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Inspectors General Findings

Each federal agency has an Inspector General (IG) responsible for overseeing how federal funds are spent and for working with the agency to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse. IGs for agencies who received Recovery Act funds are reviewing their stimulus spending to ensure Recovery-related projects meet legal and administrative requirements. The IGs are also reviewing their agencies administrative practices to ensure that effective controls are in place for managing Recovery funds. Reports of IG findings are below.

Displaying 1 - 5 of 30 items.

Announcements  Tuesday, July 14, 2009
EPA Inspector General Assesses Potential Weaknesses of Recipients Receiving Recovery Funds

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reviewed prior audits and observed that the EPA's Recovery-funding to recipients with known weaknesses or open recommendations could increase the risks of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. The OIG advised that the EPA should verify whether or not fund recipients have corrected weaknesses identified in previous reports before awarding new funds.
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Announcements  Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Social Security Administration Inspector General Finds a Comprehensive Process to Track Certain Administrative Costs

The Social Security Administration was allotted $90 million by the Recovery Act to cover the administrative costs of processing the $250 one-time payments to 53 million Social Security recipients. When looking at the process the SSA had in place to identify and report the costs specifically connected to the distribution of the Recovery Act funds, the agency's Inspector General found that the Agency was able to identify and track Recovery administrative costs separately from regular appropriations. The IG also found that the SSA had submitted the required weekly reports detailing the costs in a timely manner.
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Announcements  Monday, June 29, 2009
Department of Interior's Inspector General Continues to Strengthen Oversight of Recovery Funds

As part of its ongoing oversight of the Department of Interior's approximately $3 billion in Recovery Act funds, Interior's Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued two advisory memoranda that offered the following observations: the Acquisition and Property Management Office and Solicitor's Office need to have adequate staff given both offices' critical roles for reviewing Recovery-related contracts and financial assistance awards; and the Bureau of Indian Affairs should improve communications between headquarters and the field, regarding road maintenance projects.
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Announcements  Monday, June 29, 2009
Social Security Administration Inspector General Issues Report on Strategic Planning for Information Systems

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided the Social Security Administration (SSA) $500 million for the replacement of SSA's National Computer Center (NCC) at Durham, NC. In assessing the Agency's future information system plans, the SSA Inspector General looked at the Agency's strategic plans for information technology (IT) strategic planning, disaster recovery, infrastructure issues, and NCC replacement strategy. The IG found that SSA needs to focus on (1) strengthening the IT strategic planning process; (2) identify ways to accelerate planning, constructing and operating the new data center; (3) develop contingency plans for addressing IT processing requirements and disaster recovery procedures in the event the Durham Support Center and/or the new data center are not operational within the scheduled timeframes; and (4) establish controls and a detailed strategy for timely maintenance, repairs, upgrades and replacement of critical IT infrastructure in the new data center to prevent the current situation at the NCC from recurring.
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Announcements  Thursday, June 25, 2009
Reporting System in Place to Monitor Neighborhood Stabilization Program

The Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has conducted an audit to determine whether the department's Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting system (DRGR) can collect the required information to effectively monitor the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The audit found that the reporting system is capable of collecting the information HUD needs in order to monitor the program.
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