News 2009-07-02T20:26:25Z recovery_new/ Recovery.govNew Guidance for Recipient Reporting Released /?q=content/new-guidance-recipient-reporting-released 2009-06-22T22:25:00Z

On June 22, 2009, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published Implementing Guidance for the Reports on Use of Funds Pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("Recovery Act"). This guidance implements the reporting requirements included in Section 1512 of the Recovery Act for recipients of grants, loans, and other forms of assistance.
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Recovery.govMore Than $297 Million in Recovery Funds Now Available for Arkansas to Save Jobs and Drive Education Reform /?q=content/more-297-million-recovery-funds-now-available-arkansas-save-jobs-and-drive-education-reform 2009-07-01T18:44:00Z

Application for Part 1 of Arkansas's State Stabilization Funds Approved Today

U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that more than $297 million is now available for Arkansas under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts. Arkansas will be eligible to apply for another $146 million this fall. Today's funding is being made available per Arkansas's successful completion of Part 1 of the State Stabilization Application, which was made available on April 1st.

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2009-07-02T19:02:02Z$656 Million in Recovery Funds Now Available for Alabama to Save Jobs and Drive Education Reform /?q=content/656-million-recovery-funds-now-available-alabama-save-jobs-and-drive-education-reform 2009-07-01T18:47:00Z

Application for Part 1 of Alabama's State Stabilization Funds Approved Today

U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that $656 million is now available for Alabama under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts. Alabama will be eligible to apply for another $73 million this fall. Today's funding is being made available per Alabama's successful completion of Part 1 of the State Stabilization Application, which was made available on April 1st.

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Recovery.govHUD Joins USDA Effort by Launching Cutting Edge Recovery Act Web Mapping Tool /?q=content/hud-joins-usda-effort-launching-cutting-edge-recovery-act-web-mapping-tool 2009-06-22T19:45:00Z

Web tool will increase transparency, keep public informed and involved in Recovery Act spending

WASHINGTON - June 22, 2009. Today, HUD announced that it is joining USDA's geospatial project by uploading HUD Recovery Act data into USDA's cutting-edge web tool, which will allow Americans to learn how and where HUD is spending money provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act).

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Recovery.govCommerce Secretary Gary Locke Announces $167 Million in Recovery Act Funding for 50 Coastal Restoration Projects /?q=content/commerce-secretary-gary-locke-announces-167-million-recovery-act-funding-50-coastal-restorat 2009-06-30T18:50:00Z

Commerce Secretary Gary Locke announced today 50 habitat restoration projects that will restore damaged wetlands, shellfish beds, coral reefs and reopen fish passages that boost the health and resiliency of our nation's coastal and Great Lakes communities. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was provided $167 million for marine and coastal habitat restoration.

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2009-07-02T18:51:43Z$129 Million in Recovery Funds Now Available for Hawaii to Save Jobs and Drive Education Reform /?q=content/129-million-recovery-funds-now-available-hawaii-save-jobs-and-drive-education-reform 2009-07-01T18:46:00Z

Application for Part 1 of Hawaii's State Stabilization Funds Approved Today

U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that $129 million is now available for Hawaii under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts. Hawaii will be eligible to apply for another $63 million this fall. Today's funding is being made available per Hawaii's successful completion of Part 1 of the State Stabilization Application, which was made available on April 1st.

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Recovery.govMore Than $625 Million in Recovery Funds Now Available for South Carolina to Save Jobs and Drive Education Reform/?q=content/more-625-million-recovery-funds-now-available-south-carolina-save-jobs-and-drive-education-r 2009-07-01T18:43:00Z

Application for Part 1 of South Carolina's State Stabilization Funds Approved Today

U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that more than $625 million is now available for South Carolina under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts. South Carolina will be eligible to apply for another $69 million this fall. Today's funding is being made available per South Carolina's successful completion of Part 1 of the State Stabilization Application, which was made available on April 1st.

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2009-07-02T18:44:30Z$178.5 Million in Recovery Funds Now Available for West Virginia to Save Jobs and Drive Education Reform /?q=content/1785-million-recovery-funds-now-available-west-virginia-save-jobs-and-drive-education-reform 2009-07-01T18:40:00Z

Application for Part 1 of West Virginia's State Stabilization Funds Approved Today

U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that $178.5 million is now available for West Virginia under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts. West Virginia will be eligible to apply for another $88 million this fall. Today's funding is being made available per West Virginia's successful completion of Part 1 of the State Stabilization Application, which was made available on April 1st.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Announces $176 Million In Recovery Act Funding To Improve Research Capacity At Laboratories In 29 States /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-tom-vilsack-announces-176-million-recovery-act-funding-improve-researc 2009-06-19T19:32:00Z

WASHINGTON, June 19, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that the USDA is distributing $176 million in Recovery Act funding to upgrade laboratory buildings and support facilities at research locations across the country. Not only will these projects further important research being conducted at USDA laboratories in 29 states, these funds will help revitalize local economies by creating jobs and supporting local businesses that supply needed construction products and services.

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Recovery.govMore Than $2.7 Billion Will Be Made Available Early to States /?q=content/more-27-billion-will-be-made-available-early-states 2009-07-01T18:37:00Z

$2.4 Billion of Early Money to Be Released Today

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that more than $2.7 billion is being made available early to help states as they face increasing budgetary pressures. This funding represents that last third of the government services fund which was initially scheduled to be made available with the completion of Phase II applications as part of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. Of this $2.7 billion being distributed early, $2.4 billion will be awarded today to states that have successfully completed Phase I applications and the remaining $316.6 million of the accelerated funds will be awarded in the coming days as the remaining states are approved for Phase I applications.

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Recovery.govU.S. Labor Department announces release of more than $13 million in unemployment insurance modernization incentive funds to New Mexico/?q=content/us-labor-department-announces-release-more-13-million-unemployment-insurance-modernization-i 2009-06-30T17:58:00Z

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today certified for release $13,007,527 in unemployment insurance (UI) modernization incentive funds to the state of New Mexico. New Mexico qualified for a portion of its share of the funds available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) by allowing workers to use their more recent earnings to qualify for benefits.

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Recovery.govDepartment of Transportation Office of Inspector General Proposes Strengthening Oversight of the Grants Payment Process /?q=content/department-transportation-office-inspector-general-proposes-strengthening-oversight-grants-p 2009-06-22T15:20:00Z

The Department of Transportation (DOT) will distribute 77 percent (approximately $37 billion) of its total Recovery Act funding through major grants programs. The Department has determined that four of these programs are at risk and susceptible to making improper payments, and therefore, need to be tested annually. DOT's Office of Inspector General reviewed the Department's sampling for improper payments made in Fiscal Year 2008 and found the results were not reliable due to the extremely small sample size and lack of a random sample selection. Because DOT is about to award a new contract for testing Fiscal Year 2009 payments, the Office of Inspector General emphasized the need for developing a more reliable test for improper payments.

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Recovery.govChanges to SBA 504 Loan Program Will Allow Businesses to Refinance Existing Debt, Expand, Create New Jobs /?q=content/changes-sba-504-loan-program-will-allow-businesses-refinance-existing-debt-expand-create-new 2009-06-24T17:53:00Z

WASHINGTON - Small businesses seeking to expand will be able to refinance existing loans used to purchase real estate and other fixed assets as a result of permanent changes to the U.S. Small Business Administration's 504 Certified Development Company loan program. The changes were authorized in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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Recovery.govRRB Pays Initial Extended Unemployment Benefits Authorized by Recovery Act Legislation /?q=content/rrb-pays-initial-extended-unemployment-benefits-authorized-recovery-act-legislation 2009-06-30T17:42:00Z

The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) began paying temporary extended unemployment benefits on June 30 authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

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Recovery.govThe Recovery, Accountability and Transparency Board releases the after-report on the National Dialogue on IT Solutions /?q=content/recovery-accountability-and-transparency-board-releases-after-report-national-dialogue-it-so 2009-06-15T20:36:00Z

During the week of April 27th to May 3rd, 22,000 visitors from 50 states and 98 foreign countries, from Fortune 500 companies and small businesses, web designers and financial services experts, internet novices and the creators of the WWW and Web 2.0 all went online to participate in the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board's National Dialogue. The purpose was to solicit ideas and suggestions on how to build into the preeminent site where the public can monitor and track the spending of recovery funds.
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Recovery.govNew Funding Boosts Carbon Capture, Solar Energy and High Gas Mileage Cars and Trucks /?q=content/new-funding-boosts-carbon-capture-solar-energy-and-high-gas-mileage-cars-and-trucks 2009-06-11T18:12:00Z

$300 million infusion reflects Obama Administration's broad, aggressive research and development strategy

WASHINGTON D.C. --- U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced more than $300 million worth of investments that will boost a range of clean energy technologies - including carbon capture from coal, solar power, and high efficiency cars and trucks. The move reflects the Obama Administration's commitment to a broad based strategy that will create millions of jobs while transforming the way we use and produce energy.

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Recovery.govU.S. Department of Labor releases more than $450 million in additional funds for Trade Adjustment Assistance/?q=content/us-department-labor-releases-more-450-million-additional-funds-trade-adjustment-assistance 2009-06-10T20:11:00Z

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today released more than $450 million in Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) funding to states to provide career training, and employment and case management services to workers who lose their jobs due to outsourcing and foreign trade.

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Recovery.govPatient-Centered Research Report Sent to Congress Outlining Research Priorities /?q=content/patient-centered-research-report-sent-congress-outlining-research-priorities 2009-06-29T20:18:00Z

Council Reports Back After Vigorous Public Outreach; Advises New Research Dollars To Focus On Populations Who Have Been Under-Represented And Better, More Coordinated Dissemination Of Information To Patients And Providers
Recommendations for how the HHS Office of the Secretary will spend $400 million in funds for patient-centered research, also known as comparative effectiveness research, were released today by Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER). The report, mandated by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, is designed to help the HHS Secretary and lawmakers improve the quality of care for patients, and provide patients and doctors the best information possible to make decisions about health care.
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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces $56.6 Million for Rural Community Facilities Projects/?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-566-million-rural-community-facilities-projects 2009-05-18T19:46:00Z

Local Communities To Buy More Than 120 Fire, Police, and Rescue Vehicles

WASHINGTON, May 18, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the selection of nearly $56.6 million in essential community facilities and emergency responder projects that are being funded immediately with federal funds provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The 267 projects will help communities in 39 states.

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Recovery.govVoucher Payments to Aquaculture Farmers Under Review /?q=content/voucher-payments-aquaculture-farmers-under-review 2009-06-03T16:04:00Z

As part of its ongoing oversight of the $50 million in Recovery Act funding for the Aquaculture Grant Program, the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Agriculture (USDA) reviewed draft agreements concerning aid to eligible aquaculture farmers for losses associated with high feed costs during 2008. The agreements allow states the option of using vouchers or credits for future feed purchases, rather than making direct payments to the farmers. USDA's Office of Inspector General raised several concerns about the voucher requirements, payment-rate calculations, and agency oversight.

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Recovery.govU.S. Commerce Secretary Locke Announces $2.96 Million Recovery Act Grant to Create Jobs, Boost Development in Fremont, Ohio /?q=content/us-commerce-secretary-locke-announces-296-million-recovery-act-grant-create-jobs-boost-devel 2009-06-23T21:42:00Z

WASHINGTON - U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke today announced a $2.96 million Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant to the city of Fremont, Ohio to help make water infrastructure improvements to serve business needs. The project, made possible because of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, is expected to create additional jobs and private investment in the region.

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Recovery.govU.S. Commerce Secretary Locke Announces $1.5 Million Recovery Act Grant to Create Jobs, Boost Development in Pasco, Washington /?q=content/us-commerce-secretary-locke-announces-15-million-recovery-act-grant-create-jobs-boost-develo 2009-06-23T21:36:00Z

WASHINGTON - U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke today announced a $1.5 million Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant to the Port of Pasco in Pasco, Wash., to help improve nine large warehouse bays at the Big Pasco Industrial Center. The project, made possible because of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, is expected to create additional jobs and private investment in the region.

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Recovery.govLenders Can Help America's Small Businesses Recover with SBA's ARC Loans/?q=content/lenders-can-help-americas-small-businesses-recover-sbas-arc-loans 2009-06-08T19:02:00Z

Lenders play a critical role in the health of the American economy, and are especially vital to small businesses. The U.S. Small Business Administration is implementing a special, temporary loan program you can use to help struggling American small businesses while reducing your risk during these tough economic conditions.

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Recovery.govMore Than $1 Billion in Recovery Funds Now Available for Ohio to Save Teaching Jobs and Drive Education Reform/?q=content/more-1-billion-recovery-funds-now-available-ohio-save-teaching-jobs-and-drive-education-refo 2009-06-10T17:35:00Z

Application for Part 1 of Ohio's State Stabilization Funds Approved Today

U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that more than $1 billion is now available for Ohio under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts. Ohio will be eligible to apply for another $590 million this fall. Today's funding is being made available per Ohio's successful completion of Part 1 of the State Stabilization Application, which was made available on April 1st.

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Recovery.govDepartment of Energy Announces Availability of $3.9 Billion to Invest in Smart Grid Technologies and Electric Transmission Infrastructure /?q=content/department-energy-announces-availability-39-billion-invest-smart-grid-technologies-and-elect 2009-06-25T15:59:00Z

Recovery Act funding will create jobs, help modernize nation's electric grid

Washington, DC - U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced today that the Department of Energy is soliciting applications for $3.9 billion in grants to support efforts to modernize the electric grid, allowing for greater integration of renewable energy sources while increasing the reliability, efficiency and security of the nation's transmission and distribution system, as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

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Recovery.govVilsack Announces Nearly $42.3 Million in Recovery Act Funding for Watershed Projects /?q=content/vilsack-announces-nearly-423-million-recovery-act-funding-watershed-projects 2009-06-02T21:29:00Z

Builds on USDA Efforts to Create Jobs, Help Rural Communities and Conserve Natural Resources

TERRE HAUTE, Ind., June 2, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that USDA will provide nearly $42.3 million in additional funding to 14 states to improve water quality, increase water supply, decrease soil erosion, and improve fish and wildlife habitat while creating jobs in rural communities as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Discusses Obama Administration's Recovery Efforts for Auto Communities and Workers/?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-discusses-obama-administrations-recovery-efforts-auto-communi-0 2009-06-02T21:24:00Z

INDIANAPOLIS, June 2, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack visited Indianapolis, Ind., to discuss Obama administration's recovery efforts for auto communities and workers. At the event, he highlighted immediate ways the federal government is working to bring relief to auto communities and achieve long-term economic revitalization for our communities that depend on the auto and manufacturing industry. In Indiana, it is estimated that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will create or save 75,000 jobs and deliver close to $3 billion. Vilsack was joined at the event by U.S. Representative Baron Hill.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Economic Recovery Projects for Invasive Species /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-economic-recovery-projects-invasive-species 2009-05-14T19:31:00Z

WASHINGTON, May 14, 2009— Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for invasive species projects. In total, there are 19 projects, funded at over $38 million, in 14 states.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Holds Rural Community Forum in Southeast Missouri; Listens to Local Residents /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-holds-rural-community-forum-southeast-missouri-listens-local-r 2009-05-12T19:30:00Z

Vilsack highlights USDA programs and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act projects improving rural Missouri

PORTAGEVILLE, MO, May 12, 2009 - U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today visited Southeast Missouri and held a rural community forum to listen to comments and concerns of local residents. Vilsack also shared information with local residents about the work USDA is doing to revitalize and rebuild rural America through its ongoing programs and projects.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Holds Rural Community Forum in Northern Colorado; Listens to Local Residents /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-holds-rural-community-forum-northern-colorado-listens-local-re 2009-05-11T19:27:00Z

Vilsack highlights USDA programs and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act projects improving rural Colorado

BRUSH, CO, May 11, 2009 — U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today visited Northern Colorado and held a rural community forum to listen to comments and concerns of local residents. Vilsack also shared information with local residents about the work USDA is doing to revitalize and rebuild rural America through its ongoing programs and projects. Also participating in the forum were Colorado Governor Bill Ritter, Senator Michael Bennet, Senator Mark Udall, and Congresswoman Betsy Markey.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces $224 Million in Funding to Reduce Hazardous Fuels/?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-224-million-funding-reduce-hazardous-fuels 2009-05-05T19:23:00Z

Recovery Act Will Fund Projects in 26 States

WASHINGTON, May 5, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $224 million today for 110 hazardous fuels reduction and ecosystem improvement projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The projects are located on forested lands in over 26 states and territories.

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Recovery.govUSDA Deputy Secretary Merrigan Announces Economic Recovery Projects For Wood-to-Energy Grants and Biomass Utilization Projects /?q=content/usda-deputy-secretary-merrigan-announces-economic-recovery-projects-wood-energy-grants-and-b 2009-06-11T20:18:00Z

McCLELLAN, Calif., June 11, 2009 — Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan today announced projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for Wood-To-Energy and biomass utilization. These 30 projects, funded at $57 million - $49 million for wood-to-energy grants and $8 million for biomass utilization - are located in 14 states, including California.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Recovery Act Projects to Address Safety Hazards and Environmental Damage at Abandoned Mines /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-recovery-act-projects-address-safety-hazards-and-env 2009-06-23T20:24:00Z

WASHINGTON, June 23, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today $19.88 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding to address safety hazards and environmental damage caused by abandoned mines. The 14 projects receiving Recovery Act funds are located in National Forests in Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Michigan, and Montana.

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Recovery.govObama Officials Announce Steps to Promote the Clean Energy Potential of the West /?q=content/obama-officials-announce-steps-promote-clean-energy-potential-west 2009-06-16T20:23:00Z

Secretaries Chu, Salazar and Vilsack and Chairs Sutley and Wellinghoff announce energy and transmission policies at the Western Governors' Association Annual Meeting

PARK CITY, UTAH - Senior Obama Administration officials today announced a number of steps that will help the West to tap its clean energy potential and create green jobs. The efforts announced during the annual meeting of the Western Governors' Association (WGA) reflect a comprehensive, broad-based strategy across the Administration to support western states in their efforts to grow their local economies and meet their energy needs.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces $615.8 Million for Rural Water Projects /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-6158-million-rural-water-projects 2009-04-28T19:20:00Z

Recovery Act Funds Will Help Strengthen Rural Economies and Create Jobs

WASHINGTON, April 28, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the selection of more than $615.8 million in water and environmental projects that are being funded immediately with federal funds provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The projects will help provide safe drinking water and improved wastewater treatment systems for rural towns and communities in 34 states.

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Recovery.govSecretary Vilsack Visits Iowa to Commemorate 1st Anniversary of Cedar Rapids Flooding /?q=content/secretary-vilsack-visits-iowa-commemorate-1st-anniversary-cedar-rapids-flooding 2009-06-10T20:17:00Z

WASHINGTON, DC - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack visited Iowa today to commemorate the flooding that devastated the state in June of last year and to highlight USDA Recovery Act efforts that will help to mitigate future flooding in the state. At an event in Cedar Rapids, Vilsack, joined Housing and Urban Development Secretary Donovan who was there to announce $3.7 Billion in disaster assistance to 11 States impacted by the 2008 natural disasters.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Holds Rural Community Forum in Indiana /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-holds-rural-community-forum-indiana 2009-06-02T20:14:00Z

Discusses Issues With Local Residents

DANVILLE, Ind., June 2, 2009 - U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today visited Indiana and held a rural community forum to discuss efforts by the Obama Administration to rebuild and revitalize rural America, listen to local residents talk about how USDA can assist them, and discuss solutions to challenges facing their communities. This is the sixth such forum Vilsack has led since being sworn in as Secretary.

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Recovery.govU.S. Department of Labor announces grant of nearly $470,000 to assist manufacturing workers in Iowa affected by layoffs /?q=content/us-department-labor-announces-grant-nearly-470000-assist-manufacturing-workers-iowa-affected 2009-06-23T20:07:00Z

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $469,694 grant to assist approximately 60 workers affected by layoffs at ACE Precision Castings LLC and Lennox Industries Inc. located in Marshalltown, Iowa.
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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Recovery Act Projects for Forest Road Maintenance and Associated Watershed and Ecosystem Restoration /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-recovery-act-projects-forest-road-maintenance-and-as 2009-06-02T20:13:00Z

WASHINGTON, June 2, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for roads maintenance and decommissioning and associated watershed restoration. The 106 projects, funded at more than $228 million, are located on Forest Service land in 31 states.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Watershed and Floodplain Easement Investments in Indiana /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-watershed-and-floodplain-easement-investments-indian 2009-06-02T20:08:00Z

USDA to Provide $3.3 million for Honey Creek Watershed Project, $8.1 million for Additional Indiana Floodplain Projects through Recovery Act

TERRE HAUTE, Ind., June 2, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that USDA will provide nearly $3.3 million for the Honey Creek Watershed Project in Terra Haute, Ind., and more than $8.1 million in floodplain easements in Indiana through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. The local funding is part of more than $187 million in national watershed and floodplain easement funding announced by Secretary Vilsack today. By making these investments, USDA is helping to protect against future flooding, decrease soil erosion, improve water quality, enhance wildlife habitat and reduce the need for future disaster assistance.
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Recovery.govVilsack Announces Floodplain Easement Selections Through Recovery Act Funding /?q=content/vilsack-announces-floodplain-easement-selections-through-recovery-act-funding 2009-06-02T20:05:00Z

Builds on USDA Efforts to Create Jobs, Help Rural Communities and Conserve Natural Resources

TERRE HAUTE, Ind., June 2, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today selected 289 applications for the first national sign-up for floodplain easements under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. The easements will cover more than 36,000 acres of land in 36 states.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Kicks Off National Homeownership Month at Rural Housing Roundtable /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-kicks-national-homeownership-month-rural-housing-roundtable 2009-06-01T19:54:00Z

Highlights USDA Housing Programs That Help People Obtain Homes, Weatherize and Increase Energy Efficiency

PEORIA HEIGHTS, Ill., June 1, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today kicked off National Homeownership Month at a rural housing roundtable in Peoria Heights, Ill., to discuss USDA's rural homeownership programs. The roundtable took place at Advocates for Access, a local organization that helps persons with disabilities become homeowners.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Holds Rural Community Forum in Illinois /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-holds-rural-community-forum-illinois 2009-06-01T19:53:00Z

Discusses Issues With Local Residents

GENESEO, Ill., June 1, 2009 — U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today visited Illinois and held a rural community forum to discuss efforts by the Obama Administration to rebuild and revitalize rural America, listen to local residents talk about how USDA can assist them, and discuss solutions to challenges facing their communities. This is the fifth such forum Vilsack has done since being sworn in.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces $143 Million for Rural Water Projects /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-143-million-rural-water-projects 2009-05-28T19:51:00Z

Recovery Act Funds Will Help Improve Infrastructure Across Rural America

WASHINGTON, May 28, 2009 — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the selection of nearly $143 million in water and environmental projects that are being funded immediately through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The projects will help provide safe drinking water and improved wastewater treatment systems for rural towns and communities in 21 states.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Holds Rural Community Forum in Kentucky; Listens to Local Residents /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-holds-rural-community-forum-kentucky-listens-local-residents 2009-05-27T19:50:00Z

Vilsack highlights USDA Recovery Act projects initiated in first 100 days

HARRODSBURG, Ky., May 27, 2009 - U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today visited Kentucky and held a rural community forum to listen to comments and concerns of local residents, the fourth such forum he has done since being sworn in. Vilsack also highlighted accomplishments made in first 100 days since passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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Recovery.govFCC Acting Chairman Copps Releases Report on Broadband Strategy for Rural America /?q=content/fcc-acting-chairman-copps-releases-report-broadband-strategy-rural-america 2009-05-27T19:48:00Z

Report to Congress Important Building Block for National Broadband Plan

Washington, D.C., May 27, 2009 - Concluding that all rural Americans must have the opportunity to reap the full benefits of broadband services, Acting Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael J. Copps released a report today providing a starting point for the development of policies to deliver broadband to rural areas and restore economic growth and opportunity for Americans residing and working in those areas.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Holds Rural Community Forum in Southeast Georgia; Listens to Local Residents /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-holds-rural-community-forum-southeast-georgia-listens-local-re 2009-05-18T19:47:00Z

Vilsack highlights USDA programs and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act projects improving rural Georgia

LUDOWICI, Ga., May 18, 2009 - U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today visited Southeast Georgia and held a rural community forum to listen to comments and concerns of local residents. Vilsack also shared information with local residents about the work USDA is doing to revitalize and rebuild rural America through its ongoing programs and projects.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces $84.8 Million for Vital Watershed Projects /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-848-million-vital-watershed-projects 2009-04-16T19:18:00Z

Recovery Act Assistance Will Help Rural Communities

WASHINGTON, April 16, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the USDA will be sending $84.8 million to state and local governments to improve water quality, increase water supply, decrease soil erosion, and improve fish and wildlife habitat in rural communities as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces $45 Million for Rehabilitating Flood Control Structures /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-vilsack-announces-45-million-rehabilitating-flood-control-structures 2009-04-06T19:16:00Z

Recovery Act Projects to Protect Public and Property Nationwide

WASHINGTON, April 6, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that the US Department of Agriculture is distributing $45 million in Recovery Act funds to rehabilitate aging flood control structures nationwide. These projects will help revitalize dams and rural economies by creating jobs and supporting local businesses that supply needed products and services.

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Recovery.govAgriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Announces Nutrition Benefits Increase /?q=content/agriculture-secretary-tom-vilsack-announces-nutrition-benefits-increase 2009-04-03T19:11:00Z

Visits Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia to Highlight Nationwide Increase in SNAP Benefits

PHILADELPHIA, April 3, 2009 - At the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that, on April 1, monthly benefits for the 32.2 million recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) increased. The increase was included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and will help people purchase nutritious foods and stimulate the economy. SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, is at the forefront of combating hunger and improving the nutrition and health of low-income children, individuals and families.

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