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Message from Commissioner Tom Hanson

Welcome to the official website for the State of Minnesota’s coordination efforts of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Our goal is a transparent process allowing you to understand how and where these federal dollars are being used. This website will provide you the most up to date information on the federal funds coming into Minnesota along with links to other relevant sites. 

The state is committed to maximizing the economic benefits of the federal stimulus package by quickly identifying and investing in quality projects that are ready to go. We want to get the money into the economy as quickly as possible in order to create jobs and revitalize the economy. That is a team effort involving the Governor, the Legislature, state agencies, local governments, the private sector, non-profits, and, most important, the citizens. 

Despite the troubling times, we have the opportunity with these new funds to make innovative investments in Minnesota that will benefit generations to come. Funds have already been provided to support education and health care services and to spur new transportation and water projects.  In time, we also hope to draw in new funding for green jobs, broadband, and health information technology. This site will be a tool in ensuring Minnesota that puts forth a coordinated and thoughtful effort to ensure success in accessing those funds.

I hope that you find this portal into economic recovery efforts useful and encourage any suggestions you may have for making it better.

Tom J. Hanson
Commissioner, Minnesota Management & Budget

MMB Hits #4149751

Minnesota Management & Budget | 400 Centennial Office Building | 658 Cedar Street | Saint Paul, MN 55155
For TTY communication, contact us through the Minnesota Relay Service (MRS) at 711 or call 1-800-627-3529