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Online Hotline Complaint Form

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Online Hotline Complaint Form

The Office of Inspector General investigates fraud, waste, and abuse involving programs within the Department of Commerce and its bureaus and any grant funds or Commerce contracts.
  • If your complaint concerns a federal agency but does not specifically involve wrongdoing concerning a Department of Commerce employee, grant, or contract, please visit IGNET to see a list of inspectors general in other federal agencies.
  • If your complaint involves a state or local government, please contact that state’s attorney or attorney general.
  • If your complaint involves a U.S. patent or intellectual property, visit USPTO.
  • If you wish to report identity theft, visit the Federal Trade Commission's identity theft reporting page.
  • If you wish to report prohibited personnel practices, visit either the Office of Special Counsel or Merit Systems Protection Board.
Please choose the topic of your complaint. (Required*)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) 
Commerce Grant 
Commerce Contract/Cooperative Agreement/Inter-Intra Agency Agreement 
Commerce Employee/Official 
Commerce Program 
Please choose the Commerce bureau involved. If your complaint involves Commerce headquarters or the Office of the Secretary, choose the Office of the Secretary. (Required*)
Bureau of Economic Analysis  
Bureau of Industry and Security 
Economic Development Administration  
Economics and Statistics Administration  
International Trade Administration  
Minority Business Development Agency  
National Institute of Standards and Technology  
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
National Technical Information Service
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Office of Inspector General 
Office of the Secretary  
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office  
Choose which best describes the subject of your allegations. (Required*)
The alleged violator (enter as much information as you can):

Information about you (required*):

Keep my identity confidential. (Please provide contact information below in the event we need additional details.)
I waive confidentiality—it is okay to release my name to non-OIG personnel in order to investigate this complaint.

What would you like to report?

  Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

Attach any supporting

[PDF] denotes a file in Adobe's Portable Document Format. To view these files, you will need Acrobat Reader, which is available free from Adobe.
U.S. Department of Commerce • Office of Inspector General • 1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20230
Site last revised: June 30, 2009