Investing in Innovation Fund
July 2009
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FY 2010 proposed budget:
$100 million

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act:
$650 million

Local educational agencies (LEAs) (including charter school LEAs) and nonprofit organizations working in collaboration with one or more LEAs or a consortium of schools.

To be eligible, an LEA must have made progress in raising student achievement, significantly closing the achievement gap, and made progress in other areas.

Type of Grant:


The program will support efforts to bring to scale educational practices with significant evidence of success in improving student achievement and support the development, implementation, replication, and further evaluation of promising innovative practices. The program will not support the simple expansion of well-established and resourced programs.

The Department will be publishing a notice of proposed priorities, requirements, definitions and selection criteria in the Federal Register and will be inviting public comment. The Department also will make the notice available at

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Last Modified: 07/30/2009