
Oct 10, 2009 Recipient reporting begins

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Reporting the Progress Financial and Activity Reports Notes

Weekly Distribution of Funds (Click on chart for more details)

First Chart Using FusionCharts PHP Class